Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Lightworkers are souls that are evolving toward the Source, the Source of loving light energy of life. Most Earth souls and the aforementioned starseed souls are lightworker souls.

It’s a confusing term because it implies it’s about work. “Light being” or “positively evolving souls” would be a lot better term.

The opposite of lightworkers are the darkworkers, souls that have chosen to go away from the Source. I’m a bit annoyed to discuss darkworkers because some people are so afraid of even talking about them and think just talking about darkworkers make one a darkworker. I received some harassment emails after writing that post that says, “Akemi, you are going dark yourself”.

Geesh. I would rather die than joining the dark forces. Seriously. I know, as Akashic Record Reader, death is a lot easier to recover from than getting tied with dark forces.

Darkworkers are quite dumb about their decision to go against the Source. Because, if they are going against the only authentic source of life energy, how can they get their supply of life energy? They usually steal energy from the people around them. They have to sneak around or even disguise their own sense of self to get this done.

Some people define lightworkers as those who have taken up to work for the light, people who does lightworks such as healing and charity work. As Akashic Record Reader, I simply cannot agree with this definition, although I understand people want outwardly sign to tell if someone is a lightworker or not.

Through my Akashic Record Reading practice, I became aware quite a few darkworkers take these lightworker jobs. If you think about it, it makes sense. Who comes to healing service? Souls who are disturbed and distressed, and therefore unguarded. By being a healer, a darkworker gets a constant inflow of clients who are susceptible. They can fix some energy flow or give some nutritional advice, then take some energy from the clients.

This doesn’t mean all healers or others who are in lightworker jobs are darkworkers. No way. I like to think most of them are indeed lightworkers. It does mean, however, that we need to pay attention to the actual energy flow, not the job title and other labels, to understand who the person is.

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