Sunday, October 31, 2010

Chakra Attunement Audio Technology

Friday, October 29, 2010

The Law of Accident

The Universe is an orderly and perfect place, governed by a set of unbreakable laws. As is true with the physical laws of nature (gravity, action / reaction etc.), Universal Laws apply to everyone and everything, at all times – there are no exceptions – whether you know about them or not. In fact, there are more than one hundred and fifty of these laws, but there are seven core laws from which all the others originate. In this article, we will focus on the second of the LawAccident2core seven laws – the Law of Accident. All seven are on the web site.

The Law of Accident is the inverse of the Law of Control, and states that an individual will have low levels of self-esteem and feel negative about themselves, to the degree that they feel they are not in control of their destiny and decisions. Individuals, who do not live by the Law of Control, must then by definition live by the Law of Accident.

Put another way – this law is fundamentally about choice. Do you want to start creating for yourself – start taking charge of your life rather than wonder around and say the world is against me. It is your choice – choose.

We know that high self-esteem is a key ingredient to achievement and success in life. Living life by the Law of Accident, and the resulting low levels of self worth, must then dictate diminished success, personal hardship, feelings of emptiness and worst of all, victim-hood.

Those who live by the Law of Accident tend to be habitually negative in their outlook on life and situations.

They have an uncanny ability to take a very positive situation and put a very negative spin on it – in other words, they look for the dark cloud surrounding every silver lining!

They are reactive rather than proactive – they wait for something to happen and then must react, rather than taking steps in advance to avert potential problems. They feel they are victims of circumstance and are quick to assess blame and make excuses when things go wrong. They have no sense of personal responsibility because in their minds, it is always somebody else’s fault.

All of this can be distilled down to one crucial fact – whether one lives by the Law of Control or the Law of Accident, is all a function of awareness level. People who are very self-aware and who think for themselves are the people that live by the Law of Control. They are personally responsible, and are therefore response-able (able to choose their responses). Those that are unaware by contrast, live life by the Law of Accident. They are unaware and do not choose their responses to any situation – rather they react out of habit with conditioned responses that have been learned over a lifetime.

We are all familiar with individuals as described above - in fact, you may even fall into the trap yourself! If you do, you are not alone; the reason being that fully 95% of society today lives by the Law of Accident. This is a staggering number, but is also sadly true. Simply take a look around and you will see the evidence everywhere – poor performers in the workplace, road rage, escalating crime rates, full prisons, liability litigation etc. are all signs of a very unaware society that absolutely lives by the Law of Accident.

If you want more out of life then take control by choosing to change. Take the first step today - accept the fact that you are responsible for everything that has happened in your life to this point. It does not matter how you got there. The point is you can choose to change it now. Make positive, thoughtful choices which will move you closer to your desires. Become aware of your thinking. When negative thoughts attempt to infiltrate your mind, push them back – replace them with positive images and thoughts.

Determine what it is that you want in life, build plans to achieve your desires and then focus exclusively on what it is that you want. Adopt the attitude that it’s not what happens to you that counts – it’s how you react that makes the difference. Science shows us that it takes 21 days to break or create a habit. By following the above-mentioned steps, you will be on the path to creating positive habits, taking control of your life and ultimately, overcoming the Law of Accident.

Quantum Energy

The cosmos is just a form of universal energy which obeys the science of physics based on these three principles: 1) everything is energy; 2) energy follows thought; 3) what you focus on you get more of.
If we are like cosmic magnets, we can learn how to use our energy within in this Universal Energy or Quantum Energy field to help us attract what ever we want. The irony of the matter is that we are currently doing it on a subconscious basis at the moment. All that we need to do is learn how to do it on a conscious basis and thereby manifest exactly what we want. Our thoughts and feelings send out a magnetic field, and universal energy matches our attraction by giving us more of the same, resonant energy. That is why your life reflects your belief systems, in other words the universe supports you exactly with what you have requested. If there are aspects to your life you don’t like then change it.

Monday, October 25, 2010

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Forgiveness Meditation

Ajna Articles
May I have forgiveness in my heart for anything I think I've done wrong. May I forgive myself for what I think were all my past omissions and commissions. They are long gone. I understand that I was a different person then and this one is forgiving the one that I was. May I feel the forgiveness filling me and enveloping me with a sense of warmth and ease.

May I forgive my parents for anything I have ever blamed them for. May I understand that they, too, are different now. May this forgiveness fill them and surround them, and may I know in my heart that this is my most wonderful way of togetherness.

May I forgive my nearest and dearest people for anything that I think they have done wrong or are doing wrong at this time. May they feel that I accept them. May that forgiveness fill them, realizing that this is my expression of love.

May I forgive my friends for anything I have disliked about them. May my forgiveness reach out to them so that they can be filled with it and embraced by it.

May I forgive the people I know, whoever they might be, for whatever it is that I have blamed them for, for what I have judged them for, or for what I have disliked. May my forgiveness fill their hearts, and surround and envelope them with it, and let it be my expression of love for them.

May I forgive fully any special person towards whom I still have resentment, rejection, or dislike. May I remember that everyone is suffering. May this forgiveness come from my heart and reach out to that person completely and totally.

May I forgive any one person, or any situation, or any group of people, whom I am condemning, blaming, or disliking. May my forgiveness be my expression of unconditional love. They may not do what I think are the right things. May I remember that all human beings are suffering and that my heart needs forgiveness in order to have purity of love.

May I look again and see whether there's still anyone or anything anywhere in the world that I blame or condemn. May I forgive them so that there is no separation in my heart.

May I put my attention back on myself and recognize the goodness in me and the effort I am making. May I feel the warmth and ease that comes from my forgiveness.

May all beings have forgiveness in their hearts!

ALEX COLLIER at the Project Camelot Awake and Aware Conference, Los Ange...

Kalki and the Golden Age - Enlightenment

By Kiara Windrider
Ajna Articles

Once you know that Enlightenment is possible, and that it is a relatively simple neurobiological process, how do you become enlightened?

The biocircuitry of a human being was designed in such a way that after developing a self at around age 3 we would return naturally to a state of unified existence at around age 18. Unfortunately, something went awry, and we experienced a fall within our evolution as a biological species.

Nature demanded that there always be a select few throughout our subsequent history who maintained this morphogenetic field of the natural enlightened state. Historical figures such as the Buddha, Lao Tzu, Jesus, and many others exemplified this. Now, however, we have come to a time when humanity is once again being prepared to return to our natural state as a collective species. The time has come now for each of us to be restored to our natural enlightened state!

Elightenment has nothing to do with how long you have been on a spiritual path, nor with what your religious beliefs are. You do not even need to believe in god or have any concepts about the soul. enlightenment does not depend on knowing the right teachings or mantras. It has nothing to do with how many lifetimes you have meditated, or even with how 'good' a person you are.There is nothing you can 'do' to get enlightened. enlightenment cannot be achieved through your own efforts any more than a drowning person can yank himself out by his own hair. The mind cannot deactivate itself. It can only happen by grace.

There is a simple way to know if you are enlightened, Sri Anandagiri, a direct disciple of Kalki, had said once. 'If you are asking the question, you are not.' If you know you are not enlightened, and you become aware of the cravings and aversions generated by the illusion of self, then you become open to grace. When you see clearly the nature of the mind, and the extent of your conditioning, and when you become tired of the resulting suffering, all the incessant comparing, judging, efforting, and blaming, then grace can begin to flow in. Understanding this as a mental concept isn't enough. It must be felt and experienced.

The means that kalki has set up for this grace to act is known as the 'diksha'. The diksha is a transfer of power, and can be defined as 'initiation'. It usually consists of a ceremony in which one or more of the 'dasajis', or disciple-monks of kalki's order, place their hands upon your head in a state of divine union, and become channels for cosmic energies directed by kalki to reorganize your neurocircuitry. kalki refers to this process as 'divine surgery'. A golden ball of divine grace descends through the crown chakra, and the kundalini channels get activated, initiating a process in which the entire brain and nervous system is reorganized.

This golden ball is programmed by kalki to reorganize the biological circuitry of the brain, leading to enlightenment. It has a living intelligence, and operates differently within each person. Once it has descended into the crown chakra, however, the process automatically continues, programmed by the divine 'sankalpa' (intent) of kalki and amma.

In the current species of humanity, the brain is designed in such a way as to serve as a receptor station for a certain band of frequencies corresponding to the ancient mind. The diksha serves to loosen up the receptor sites within the brain from this band of frequencies, and simultaneously to dissolve the feedback loops of consciousness that create the sense of separate identity which we have referred to as the self.

What happens when the diksha is given? Some may immediately go into a peak experience of bliss, deep silence, or cosmic consciousness. This may or may not be permanent. If it isn't, this first peak experience is followed by other peak experiences over the following days and weeks, until a permanent enlightened state establishes itself. For others, there may not be an immediate felt response, and it may take hours, days, or weeks before they start noticing a change. Regardless, once the diksha is received, the seed of enlightenment has been planted, and kalki will work with you in accordance with your own soul's purpose and the readiness of your physical body to bring the seed into fruition.

The first thing that often comes up for people is an acute sensitivity to the nature of mind, and the patterns that have ruled our lives so long. It can be a shocking and painful experience when we first begin to look at it, but necessary if we are to break free. If more than one diksha is given, often the first diksha is programmed to pinpoint the ugliness of the mind. If a person has done some self-examination and emotional clearing beforehand, or already 'hit bottom', that can help. grace only flows when you recognize your illusions. As long as you think you can make it on your own, its flow will be impeded.

It is also important to understand what enlightenment is not. It is not about losing your mind, or even changing the nature of your mind. The same mind continues to exist, although you notice that you now have a different relationship with it. Nor is enlightenment equated with cosmic bliss, instant clairvoyant abilities, or high spiritual states. All these may accompany or follow enlightenment at some point, but it is not what enlightenment is about. enlightenment is simply throwing the switch in your brain where the sense of a separate self dissolves.

The difference is primarily internal. An enlightened person can still make mistakes, still experience disappointments, still have difficulty with relationships, still experience limitations, and still be bad tempered, except that he will no longer be identified with these characteristics. It is not required that an enlightened person always have a radiant aura or always be cheerful. In fact, there will be times when an enlightened person will need to exhibit anger where she would normally be a doormat, or do something quite contrary to an established social or moral code because he is no longer bound by the conditioned identities and learned responses of the old order. An enlightened person discovers joy in being true to himself. He finds no need to pretend anymore, although to an unenlightened consciousness he or she might well be perceived as a rebel or a troublemaker!

Enlightenment is to peel off the layers of interpretation from a given event. To the enlightened person, life becomes a very ordinary thing. You walk, and you are walking. You eat, and you are eating. enlightenment is not about having extraordinary experiences so much as recognizing that each ordinary moment is extraordinary in itself. Before, there were a thousand interpretations in the mind for everything you experienced. Now, there is only the experience.

It is also important to distinguish between enlightenment experiences and the state of enlightenment. enlightenment experiences are peak experiences or high energy experiences. You may go into a peak experience after a diksha. You may already have had several peak experiences through the course of your life. The kundalini energies within your body rise up to the top of the head, unite with the cosmic energies, and you experience bliss, unconditional love, or cosmic consciousness. You may see celestial visions, even journey into higher 'lokas', or heavenly realms.

Peak experiences cannot be sustained beyond a few hours or at most a few days. The cosmic energies coursing through your nervous system would burn you out and short-circuit the human body, at least in our current level of human evolution. An enlightened state, on the other hand, is permanent. It is a shift in the neurobiological pathways of the brain, resulting in the sharpening of the senses, and the subsequent loss of a fixated self. After a diksha, there will often be a sequence of one or more peak experiences, which will eventually stabilize into enlightenment as a permanent state.

There is an assumption that once you are enlightened you will never feel sadness, grief, anger, jealousy, or pain, that somehow you have overcome all negative thoughts or emotions. This is far from the truth. The nature of the mind is unchanged. The contents of the mind may also remain unchanged. But without the self to dictate terms, or to differentiate so obsessively between right and wrong, you experience that the 'charge' begins to disappear. It is a continually deepening process.

Many people associate enlightenment with tremendous states of cosmic consciousness, clairvoyant perception, omniscience, and so on. All these may or may not be associated with the state, but enlightenment itself is a very simple, yet very profound event. It is the natural state in which your body is designed to be.

To become enlightened is to be comfortable with the flow of life. If you are feeling sad, you are not trying to talk yourself out of it. If you are feeling happy, you are not trying to hold on to that feeling. Everything simply is what it is, without the additional charge of past associations, traumas and conditioned patterns intruding on the experience of each moment. You become fully present with each emotion, each experience. You find that any emotion, no matter what it is, when fully experienced, becomes bliss.

There are as many kinds of enlightenment as there are people to experience the state. Many experience a deep inner silence, others experience an all-pervading joy, yet others an abiding sense of love for all creation. Many experience a sense of oneness with creation, or even cosmic consciousness. The states come and go, and vary from person to person, but there is one thing every enlightened person will experience in common. When the self disappears, suffering ends.

You will still have desires, but they won't turn into cravings. You will still have resistances, but they won't turn into aversions. You will still have a personality, but it will be a fluid dance of momentary personalities that come and go. As you deepen into the state, you will not feel the need to hold on to resentments, fears, and traumas, any more than you feel the need to hold on to good times and spiritual highs.

At first, however, the mind might throw up all kinds of conflicts, resistance, and doubt. It is the nature of the self to resist change, and this has become a memory pattern within the mind. This may well come up with great force as the mind tries to deny the experience. As you simply allow this to be, eventually a great peace will descend.

Anything fully experienced is joy. conflict fully experienced is joy. pain fully experienced is joy. Sadness fully experienced is joy. doubt fully experienced is joy. anger fully experienced is joy. happiness fully experienced is joy. love fully experienced is joy. When the self disappears, our need to constantly make interpretations about reality disappears with it. When interpretations about reality disappear, we experience reality for what it is, rather than what we would like it to be. Rather than constantly craving for what we define as pleasurable experiences, and constantly resisting what we define as unpleasurable experiences, we simply become the experience, moment to moment, of consciousness expressing itself through us.

All consciousness is a field. the mind is a field. The enlightened state is also a field. rupert sheldrake, a British biologist, referred to these fields of consciousness as 'morphogenetic fields', or 'form-generating fields'. These are the fields that have shaped our evolution, shaped our memories, shaped our biological forms. Every time one of these morphogenetic fields gets reinforced, it gets stronger. Every time someone 'unplugs' from these fields, it gets weaker.

What this amounts to is that every time one more person unplugs from the matrix of the mind, the One mind becomes weaker. Every time another person becomes enlightened, the morphogenetic fields of enlightenment become stronger, making it easier for everybody else to also become enlightened. These two fields are in a 'see-saw' relationship with each other. Soon will come a time when critical mass will be reached, swinging the entire human consciousness into the state of enlightenment.

There is a very interesting study done by an American psychologist, david hawkins. Using the science of 'kinesiology', he devised a 'consciousness scale' going from 0 to 1000. On the bottom end of the scale were highly charged emotions such as guilt, shame, terror, and rage, and their corresponding states of consciousness. On the upper end of the scale were love, joy, and various states of enlightenment. Hawkins discovered that one person who was vibrating at the higher end of this scale could offset thousands, even millions of people, who were vibrating at the lower end of this scale. He also affirmed that one avatar vibrating at 1000 could offset an entire Planetary mind hell-bent on extinction!

I certainly believe that kalki vibrates at 1000, or at least very close to it. It is based on this principle of resonant fields that kalki says that it will only take 64,000 people (one in 100,000) becoming enlightened for the entire planetary consciousness to follow suit. When a person becomes enlightened, their consciousness makes a huge leap on this consciousness scale, which directly affects all consciousness in the surrounding area. At the critical point represented by 64,000 enlightened people, the morphogenetic field of enlightenment will counterbalance the morphogenetic field of the mind, making it possible for a mass enlightenment to take place within the matter of a few months.

Kalki maintains that the 64,000 will be reached by 2010 at the latest, and perhaps a lot sooner. This means that by the time we get to the year 2012 AD, which is a critical point as far as cosmic cycles go, we will be ready to step into the next galactic spiral as an enlightened planet. Kalki emphasizes that the planet must and will achieve mass enlightenment by the year 2012.

There is nothing in life I can think of that is more exciting or meaningful than this!

Ajna Chakra - The Vision Center

by Ajna Spirituality
Ajna Articles

Ajna Chaka, the sixth Chakra, is known as the third eye. It is located at the forehead, and represents the visual, intuitive, psychic center of perception. It is here where our memories are stored, imagination develops, and where we perceive dreams.

Name: Ajna

The definition of Ajna is "to perceive." It can also mean "to command." Our memories and perceptions influence and shape the events that take place in our lives just as words shape the world. We command our visions to come into reality without realizing.

Element: Light

The element that represents Ajna Chakra is light. As you know, light is the most versatile element known to man, and has a higher and faster vibration than sound. Light travels at an unfathomable speed and distance. It continues across the universe for thousands of years, allowing us to see stars as they were long ago. When we look around us and see objects, it is in fact the reflection of light that helps us to see. Without light, we could see nothing at all.

Color: Indigo

All of the chakra points are associated with a specific color. The color associations have changes since the ancient Tantrics' time, however. Now, the colors are based on the rainbow spectrum, beginning with red light, which is associated with the base chakra, and ending with violet, which is associated with the crown chakra. The order follows the rainbow pattern from the base to the crown: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet.

Attributes: Clairvoyance, memory, dreams, vision

The Ajna chakra is related to a rudimentary organ that is sensitive to light, called the pineal gland. The pineal gland, in the embryo, begins to develop in the precise center of the head as a third eye. Though this gland atrophies, it has been found that this area of the head remains sensitive to light. Some believe that the pineal gland in full-grown adults plays a role in mental visions that sometimes occur when individuals are in a deep state of meditation. The sixth chakra, our intuitive level, allows us to gather information from internal visions and images.

Ajna chakra, when it is fully open and functioning, can enhance our awareness of the images within our minds so that we can consciously use this mental energy to provide us with an alternative means for gathering information. Interpreting dreams is the simplest example, however the most developed example of the potential of a functioning Ajna chakra is clairvoyant sight, or psychic ability. Individuals who are open are aware of their perceptions and are able to interpret them in a practical way. Nightmares, headaches, and vision trouble are sometimes the result of a closed third eye. Hallucinations and confusion result from over-interpreting regular events and having this chakra open too widely without reasonable foundations.

All people have and use their third eye, intuition or psychic ability, to a certain extent without knowing it. Though our daily intuitive perceptions may be subtle, they are quite valid and should be treated as such.

Using our ability to recognize patterns and to create an internal visual language that we can use to interpret those patterns can help us to open our psychic perception. For example, if you have seen someone do something in the past, it is likely that they will do it again. Our perception of the divine order is enhanced as we move upward through the chakra levels. This allows us complete the missing pieces in our perceptions, which may actually exist in a different space and time.

Visual media, television and movies, advertisements and other things can clutter our chakra. In order to clear the vision of our third eye, we must separate ourselves from all of these images that are fed to us, and see the world without preconceived vision, as a child experiences things for the first time. Once we accomplish this, were can experience an amazing psychic vision that clearly sees beyond the physical realm.

If you would like to open your Ajna chakra, and enhance your ability to see from your third eye, try an exercise. You may begin with the base chakra and work your way up or start with the crown and move downwards. Focus on one chakra at a time and fill that area of your body with the associated color energy. Do this slowly so that you can experience the balancing of each chakra.

Ajna Chakra - 3rd Eye

by Richard Alan Miller
Ajna Articles

From the time of Dionysius to the time of Plato, the cultures of the Mediterranean consented to the doctrine that claimed the existence of an order of ultimate reality which lies beyond apparent reality. This "paranormal" reality was accessible to the consciousness only when the "normal" routines of mental data processing were dislocated. It was Plato's pupil Aristotle who changed his teacher's game, separating physics from metaphysics. The philosophical temper of our present civilization, being scientifically and technically oriented, is basically Aristotelian.

No such rational figure as Aristotle arose in the Orient to a position of equal eminence. Because of this and other reasons, Indian anatomists and zoologists, who where no doubt just as curious as the Greeks about the origins of life, and as skilled in dissection, did not feel compelled to set their disciplines up in opposition to metaphysics. Physical and metaphysical philosophy remained joined like Siamese twins. As a result, the discipline which became medicine in the West evolved into a system known as Kundalini Yoga in the Hindu culture.

In Western terms, Kundalini Yoga can be best understood as a biological statement contained within the language of the poetic metaphor. The system makes the attempt of joining the seeming disparate entities of body and mind. It is a very complicated doctrine; in oversimplified terms, the system encourages the practitioner to progress through the control of a number of stages, called Chakras or mind-body coordination. A sixth, associated with clairvoyance and telepathy, is called the Ajna.

The physiological site of this sixth Chakra, the Ajna, is located in the center of the forehead. It is symbolized by an eye - the so-called third eye, the inner eye, or the eye of the mind. When this eye is opened, a new and completely different dimension of reality is revealed to the practitioner of yoga. Western scholars when they first encountered this literature, took the third eye to be an appropriately poetic metaphor and nothing else.

It was not until the middle of the nineteenth century, as the subcontinent of Australia and its surrounding territory came to be explored, that a flurry of interest centered upon a lizard native to the area, the tuatara (Sphenodon punctatum). This animal possessed, in addition to two perfectly ordinary eyes located on either side of its head, a third eye buried in the skull which was revealed through an aperture in the bone, covered by a transparent membrane, and surrounded by a rosette of scales. It was unmistakably a third eye but upon dissection it proved to be non-functional.

Though this eye still possessed the structure of a lens and a retina, these were found to be no longer in good working order: also lacking were the appropriate neural connections to the brain. The presence of this eye in the tuatara still poses a puzzle to present-day evolutionists, for almost all vertebrates possess a homologous structure in the center of their skull. It is present in many fish, all reptiles, birds, and mammals (including man). This structure is known in literature today as the pineal gland.

The gland is shaped like a tine pine cone situated deep in the middle of the brain between the two hemispheres. Studies then began to determine whether this organ was a true functioning gland or merely a vestigial sight organ, a relic from our reptilian past. In 1959 Dr. Aaron Lerner and his associates at Yale University found that meletonin (1), a hormone manufactured by the pineal gland, was created through the action of certain enzymes on a precursor chemical which must pre-exist in the pineal in order for it to be transformed into melatonin. This precursor chemical turned out to be serotonin (2).

It was E.J. Gaddum, a professor of pharmacology at the University of Edinburgh, who was the first to note a connection between serotonin and mental states of being. In a paper published in 1953, he pointed out the fact that LSD-25 was a potent antagonist to serotonin. Serotonin is not an unusual chemical in nature; it is found in many places - some of them odd, like the salivary glands of octopuses, others ordinary; it abounds in plants such as bananas, figs, and plums. What then is its function in the human brain?

The task of exploring the role played by melatonin, and its precursor serotonin, was undertaken by a biochemist, Julius Axelrod. He found that melatonin suppressed physiological sexuality in mammals. If test animals were stimulated to manufacture excessive amounts of melatonin, their gonads and ovaries tended to become reduced in size, to shrink, to atrophy. The estrous or fertility cycle in females could likewise be altered experimentally by doses of melatonin.

Now two most curious functions had been attributed to the pineal gland, the third eye of the mind

(1) It has now been established that this organ produced a chemical which had, indirectly at least, been associated with psychedelic states, and

(2) It also produced a chemical which suppressed functional sexuality.

The literature of religious mysticism in all ages and all societies has viewed the mystical passion of ecstasy as being somehow antagonistic to, or in competition with, carnal passion.

Axelrod and his co-workers also discovered another incredible fact: the pineal gland produces its chemical according to a regular oscillating beat, the basis of this beat being the so-called circadian rhythm. They found that the pineal responded somehow to light conditions, that by altering light conditions they could extend, contract, or even stabilize the chemical production rhythms of the pineal.

The fact that the pineal responds to light, even if this response is indirect via the central nervous system, has some fascinating and far-reaching conceptual applications. There are many behavioral changes which overtake animals as the seasons change, and which can be produced out of season in the laboratory by simulating the appropriate span of artificial daylight. Do such seasonal changes in mood and behavior persist in humans?

The great religious holy days of all faiths tend to cluster around the times of the solstices and equinoxes. Is it possible that the human pineal gland responds to these alterations in length of daylight? Changing the balance of neurohumors in the brain may perhaps effect a greater incidence of psychedelic states in certain susceptible individuals just at these crucial times. This possibility provides an entirely new potential dimension to our secular understanding of the religious experience.

The pineal gland has thus been referred to as a kind of biological clock, one which acts as a kind of coupling system; perhaps maintaining phase relations within a multi-oscillator system; a phase coordinator for multiple bio-rhythms. The pineal is a "cosmic eye;" it is aware of celestial rhythm. It "tunes" our biochemistry to those subtle rhythms not observed by the normal eye, like seasonal and lunar changes rather than daily ones.

Serotonin can be seen as the "intensity knob" of the brain. As the level of serotonin increases, so does the level of activation of the cortex. Strong suspicion has fallen now on serotonin as being one of the principle agents of the psychedelic experience. Studies now reveal that LSD-25 strikes like a chemical guerrilla, entering into receptor granules in the brain cells swiftly, and then leaving after a very short time, perhaps ten to twenty minutes (in animals). When the bulk of LSD-25 has left the receptor granules, it is replaced by what seems to be excessive, or super-normal amounts of serotonin. The LSD-25 creates what is called a "bouncing effect," like a spring pushed too tight. When the LSD-25 leaves the system, the serotonin springs back and overcompensates.

For most of us, most of the time, our world is a Darwinian environment. We must manipulate ourselves within it, or attempt to manipulate it in order to survive. These survival needs tend to color our appreciation of this world, and we are continually making judgments about it. Some of these judgments are based on prior personal experience, others are provide by the culture. This "recognition system" is one of the elements disrupted by the psychedelic state.

The principle question concerning psychedelic states remains: How much disruption can the system tolerate? The problem of how to maintain a certain madness while at the same time functioning at peak efficiency has now captured the attention of many psychiatrists. There seems to be a point at which Edgar Allen Poe's "creative madness" becomes degenerative, impeding function rather than stimulating it.

In light of this analysis, a shaman can be seen to be uncoupling his internal bio-sensor from the universal inputs. He gets "drift" where he is rushed toward new signal-to-noise ratios. The particular rituals are set up to disconnect the shaman from his social and cosmic environment. This is done through the ritual use of hallucinogens; they de-synchronize his internal rhythms. This de-synchronization produces more noise in his awareness.

It also expands that awareness. The rituals are so designed as to contain elements which focus or tune that "noise" and direct the expanded awareness.

Man is unique by virtue of being possessed by intuitions concerning the scope of the mysterious universe he inhabits. He has devised for himself all manner of instruments to prove the nature of this universe. The beginnings of scientific understanding of shamanistic ritual and the function of the third eye provide man with powerful new techniques for exploration. This will allow him to penetrate the vast interior spaces where the history of millions of years of memories lies entangled among the roots of the primordial self.

(1) The chemical substance melanin is the pigment which darkens skin color. It is located in specialized cells scattered through the topmost layer of skin. Melatonin was found to be the substance responsible for causing the contraction of melanin-producing cells.

(2) Serotonin is of the same chemical series of indole alkaloids which include psychedelic drugs such as LSD-25, psilocybin, D.M.T. and bufotenine. The hormone serotonin is also known as 5-hydroxtryptamine.

ADDENDUM: 06-01-92: This paper was originally written in 1975 for several scientific publications, and was reprinted IN THE CONTINUUM (Vol.II, No.3) in 1978. At that time, I made a very important discovery which was added to THE HOLISTIC QABALAH series. I thought to share that discovery at this time, to complete my thoughts on this subject:

In 1979 I was in a very serious accident, where I was crushed between a brick wall and an out-of-control automobile. My left knee was crushed, the parenteal nerve was severed at the knee. I was going to lose my leg! I postponed surgery, did some specific rituals with Kundalini and my "third eye," and now have complete regeneration of nerve tissue - something now believed by mainstream medicine as physically impossible. Here is how I did it:

There is a "chill" which runs up (Gopi Krishna) or down (Sri Aurobino) the spine at certain times of the week. You can, in some situations, actually induce this event. Sometimes, you can make our whole body shake. This is the physical aspect of Kundalini. On a physical plane, there are a series of small nerve fillia that stick out from the spine - almost like a "ladder."

The "chill" is an EM-wave that is traveling up (or down) the spine, as each nerve fillia begins to oscillate. The most interesting fact about this is that the EM-field frequency in the visible light region! This is what most religions refer to as "The Light." And what is at the very top end of this wave-train of light? The pineal gland!

Now, if you stimulate the pineal gland on a regular basis - let's do it 3 times each day, what happens next is wonderful. The pineal gland is "light sensitive," its primary function now understood to regulate the body for seasonal changes (health). This so stimulates the pineal gland that it sends out a signal down the neural cavity. The neural cavity, of course, connects the pineal gland at one end with the thalamus at the other....

What happens is that a resonant cavity oscillator is set up in the neural cavity, causing it to modify the gleal cell it normally manufactures. If there are enough trace minerals in your diet, this stimulated neural cavity will actually create true nerve cells, rather than those associated with sheath (gleal). If you take a trace mineral supplement and do this exercise, you can regenerate nerve tissue!

The actual process took some 5 months of daily meditation, as the actual consistency of nerve tissue is somewhat like that of Vitamin E - very viscous and slow to travel down my central nervous system to my knee. I no longer have nerve loss of any kind. This was documented by Clinic 7 (Pain Clinic) at the University of Washington in 1980. I now walk normally, although I still have some structural problems.

This is but one application of the principles outlined in this paper. Serotonin can also be considered a "Gate" for accessing other dimensions not accessible to "normal" consciousness.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Children Of The Light


1. Who are the Children of the Light?

These certain individuals have incarnated into this three-dimensional world to be of service to humanity during this time of change. They are born and raised like regular human beings with no prior conscious knowledge of the work that they will hopefully awaken to in order to bring this predestined service for humanity. They are certain enlightened beings who have apparently not yet ascended, although, some may have.

2. What do they look like?

They may look like you or I, although, certain of these individuals have characteristics that are distinctly recognizable. Most of these individuals have strong piercing eyes that contain wisdom. You may at first not understand this, but when you are in the presence of a Child of the Light, you will sense a frequency of goodness that will draw you to their eyes. You will feel as if they have touched your soul with great benevolence of heart.

3. What do you mean by great benevolence of heart?

These are special individuals that in previous lifetimes have touched the heart, or have open the Heart Center of the Divine within their own frequency. This does not mean that they are sacred or holy people, but they can be. Although, they have transcended to higher frequencies, they have not completely ascended. In other words they are also learning how to be of service in order to help humanity, and at the same time, learning to overcome certain obstacles and frailties within their frequency of being.

4. I do not quite understand. These are enlightened beings that still have regular human faults & frailties?

The word "enlightenment" has many levels of meaning and definition. They may be more enlightened than regular human beings as they have reached higher levels and frequencies but have not transcended all the regular human tendencies. This can create great confusion. Those that are in the presence of a Child of the Light may hold them in high regard, but in error, that they can do no wrong. In certain areas they may excel, but in some cases, but not all, they may have regular human tendencies. (Especially prior to the awakening period. When fully awakened they may become quite fanatical with self-discipline with their work at hand. "They must be about their Father's Work." This is when they awaken to their predestined Divine Plan of Service to Humanity. They are driven to be of service.)

5. Do they have special gifts?

Most Children of the Light are not conscious that they are, in fact, Children of the Light. They will have certain awakening periods that may startle them, but eventually, they will become conscious that they do, in fact, have special gifts that other individuals do not have.

6. What are these gifts?

Depending on their individual Divine plan, and also to the degree that they are conscious, these gifts can vary. What brings unwanted attention to these individuals usually comes with the manifestation of what many individuals perceive as paranormal psychic powers, which is an extension of "Higher Light Physics" that goes beyond the realm of regular accepted science.

7. What do you mean by "Higher Light Physics?'

With information received on an adventure to Machu Picchu in Peru we became aware of this term. We have now found that many individuals are using this term. Regular accepted science needs "tangible physical proof" in order to accept that something exists within the realm of science. The scientific community has recently had to accept certain principles, that although, physical tangible proof may not be available to the physical senses, with the use of certain sensitive equipment it has become apparent that certain "unseen" realities exist that goes beyond the old dogma of regular accepted science. "Higher Light Physics" goes beyond and above the frequencies of presently accepted physical laws. The Law of Physics is presently limited within scientific boundaries. The true Law of Physics has no limitations and extends into the realm of light and beyond. Thus, the term “Higher Light Physics.” Many of these gifted individuals can access this realm of "higher light physics" that the Messengers of The Light speak about.

8. Who are the Messengers of the Light?

There are seven guardians of the planet that throughout biblical times have been known as guardian angels. There are also five ascended masters that are teachers and are also known as angels or archangels. Together they total 12 in number as a unit of One within the Trinity of Love, Peace & Harmony. This is the spiritual point of view. From the point of view of the Scientific and the Atheist, these are evolved entities that have transcended the three-dimensional world of matter, who in their benevolence, are of service to humanity. Of course, those of the old scientific and atheist dogma will not be able to accept this, in the same manner that those of old religious dogma, in like manner, will not be able to accept this either.

9. I do not understand. The Scientific, the Spiritual, and the Atheist do not necessarily see eye to eye when it comes to subjects like these. Can you explain this?

This is a trinity of three frequencies that when combined creates a special force of evolution. The Messengers of the Light state the following in a Dictation given:

“There are three major “belief systems” in this three-dimensional world which are: the Spiritual; the Scientific; and the Atheist. All three are correct as a trinity of “ONE” in a balanced state. Humanity, in general, will pick one over the other creating and imbalance; although, they all exist as a unit of one within a balanced trinity.”

The Children of the Light will bring these three belief systems to accept one another through their efforts to bring humanity together. The physical, mental and emotional bodies of humanity will evolve through the diversification of the Children of the Light and the rising frequency of the Planet during this time of change.

10. I have read and heard of many other types of children with different names that also have special gifts, what separates these from the Children of the Light?

There is an awakening process underway with all these groupings. Until they all awaken to their individual Divine Plan, till then, the overall Divine Plan of the whole will not be fully understood.

For example: Light when passed through a “crystal prism” creates a rainbow of colors that are diversified. In the same manner, all the Children represent the Light that is to be awakened within them. Their individual Divine Plan will be of a “different ray” of color, or purpose. Those who become aware of these anomalous individuals will usually give them a name by the dominant radiance of a particular color-ray (or ray makeup) they see in their aura. Other individuals that become aware or receive Divine information of these special children will often give them a name that may represent the certain gifts that they demonstrate with ease.

In answer to your question, there is no separation as they represent this “inner light” that motivates them. Their individual Divine Plan, as a portion of the whole, diversifies them. They are all the Children of the Light regardless what name is given.

11. You mentioned groupings; will they be working as a group?

In many cases they will work as a group once they awaken to each others purpose and whatever draws them to each other if that is within their Divine Plan, and still others will be totally independent and driven to be of service in a singular manner. The word grouping often refers to a culture in the past or ancient past that many incarnated multiple times and did reach a certain level of enlightenment within that grouping. They are now awakening to be of service for the greater good of humanity, and yes, many will work with these groupings of the ancient past.

12. This all sounds very interesting and exciting, I could be a Child of the Light and presently not know it. Is there more information on the Children of the Light?