Monday, October 25, 2010

Kalki and the Golden Age - Enlightenment

By Kiara Windrider
Ajna Articles

Once you know that Enlightenment is possible, and that it is a relatively simple neurobiological process, how do you become enlightened?

The biocircuitry of a human being was designed in such a way that after developing a self at around age 3 we would return naturally to a state of unified existence at around age 18. Unfortunately, something went awry, and we experienced a fall within our evolution as a biological species.

Nature demanded that there always be a select few throughout our subsequent history who maintained this morphogenetic field of the natural enlightened state. Historical figures such as the Buddha, Lao Tzu, Jesus, and many others exemplified this. Now, however, we have come to a time when humanity is once again being prepared to return to our natural state as a collective species. The time has come now for each of us to be restored to our natural enlightened state!

Elightenment has nothing to do with how long you have been on a spiritual path, nor with what your religious beliefs are. You do not even need to believe in god or have any concepts about the soul. enlightenment does not depend on knowing the right teachings or mantras. It has nothing to do with how many lifetimes you have meditated, or even with how 'good' a person you are.There is nothing you can 'do' to get enlightened. enlightenment cannot be achieved through your own efforts any more than a drowning person can yank himself out by his own hair. The mind cannot deactivate itself. It can only happen by grace.

There is a simple way to know if you are enlightened, Sri Anandagiri, a direct disciple of Kalki, had said once. 'If you are asking the question, you are not.' If you know you are not enlightened, and you become aware of the cravings and aversions generated by the illusion of self, then you become open to grace. When you see clearly the nature of the mind, and the extent of your conditioning, and when you become tired of the resulting suffering, all the incessant comparing, judging, efforting, and blaming, then grace can begin to flow in. Understanding this as a mental concept isn't enough. It must be felt and experienced.

The means that kalki has set up for this grace to act is known as the 'diksha'. The diksha is a transfer of power, and can be defined as 'initiation'. It usually consists of a ceremony in which one or more of the 'dasajis', or disciple-monks of kalki's order, place their hands upon your head in a state of divine union, and become channels for cosmic energies directed by kalki to reorganize your neurocircuitry. kalki refers to this process as 'divine surgery'. A golden ball of divine grace descends through the crown chakra, and the kundalini channels get activated, initiating a process in which the entire brain and nervous system is reorganized.

This golden ball is programmed by kalki to reorganize the biological circuitry of the brain, leading to enlightenment. It has a living intelligence, and operates differently within each person. Once it has descended into the crown chakra, however, the process automatically continues, programmed by the divine 'sankalpa' (intent) of kalki and amma.

In the current species of humanity, the brain is designed in such a way as to serve as a receptor station for a certain band of frequencies corresponding to the ancient mind. The diksha serves to loosen up the receptor sites within the brain from this band of frequencies, and simultaneously to dissolve the feedback loops of consciousness that create the sense of separate identity which we have referred to as the self.

What happens when the diksha is given? Some may immediately go into a peak experience of bliss, deep silence, or cosmic consciousness. This may or may not be permanent. If it isn't, this first peak experience is followed by other peak experiences over the following days and weeks, until a permanent enlightened state establishes itself. For others, there may not be an immediate felt response, and it may take hours, days, or weeks before they start noticing a change. Regardless, once the diksha is received, the seed of enlightenment has been planted, and kalki will work with you in accordance with your own soul's purpose and the readiness of your physical body to bring the seed into fruition.

The first thing that often comes up for people is an acute sensitivity to the nature of mind, and the patterns that have ruled our lives so long. It can be a shocking and painful experience when we first begin to look at it, but necessary if we are to break free. If more than one diksha is given, often the first diksha is programmed to pinpoint the ugliness of the mind. If a person has done some self-examination and emotional clearing beforehand, or already 'hit bottom', that can help. grace only flows when you recognize your illusions. As long as you think you can make it on your own, its flow will be impeded.

It is also important to understand what enlightenment is not. It is not about losing your mind, or even changing the nature of your mind. The same mind continues to exist, although you notice that you now have a different relationship with it. Nor is enlightenment equated with cosmic bliss, instant clairvoyant abilities, or high spiritual states. All these may accompany or follow enlightenment at some point, but it is not what enlightenment is about. enlightenment is simply throwing the switch in your brain where the sense of a separate self dissolves.

The difference is primarily internal. An enlightened person can still make mistakes, still experience disappointments, still have difficulty with relationships, still experience limitations, and still be bad tempered, except that he will no longer be identified with these characteristics. It is not required that an enlightened person always have a radiant aura or always be cheerful. In fact, there will be times when an enlightened person will need to exhibit anger where she would normally be a doormat, or do something quite contrary to an established social or moral code because he is no longer bound by the conditioned identities and learned responses of the old order. An enlightened person discovers joy in being true to himself. He finds no need to pretend anymore, although to an unenlightened consciousness he or she might well be perceived as a rebel or a troublemaker!

Enlightenment is to peel off the layers of interpretation from a given event. To the enlightened person, life becomes a very ordinary thing. You walk, and you are walking. You eat, and you are eating. enlightenment is not about having extraordinary experiences so much as recognizing that each ordinary moment is extraordinary in itself. Before, there were a thousand interpretations in the mind for everything you experienced. Now, there is only the experience.

It is also important to distinguish between enlightenment experiences and the state of enlightenment. enlightenment experiences are peak experiences or high energy experiences. You may go into a peak experience after a diksha. You may already have had several peak experiences through the course of your life. The kundalini energies within your body rise up to the top of the head, unite with the cosmic energies, and you experience bliss, unconditional love, or cosmic consciousness. You may see celestial visions, even journey into higher 'lokas', or heavenly realms.

Peak experiences cannot be sustained beyond a few hours or at most a few days. The cosmic energies coursing through your nervous system would burn you out and short-circuit the human body, at least in our current level of human evolution. An enlightened state, on the other hand, is permanent. It is a shift in the neurobiological pathways of the brain, resulting in the sharpening of the senses, and the subsequent loss of a fixated self. After a diksha, there will often be a sequence of one or more peak experiences, which will eventually stabilize into enlightenment as a permanent state.

There is an assumption that once you are enlightened you will never feel sadness, grief, anger, jealousy, or pain, that somehow you have overcome all negative thoughts or emotions. This is far from the truth. The nature of the mind is unchanged. The contents of the mind may also remain unchanged. But without the self to dictate terms, or to differentiate so obsessively between right and wrong, you experience that the 'charge' begins to disappear. It is a continually deepening process.

Many people associate enlightenment with tremendous states of cosmic consciousness, clairvoyant perception, omniscience, and so on. All these may or may not be associated with the state, but enlightenment itself is a very simple, yet very profound event. It is the natural state in which your body is designed to be.

To become enlightened is to be comfortable with the flow of life. If you are feeling sad, you are not trying to talk yourself out of it. If you are feeling happy, you are not trying to hold on to that feeling. Everything simply is what it is, without the additional charge of past associations, traumas and conditioned patterns intruding on the experience of each moment. You become fully present with each emotion, each experience. You find that any emotion, no matter what it is, when fully experienced, becomes bliss.

There are as many kinds of enlightenment as there are people to experience the state. Many experience a deep inner silence, others experience an all-pervading joy, yet others an abiding sense of love for all creation. Many experience a sense of oneness with creation, or even cosmic consciousness. The states come and go, and vary from person to person, but there is one thing every enlightened person will experience in common. When the self disappears, suffering ends.

You will still have desires, but they won't turn into cravings. You will still have resistances, but they won't turn into aversions. You will still have a personality, but it will be a fluid dance of momentary personalities that come and go. As you deepen into the state, you will not feel the need to hold on to resentments, fears, and traumas, any more than you feel the need to hold on to good times and spiritual highs.

At first, however, the mind might throw up all kinds of conflicts, resistance, and doubt. It is the nature of the self to resist change, and this has become a memory pattern within the mind. This may well come up with great force as the mind tries to deny the experience. As you simply allow this to be, eventually a great peace will descend.

Anything fully experienced is joy. conflict fully experienced is joy. pain fully experienced is joy. Sadness fully experienced is joy. doubt fully experienced is joy. anger fully experienced is joy. happiness fully experienced is joy. love fully experienced is joy. When the self disappears, our need to constantly make interpretations about reality disappears with it. When interpretations about reality disappear, we experience reality for what it is, rather than what we would like it to be. Rather than constantly craving for what we define as pleasurable experiences, and constantly resisting what we define as unpleasurable experiences, we simply become the experience, moment to moment, of consciousness expressing itself through us.

All consciousness is a field. the mind is a field. The enlightened state is also a field. rupert sheldrake, a British biologist, referred to these fields of consciousness as 'morphogenetic fields', or 'form-generating fields'. These are the fields that have shaped our evolution, shaped our memories, shaped our biological forms. Every time one of these morphogenetic fields gets reinforced, it gets stronger. Every time someone 'unplugs' from these fields, it gets weaker.

What this amounts to is that every time one more person unplugs from the matrix of the mind, the One mind becomes weaker. Every time another person becomes enlightened, the morphogenetic fields of enlightenment become stronger, making it easier for everybody else to also become enlightened. These two fields are in a 'see-saw' relationship with each other. Soon will come a time when critical mass will be reached, swinging the entire human consciousness into the state of enlightenment.

There is a very interesting study done by an American psychologist, david hawkins. Using the science of 'kinesiology', he devised a 'consciousness scale' going from 0 to 1000. On the bottom end of the scale were highly charged emotions such as guilt, shame, terror, and rage, and their corresponding states of consciousness. On the upper end of the scale were love, joy, and various states of enlightenment. Hawkins discovered that one person who was vibrating at the higher end of this scale could offset thousands, even millions of people, who were vibrating at the lower end of this scale. He also affirmed that one avatar vibrating at 1000 could offset an entire Planetary mind hell-bent on extinction!

I certainly believe that kalki vibrates at 1000, or at least very close to it. It is based on this principle of resonant fields that kalki says that it will only take 64,000 people (one in 100,000) becoming enlightened for the entire planetary consciousness to follow suit. When a person becomes enlightened, their consciousness makes a huge leap on this consciousness scale, which directly affects all consciousness in the surrounding area. At the critical point represented by 64,000 enlightened people, the morphogenetic field of enlightenment will counterbalance the morphogenetic field of the mind, making it possible for a mass enlightenment to take place within the matter of a few months.

Kalki maintains that the 64,000 will be reached by 2010 at the latest, and perhaps a lot sooner. This means that by the time we get to the year 2012 AD, which is a critical point as far as cosmic cycles go, we will be ready to step into the next galactic spiral as an enlightened planet. Kalki emphasizes that the planet must and will achieve mass enlightenment by the year 2012.

There is nothing in life I can think of that is more exciting or meaningful than this!

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