Friday, October 29, 2010

The Law of Accident

The Universe is an orderly and perfect place, governed by a set of unbreakable laws. As is true with the physical laws of nature (gravity, action / reaction etc.), Universal Laws apply to everyone and everything, at all times – there are no exceptions – whether you know about them or not. In fact, there are more than one hundred and fifty of these laws, but there are seven core laws from which all the others originate. In this article, we will focus on the second of the LawAccident2core seven laws – the Law of Accident. All seven are on the web site.

The Law of Accident is the inverse of the Law of Control, and states that an individual will have low levels of self-esteem and feel negative about themselves, to the degree that they feel they are not in control of their destiny and decisions. Individuals, who do not live by the Law of Control, must then by definition live by the Law of Accident.

Put another way – this law is fundamentally about choice. Do you want to start creating for yourself – start taking charge of your life rather than wonder around and say the world is against me. It is your choice – choose.

We know that high self-esteem is a key ingredient to achievement and success in life. Living life by the Law of Accident, and the resulting low levels of self worth, must then dictate diminished success, personal hardship, feelings of emptiness and worst of all, victim-hood.

Those who live by the Law of Accident tend to be habitually negative in their outlook on life and situations.

They have an uncanny ability to take a very positive situation and put a very negative spin on it – in other words, they look for the dark cloud surrounding every silver lining!

They are reactive rather than proactive – they wait for something to happen and then must react, rather than taking steps in advance to avert potential problems. They feel they are victims of circumstance and are quick to assess blame and make excuses when things go wrong. They have no sense of personal responsibility because in their minds, it is always somebody else’s fault.

All of this can be distilled down to one crucial fact – whether one lives by the Law of Control or the Law of Accident, is all a function of awareness level. People who are very self-aware and who think for themselves are the people that live by the Law of Control. They are personally responsible, and are therefore response-able (able to choose their responses). Those that are unaware by contrast, live life by the Law of Accident. They are unaware and do not choose their responses to any situation – rather they react out of habit with conditioned responses that have been learned over a lifetime.

We are all familiar with individuals as described above - in fact, you may even fall into the trap yourself! If you do, you are not alone; the reason being that fully 95% of society today lives by the Law of Accident. This is a staggering number, but is also sadly true. Simply take a look around and you will see the evidence everywhere – poor performers in the workplace, road rage, escalating crime rates, full prisons, liability litigation etc. are all signs of a very unaware society that absolutely lives by the Law of Accident.

If you want more out of life then take control by choosing to change. Take the first step today - accept the fact that you are responsible for everything that has happened in your life to this point. It does not matter how you got there. The point is you can choose to change it now. Make positive, thoughtful choices which will move you closer to your desires. Become aware of your thinking. When negative thoughts attempt to infiltrate your mind, push them back – replace them with positive images and thoughts.

Determine what it is that you want in life, build plans to achieve your desires and then focus exclusively on what it is that you want. Adopt the attitude that it’s not what happens to you that counts – it’s how you react that makes the difference. Science shows us that it takes 21 days to break or create a habit. By following the above-mentioned steps, you will be on the path to creating positive habits, taking control of your life and ultimately, overcoming the Law of Accident.

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