Friday, October 29, 2010

Quantum Energy

The cosmos is just a form of universal energy which obeys the science of physics based on these three principles: 1) everything is energy; 2) energy follows thought; 3) what you focus on you get more of.
If we are like cosmic magnets, we can learn how to use our energy within in this Universal Energy or Quantum Energy field to help us attract what ever we want. The irony of the matter is that we are currently doing it on a subconscious basis at the moment. All that we need to do is learn how to do it on a conscious basis and thereby manifest exactly what we want. Our thoughts and feelings send out a magnetic field, and universal energy matches our attraction by giving us more of the same, resonant energy. That is why your life reflects your belief systems, in other words the universe supports you exactly with what you have requested. If there are aspects to your life you don’t like then change it.

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