Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Mission Realmers’ travel to Earth

People with Mission Realmer souls are not the same with angels incarnating in the human forms. And in this article, I’m not going into all the details of the angelic realm.

The thing is that the beings in that dimension were very concerned about the progress of the Earth experiment. As I wrote in the first article of this series, our Earth was originally intended to be a creative place where souls incarnate in physical forms and create in terms of forms. It’s supposed to be a fun creative place! There has been so much negative influences, however.

I don’t know much about how Mission Realmers came to Earth. I heard about wormholes, etc., but I haven’t studied it yet. What I know is their travel was not very well coordinated, and by the time they got here, the very negative forces knew about their coming, and caught them upon their arrival.

This is why many Mission Realmers have etheric implants that were installed by these negative forces. (I wrote about etheric implants in the post about Sirians. It’s one of the most harmful energetic issues. Oh, and while I’m talking about energetic issues — I clear all the energetic problems I uncover. So, even though it’s not wonderful to carry them, you don’t need to worry about them :) )
Mission Realmers’ ideal

Mission Realmers may not discuss their ideal loudly and they may not appear to be pursuing their ideal, but trust me, they do have high ideal. Think about why they came here in the first place — they didn’t need to come to this physical world yet they took the trouble to help. Mission Realmers wish the best for any beings involved and for Mother Earth.

I know this sounds cliched, but they are here to manifest “heaven on Earth”.

Mission Realmers have been approaching this high ideal in their signature gentle manner. It seems, however, many Mission Realmers are waking up to the need to embrace their inner power more as the Ascension progresses. I believe this is why they are coming to my Spirit Guide Coaching big time. (Other soul groups come to my coaching, too. So far, Mission Realmers, Hadarians, and Alpha Centaurians outnumber other soul groups, followed by Blueprint Technicians, and then I get a pretty even spread of other soul groups. Perhaps this is just the trend so far and other soul groups present themselves more, too — I’ll see.)
Mission Realmers’ gifts

Mission Realmers are quite psychic, whether they admit such notion or not. Under their quiet profile that doesn’t demand attention (notice how rare a quality this is in today’s world), they KNOW what they are doing deep inside. They just need to acknowledge it to move forward in the physical world.

It’s quite interesting to watch Mission Realmers in Spirit Guides Coaching. When they first hear about this program, which main objective is to develop intuition, they go like, “That’s exactly what I need!” Then after a few weeks, we realize they already have strong intuition — they just needed to brush it up. So from then on, the focus turns to applying the intuition in their lives, which is the real challenge for them.

I think many Mission Realmers are natural healers, in the big sense. Their peaceful and insightful presence itself has healing quality.

The gift of intuition / psychic awareness comes with a caution — Mission Realmers may want to be mindful with their social life and their physical health. What comes naturally to most people in these aspects are new to Mission Realmers. Many Mission Realmers live with a somewhat different standards and aspirations from others, which can leave them isolated. Taking care of our physical body also seems like such a lot of labor.
Mission Realmers’ challenges in loving relationships

Victimization. And this is not just about intimate relationship but in all of their relationships, including their upbringing in the original family.

Mission Realmers stay in the abusive relationship for a long time. (Abuse may be physical or more emotional.) It’s as if they don’t know what to do in such situations. In fact, they don’t.

I just pray all Mission Realmers find the appropriate mates and friends. If you sincerely want sensitive, loving partners, go for Mission Realmers. They may not chase you “passionately” (which is kinda self-centered way in dating) so they may feel a little aloof, but they will bask you in their big love.
Mission Realmers’ challenges in career and finance

Again, Mission Realmers are not very assertive. They have different standards, and competing and struggling to climb the corporate ladder is not their thing. They are not showy in their performance, either.

I think Mission Realmers’ biggest challenge is to choose the right path for them to begin with. This is important for everyone, but Mission Realmers tend to be pushed around right and left, so they are more likely to be in the wrong place — a profession their parents or friends chose for them.

I was astonished when I found out that some of my Mission Realmer clients were in military service before. Personally, I don’t like war and I don’t want anyone to go to war, but if I must name one soul group that is most misfit for this, it would be Mission Realmers. Mission Realmers are not built for manual labor. And they are certainly not built to fight and kill. Yet some Mission Realmers have subjected themselves to their family’s expectation, and their non-assertiveness worked as obedience in the military. Aaaaaagh!

Please, Mission Realmers, pleeeze choose your own professional path wisely. There are many things in this world that need to be done that you can do so wonderfully. Think of emotional and spiritual fulfillment more than physical aspects of life. When in doubt, go as far away from military service as possible.
Mission Realmers’ role on Earth

As I wrote earlier, I think Mission Realmers are waking up to their power. So far, Mission Realmers had a tendency to buy into guilt trip and to stay victimized. Further, because the physical body is so “foreign” to them, it has slowed them down and often got them trapped in the physical aspects of life. Initiating change in this dense physical world has been tough.

But time is changing.


  1. Thank you for this clarity!

  2. If you would like to interview a Syrian angel on the High Council please email me...gia.thegoodwitch@gmail.com. There is quite a bit of misguided information on here

  3. Thanks so much for this post. Extremely helpful. I just had my soul Realignment and Akastic Record Reading and was told I am a Mission Realmer. Which makes a lot of sense based on how I live on this Earth. I live on Earth but I am not with the world.

  4. You forgot to name your source for this material. You may have changed a few things here and there, but this was not written by you originally

    1. Just noticed the same! this is originally from http://www.crystalwind.ca/starseeds/starseed-series-by-akemi-angelic-realm
