Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Diamond Children

We are now familiar with the terms: Indigo child, Crystal child, and Rainbow child. But not many have heard the term "Diamond Child", or "Diamond Children". This is because, unlike their predecessors, a diamond child is not here to change things. A diamond child will rarely bring attention to him or herself, and will often move through life undetected.

So why are they here? Lets look at where the name comes from. A Diamond is a great conductor of light and energy. Unlike Crystal, which is similar but extremely delicate and can shatter easily, Diamond is one of the hardest and most difficult to destroy natural rocks on Earth. Yet in the dark, it is invisible.

Diamond children are the same. While in the dark, they are as invisible as anyone else on Earth. But once they start conducting, or channeling, light and energy, you will never meet a brighter, more pure light on Earth.

Diamond children will often be A++ students. They will be talented at any subject, task or hobby they care to pursue, and thus will often end up doing nothing of consequence because their energy is spread too thinly among too many subjects. And they are avid learners, which they do out of interest and not to take sides or be knowledgeable.

Often, but not always, born to extremely difficult situations or families, these children will ride the events without getting caught up in the drama. They will not use their misfortune to become addicted to substances, to become abusers, to become depressed or to stop them living their lives to the full. Very rarely one of them will fall by the wayside and try a path of destruction, to see what it is like. Even then, after years of pain and suffering, they will reemerge as bright as ever.

Diamond children know they are right 99% of the time on just about everything. Often this will translate to others as arrogance because they don't even try to argue their side. They will just nod and smile at you and your argument, then, when you least expect it, will slowly teach you an opposite viewpoint.

Sometimes they will get into arguments simply to win. They do it for fun and they do always win. No matter what side of the argument they take, and they really don't care, they will prove your side to be erroneous. This is because they see the bigger picture. They see both sides of every argument and do not judge either.

Diamond children shy away from leadership. This is because, unlike Indigo or Rainbow, they do not come with predefined colors, and the concept of "group" we have here on Earth is offensive to them. A group, after all, means there is an "us yours them" mentality within the group as well as an agreed upon reality that excludes other realities.

If you are wondering where they come from, the answer is from everywhere and nowhere. They don't identify with one particular planet, reality or universe. They come directly from Oneness. If you are in any way psychic or sensitive, you will see their shape change to your most advanced perception. So, say you can perceive alien species, this is what you will see, if you can perceive energy/light creatures, this is what you will see. If you can perceive Oneness, this is what you will see. Often you will see them changing from one to another shape, until they settle to the shape you most identify with. So, for example, if you identify with Dragons, you will think they too are a Dragon. Or if you are an Earth Angel, you will see wings on them.

If you suspect your child to be a Diamond Child, the best you can do for him or her is to narrow his or her interests and encourage the child to stick to one, or at most two subjects. One creative, such as art or music, and one intellectual, such as science or letters. It is going to be a difficult task, but this will help them survive on Earth and become independent much better than if you take them to ten activities per week... which they will be more than willing to do.

Apart from that, keep their diet additive free, pure and fresh and make sure they drink plenty of water. They will take care of the rest. Diamond children really are low maintenance.

Often a Rainbow Child will think, or want, or be mistaken, for a Diamond Child. The main difference between the two is that the first is very much into religion, groups and "making things right". While the second simply lives life and is here purely to bring in Divine Light into our reality. The color, or colors, the light takes once on Earth is irrelevant to the Diamond Child, who will never judge you or your beliefs as wrong, nor will he or she ever try to save you, lead you or teach you "the right way".

A Diamond Child will pop up into your life when you most need them, in other words, when you need Divine Light, then disappear just as quickly.

They will lead long, uncomplicated lives.

They are extremely powerful. If they so wished, they could make you do their bidding, they can change the weather, they can shift the vibration of an entire area. They can manifest with easy and will work out a solution, or answer, to any problem you present them with. When a person becomes truly aware of the Diamond Child's power, the person will become fearful and perhaps think it is wrong for someone to have so much power. However, it is very rare indeed for a Diamond Child to use any of his or her powers. They have an inbuilt resistance to do so.

As to their numbers, there are very few presently incarnated on Earth, but their numbers will increase in the next two decades, although not by much. Their power is such that not many are needed at any one time. You are one if after reading this article, you feel a big "I knew that", and then move onto the next subject, which I hope is Ascension.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Poem borrowed from the book, The Children of the Law of One and the Lost Teachings of Atlantis

Poem borrowed from the book, The Children of the Law of One and the Lost Teachings of Atlantis, which I highly recommend. It’s one of the most important books I have ever read, and made a huge impact on the expansion of my consciousness.

“It is most sublime when the coming together of soul-mates is the outcome of spiritual development, and they are of higher consciousness. Let go of your desire for, and attachment to woman or man right now, and concentrate on finding the God-within-You first. First and foremost be your own Soul-mate, your own Helpmate… totally in love with and devoted to Yourself – Your Spirit – the God within you that you are… Then, and only then, after you have become attached to that God-The Universal One that you are, and found inner and outer harmony and become “in love with” and devoted to Yourself- not as a separate identity, but connected to and at One with the Universal Spirit, will those who should be with you in Oneness of Spirit, be with you in the universal harmony that you are imagining.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

The Body Soul and mind

The very simple answer is to attain a balance in life which is in harmony with the natural principles of living. A few changes in the way we think about our body and actions of our daily life from waking to sleeping will see a dramatic shift towards positive health.

Waking up

Waking up is a glorious event in our life which is mostly wasted. The hour before dawn has magical properties. The whole atmosphere is filled with a surge of energy. This is the hour to be out in the open with nature absorbing all the natural energies. Waking up is like a new birth. The body is suffused with new and fresh energies. As soon as you wake up just say ‘today is the first day of rest of my life'. You will feel the excitement of anticipation and hope for all that you can achieve on this first day which can truly change your life.


During the night body has been at work collecting the toxins and wastes into your bowels and bladders. The natural mechanism is ready to eliminate them first thing in the morning. However we h
Spiritual Healing
ave got into the habit of postponing it with a morning coffee or tea. The effort should be finish cleaning of the bowels first thing on waking up. Don't read in the toilet. You need your attention and energies to be focused on the task at hand which is cleaning up.


Much has been written on this. For a general good health and increasing energy levels the one exercise that is a must is a brisk early morning walk. Keep the first 10 minutes of your walk comfortable and as a warm up. The next 20 minutes should be very brisk. The last 10 minutes slow down gradually. Walking alone can help improve any disease or disorder in the body by improving your oxygen intake, exercising every part of the body and improved metabolism.


It is not without reason that bathing has developed into a fine art form with cultural and spiritual significance attached to it in many eastern cultures. It is not only a form of cleansing the body but also promotes mental and spiritual health. A good relaxed bath can help relieve stress and fatigue, increase strength, and suffuse the mind and body with enthusiasm and vitality. Stop rushing through the bath, take your time and you will see the difference it makes to your day.


Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. However the early morning rush to our work has changed the eating habits, making dinner as the important meal and a social activity. This disturbs the natural rhythms of the body. Body is engaged in digesting a heavy meal when it should be resting resulting in feeling heavy in the morning instead of light and energetic. Start the day with a well balanced meal of cereals, oats and wheat preparations with a judicious mix of fruits. A breakfast rich in proteins and fruits rich in anti oxidants are the best. Getting through the work day

Enthusiasm and love for the work that we do is the best way to feel energetic throughout the day. Go through your work like a mission. Enjoy what you do. When you have fun doing what you do everyday, you are on a constant holiday. A mission oriented approach creates purposefulness and the day is never a drag.

Rest and Relaxation

Television is definitely a big no if you want to relax. Sensation sells and sensationalism drains your emotions. T.V. is full of bad news - wars, murders, robbery, and terrorism. Movies are overtly violent. The best way to relax is to spend time with your family and children, social circles or reading a good book which gives sense of fulfillment.


Sleep is still a mystery even to the scientific community. No one can live without sleep for long periods of time. It restores the mental faculties. Physically the body spends the sleep in resting various organs including the heart and the brain. The entire system is rejuvenated and recharged with a good nights sleep. Before bed time it is best not to be overtly excited with television or literature which stimulates the senses. Listening to soothing soft music just before going to bed induces a deep undisturbed and restful sleep. The rhythm of nature necessitates the age old dictum of early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy wealthy and wise.

These small and easy to follow steps of balancing the daily activities leads to positive action or Karma which sets in motion healing and health. Live a fruitful life full of productivity with daily regime of positive actions.

Psychic Vampires

Let's face it--we've probably all fallen prey to a psychic vampire, possibly without even knowing it. It may have been a chance encounter with an energy predator that left us temporarily exhausted, or possibly along-term vampire interaction with serious wear-and-tear effects on the mind and body.

Psychic vampirism is alive and flourishing in the world today. As consumers of energy rather than blood, vampires of the psychic kind exist in many guises but with one common trait--their own inadequate energy system compels them to tap into and feed upon the energies of unsuspecting host victims. The immediate results of such a one-on-one vampire encounter are anew but temporary surge of energy for the psychic vampire and a serious loss of mental and physical energy for the unsuspecting prey. If you suddenly feel emotionally or mentally depleted, you may be under attack by a psychic vampire. The unfortunate effects of prolonged energy loss are damage to the energy system itself and in some instances, serious illness.

As consumers of energy rather than blood, psychic vampires, like their folklore counterparts, can be men orpsychicvampires women, young or old. They can be tween, teens, or adults. They can be professionals in business suits, wealthy dot. comers, dapper CEOs, ultra-groovy rock stars, or construction workers in hard hats. They can be a business associate, next door neighbor, or even family member.

Long before the popularization of folklore vampires as blood-thirsty villains who sucked life-sustaining blood from their prey, psychic vampires as energy-sucking predators were common. There's strong evidence, in fact, that vampires as consumers of energy were the trailblazers that actually inspired the legendary version of vampires as consumers of blood. An early example with clear fingerprints of psychic vampirism is the Biblical account of Delilah's cunning seduction of Samson in which she vampirized him by cutting his hair, the source of his strength. Even the Biblical version of creation in which God breathed into man the "breath (energy) of life" and then took from him a rib (of energy) to create woman illustrates the transferable nature of life-force energy. That give-and-take make-up of energy is even more dramatically illustrated in the Biblical account of the woman who, upon touching the hem of Christ's garment, was infused with energy while Christ simultaneously felt the energy leaving his body. On a very broad scale, psychic vampire themes were common in many primitive cultures that routinely used rituals to embolden and energize their warriors while simultaneously demoralizing and enfeebling (vampirizing) their enemies. Even today, military strategies often include an excessive show of force--such as shock and awe--to demoralize and dispirit (vampirize) the enemy.

Early Encounters.
In my early childhood, I first became aware of psychic vampirism through a distant relative who claimed to have discovered the secret of living forever. A world traveler, she had studied under several far eastern scholars who, she claimed, taught her how to communicate mentally, travel out-of-body, and extract life-force energy from nature, including trees, streams, and even rocks. But among her most remarkable claims was the ability to mentally extinguish fire by drawing rejuvenating energy from it.

One of my most vivid childhood memories was a festive dinner party at her mansion during which she stunned her guests by demonstrating that amazing skill. Upon taking her place as hostess at the head of a very long table graced by three large candelabras, she commented on the room's excessive light. To the astonishment of everyone, she then leaned slightly forward and mentally extinguished five of the six candles in each candelabra!

Intrigued by her extraordinary claims of power and having seen many of them demonstrated, I began to suspect that she extracted energy not only from nature but from people as well. I finally collected the courage to ask her privately whether she drew energy from people. Placing a hand on my shoulder, she answered, "Well, of course. How else could I live forever?" Although I admit I was left wondering whether to believe her, I suspected that among her preferred energy sources were the well-developed young males who made up her household staff. She remained in excellent health and incredibly youthful in appearance until she finally crossed over during sleep at the age of 101.

Psychic Vampirism in the Laboratory.
With these distant childhood experiences still etched in my mind, I welcomed the opportunity as Professor of Psychology at Athens State College (now University) to lead a study investigating the human energy system. The year-long study, which was funded by the U.S. Army Missile Research and Development Command, identified several important characteristics of that system. Of particular interest was the finding that the physical body's central energizing core and its surrounding energy field, commonly called the aura, are each influenced by the presence of others. Using aura photography along with visual observations of the aura, the study found that the auras of couples whose interactions were positive tended to complement and energize each other, with each aura becoming brighter and more expansive. Conversely, negative interactions tended to constrict the aura and actually induce a state of mental and physical fatigue. When constrictions occurred in the aura, intellectual functions became slower, short-term memory declined, and physical strength decreased by as much as 50 percent.

513_vamp1_250A later study funded by the Parapsychology Foundation of New York not only confirmed the findings of our earlier research, it showed that certain persons were highly skilled at deliberately tapping into and directly feeding upon the aura of others. By draining energy from another person's aura, these so-called psychic vampires not only deplete the aura's energy resources, they interrupt the capacity of the aura's central core to generate new energy, particularly when the interaction is prolonged. Consistent with our earlier findings, direct observations of the aura as well as aura photographs taken before and after a psychic vampire interaction showed the victim's aura becoming severely de-energized and constricted following an attack while the vampire's aura became energized and expansive. I was reminded of my aunt's claim of deliberately drawing energy from others, a claim that now seemed considerably more plausible.

513_vamp2_350My more recent studies uncovered even more vivid evidence of psychic vampirism and its effects. Both visual observations and aura photographs revealed ominous tentacle-like structures extending outward from the vampire's aura during an attack to puncture and draw energy from the victim's aura. As expected, such onslaughts dramatically expanded the invading vampire's aura but seriously dulled and constricted the host victim's aura, a condition that often lasted for days. Even more seriously, vampire puncture wounds to the aura often required weeks to heal. (As an important footnote, all observations and photographs obtained throughout our studies were with consent of informed volunteer subjects, most of whom were college students. Both observational and photographic assessments obtained during an actual psychic vampire interaction were obtained from couples who were in an on-going relationship. All participants in our vampire studies were offered counseling and provided instruction concerning the use of appropriate intervention and protection techniques.)

Although the human energy system is indestructible--it is literally the soul of our being--its capacity to generate the energy required for daily living can become severely impaired. Long-term, continuous psychic vampire attacks can have devastating consequences that reach far beyond damage to the energy system. Like the host victims of their blood-sucking counterparts, victims of recurring psychic vampire assaults can become--dare I say--psychic vampires themselves in a desperate effort to replenish their lost supply of energy.

Protection Techniques.
Fortunately, highly effective strategies are now available to prevent a psychic vampire attack, or once it's underway, to promptly end it. These laboratory tested strategies can also promote healing and repair damage to the energy system resulting from long-term vampire assaults. They can even be used effectively by psychic vampires provided they are motivated to overcome their energy addiction.

513_vamp3_267One of the most effective protection procedures known is the Finger Interlock Technique. Developed in our labs, this technique is easy to implement, and its effects are instant. To begin this technique, simply bring together the tips of your thumb and middle finger of each hand to form two circles. Then, bring your hands together to form interlocking circles while envisioning your body enveloped in a bright sphere of impenetrable energy. Finally, relax your hands and simply affirm, "I am now energized and fully protected." This simple, inconspicuous technique requires only seconds and can be used almost any time or place. With practice, you can use the finger interlock gesture alone as a cue to instantly activate the effects of the full procedure.

A former student who found herself under a psychic vampire attack during a job interview used the Finger Interlock Technique to instantly end the attack and gain control of the interview process. She was offered the position at a salary that far exceeded her expectations. She attributes her successful interview to the simple Finger Interlock Technique.

Aside from its effectiveness as a psychic vampire protection procedure, the Finger Interlock Technique has many other useful applications. Overcoming stage fight, improving memory, and promoting positive social interactions are all within its scope. You can use the technique to induce instant relaxation during important examinations, public presentations, and conferences, to list but a few of its many applications. A former student, now a practicing attorney, attributes his admission to law school largely to his use of the technique during the entrance exam. The technique, here ported, effectively reduced his stress level and stimulated his recall of important information. Because the technique is so inconspicuous and easily executed, it has become popular among public figures including actors, politicians, performing artists, and TV personalities. If you observe their hands, you will notice many of them using the simple finger interlock gesture.

That old and trusted stand-by, the quartz crystal, has almost unlimited potential as a psychic empowerment tool. Throughout my career as a college professor and practicing psychologist, I've found that almost everyone is responsive to this tool. Because of its receptivity to programming, the crystal is an excellent tool for such personal goals as losing weight, quitting smoking, promoting career success, and even slowing aging (See my book Rejuvenation: Living Younger, Longer and Better). My students have used this tool to raise their grade point average, gain admission to graduate school, and get the job of their choice. One of my former students successfully programmed the crystal to find the love of her life! I've used the crystal to get research grants and introduce parapsychology into the college curriculum (a first in Alabama). The phenomenal success of the International Parapsychology Research Foundation, which has funded student scholarships and psychical research, is largely due to crystal programming.

At a personal level, I've found the quartz crystal to be unsurpassed in its capacity to protect against psychic vampirism. For that purpose, I recommend the Crystal Protection Procedure because of its capacity to erect an outer protective shield around oneself that renders any vampire attack harmless.Once the crystal is appropriately programmed and then kept in close proximity to the physical body, the protective shield remains in place to provide constant protection. The procedure is particularly effective in protecting against prolonged exposure, such as when a psychic vampire may be living or working right alongside you.

For this procedure, you can use a crystal already in your possession, or you can select a fresh one from an assortment. When selecting a crystal from an assortment, first state your goal of complete protection from psychic vampirism, and then slowly pass your hand, palm side down, across the assortment. Select the crystal that seems to stand out from the others, and while holding it, note your interaction with it. If the crystal does not seem appropriate for your stated goal, repeat the process until you find a receptive crystal. Not infrequently, the crystal in an assortment that first commanded your attention is ideal for your present use.

Once you've selected a crystal, deprogram it by briefly holding it under cool running water and then letting it air dry on a towel. To install the new program, simply hold the crystal in your hand, and while gently stroking it, invite it in your own words to be your empowerment partner by working with you to neutralize and defeat psychic vampirism in whatever its form. To save the program, simply say, "Please stay."

The Finger Interlock Technique and the Crystal Protection Procedure can be used separately or together to provide constant protection from psychic vampirism. Everyone can benefit from the use of these procedures. I use them regularly and make it a practice to teach them to my students and patients because of their effectiveness in promoting a sense of security and well-being by erecting an impenetrable sphere that envelops the full aura. You can view this interesting phenomenon called the halo effect around your own aura by first holding your hand, palm side outward, at arm's length, and then while viewing your hand against a neutral background, slowly expanding your peripheral vision. Finally, let your eyes fall slightly out of focus, and you will see the aura around your hand as a colorful glow surrounded by an outer halo of bright energy. (As a footnote, this technique can be easily adapted to view the aura of another person. For that application, see my book Aura Energy for Health, Healing, and Balance.)

Many Faces and Unsuspecting Guises.
As already noted, psychic vampirism comes in a variety of unsuspecting guises. We see it all to commonly between individuals as one-on-one vampirism, but feeding on the energies of another person is only one of its many forms. For instance, anyone who exploits a lover, spreads malicious rumors, ruins a reputation, or betrays a trusted friend is a psychic vampire.

On a much broader scale, psychic vampirism can occur in a vicious, collective form as sometimes seen among organizations that feed on prejudice and hate, or corporations that blatantly vampirize their employees through deception and greed. Narcotics trafficking, organized crime, and so-called "ethnic cleansing" along with discrimination based on age, race, gender, or sexual orientation are examples of collective psychic vampirism on an alarming scale. In its most widespread collective form, psychic vampirism can exist at a global level. Reckless pollution of the environment, irresponsible disregard for endangered species, and exploitation of the globe's natural resources are examples of global vampirism that affects everyone and literally puts the future of the planet at risk.

Finally, it may seem hand to fathom, but psychic vampirism can occur in a self-contained, parasitic form that turns inward to feed upon oneself. In that internal form, the person ironically becomes both vampire and victim. Examples are such flagrant consumers of our energies as phobias, obsessions, and compulsions that can hover over us like monsters waiting to devour us.

One of my patients, a 22-year-old art major, when asked to draw a picture of his fear of heights, drew a lifeless figure of himself being held in the claws of a giant monster. His drawing vividly depicted the over powering vampire nature of his fear.

In my past-life regression studies, parasitic vampirism was often found to be related to some painful, unresolved past-life experience that continues to hound us in this life. Here are a few examples drawn from college students:

* Deep insecurity and fear of abandonment were reactions to being an outcast and homeless in a past life.

* Fear of enclosed places resulted from having been buried alive in a past life.

* Fears of rats, spiders, and crawling insects were associated with imprisonment in an infested dungeon in a past life.

* Fear of heights was associated with having fallen to one's own death in a past life.

* Compulsive overeating was associated with a past-life of extreme hunger and stealing food to survive.

* Stage fright and fear of crowds were reactions to death by public execution in a past life.

In a remarkable example of parasitic vampirism with threads of past-life origin, a 22-year-old student's fear of sunlight, along with the compulsion to wear dark shades even when indoors, was a reaction to past-life torture in which his eyelids were cut away and he was left to die in the desert with his arms bound behind his back.

Incredible as it may at first seem, our case studies found that knowledge of the past-life sources of parasitic vampirism was often sufficient in and of itself to overcome this plight. In many cases, phobias, obsessions, and compulsions with a very long history were instantly extinguished through a sudden flash of new knowledge.

One of the great teachers of all time summed up the power of knowledge this way: "You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. "Knowledge remains perhaps the most powerful force in the universe. Among our greatest challenges is finding new knowledge and applying it to empower our lives while making the world a better place for all. Who could argue with that?

Joe H. Slate, Ph.D. is a professor, psychologist, and author of several books, including Psychic Vampires: Protection from Energy Predators and Parasites. He is the founder of the International Parapsychology Research Foundation and the Psychology Research Institute.

How To Stop Psychic Vampires from Draining Your Energy
If you suspect you are a giver - you must become clear you play a role in the experience and you are no longer willing to do so. Say firmly and clearly aloud, "No one else can have my energy. My need to give is fulfilled through healthy means." You may see yourself doing service work or another healthy form of giving. Take time to get quiet or to meditate and ask to see any unhealthy lines connecting you to another that are affecting you then. Visualize severing those ties in whatever way comes to you. It helps if you know the person you are severing from but it is not essential. Do this clearing, affirming, meditating and severing until you feel you mean it and it is complete. Relief and new energy will follow within a few days. Bless and forgive everyone involved, including yourself.
How To Stop Stealing Energy from Others
If you are a taker you must become clear you are no longer willing to play that role. Say firmly and clearly aloud, "I now receive all the energy I need in healthy ways. Energy comes to me easily from the earth, from the air, from Divine intelligence. It is everywhere and I willingly accept it from healthy places and in healthy ways. I always have all the energy I need."

Whether you are a giver or a taker, you will likely need to practice this over time. You will learn to recognize physical sensations that go along with someone connecting to you. For me it is light headedness and dizziness. For you it may be different. Pay attention. Your body will tell you. Both the giver and taker are simply trying to have their needs met. Both are seeking balance. Both have complete control over the situation through managing their own attitudes lovingly.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

How to be Happy

How to be happy

“Sure” you may say, “I want to be happy, but I have problems. . .” Well, that’s the point. You don’t need to wait until all your problems are resolved to be happy.

What I really like about Happy For No Reason is it doesn’t just pay lip service discussing how important happiness is to your mental and physical health or what happiness is to begin with, but it shows the solid steps you can take immediately to be happy. She clarifies there are seven aspects to be happy. Let me introduce them by their chapter titles:

1. Take ownership of your happiness
2. Don’t believe everything you think
3. Let love lead
4. Make your cells happy
5. Plug yourself to spirit
6. Live a life inspired by purpose
7. Cultivate nourishing relationships

I understand it’s not like you must achieve all the seven aspects fully to be happy (this attitude only puts off happiness to the future), but these are areas we can look at to be more fully — us.
Happiness is our natural state of being

Being happy for no reason is our natural state of being. The seven principles help you to unlearn some of the happiness-killer habits, such as over-thinking (“Don’t believe everything you think” and “Let love lead”) or victim mentality (“Take ownership of your happiness”).

The book is an easy read with lots of anecdotes and even cartoons. (Marci Shimoff is also the co-author of some Chicken Soup For The Soul books.) One of my favorite stories is about a woman called Happy Oasis. She traveled to Bangladesh in her youth when there was a serious famine there. One day, she found herself surrounded by people who were dying.

I’ll skip the middle part of the story so that I won’t spoil your fun reading it. But in the end, she finds it is possible to smile even in such a horrific situation. And with that, she finds she can be happy anywhere in the world, regardless of the situation.
Is happiness important to you?

Our soul’s ultimate purpose is to experience this world and find joy in it. In other words to be happy. And the best happiness is the happiness for no reason. Happiness for a reason shall pass, happiness for no reason comes from your core and yours to keep.

My concern is that many people don’t really care about happiness. The book shows a survey of what people value in life and how happy they felt. Those who value monetary and career success over personal happiness are indeed less happier than those who value happiness and relationships. Well, duh, that’s the Law of Attraction working — you get what you pay attention to.

Male and female energy in a soul

Male and female energy in a soul

On the physical level, we are born with male or female genes, which show up as different hormonal levels and physical shapes.

On the soul level, we all have more or less of male and female energy. A soul may be predominantly male, predominantly female, or androgynous with about the same amount of male and female energy. This applies to both incarnated souls and spirit guides.

With incarnated souls (us!), the gender of the soul may or may not match the physical sex of the person. This, however, has nothing to do with the person’s sexual orientation.

A woman with a male soul may be happily married to a man and have several kids. With the extra male energy, however, she may enjoy working outside the home as an individual, rather than staying home and assuming the traditional role of a homemaker.

Likewise, a man with a female soul may be straight. If anything, the extra female energy may make him a gentle nurturing figure, and maybe a great dad.

Few incarnated souls have androgynous souls. Androgynous souls are highly advanced souls.
Past life gender and sexual orientation

Souls incarnate in various ways to see this world from different angles, so you are likely to have been incarnated as both man and woman. Again, this has nothing to do with your current sexuality or sexual orientation.

In the specific case of the client who asked the aforementioned question, he had a soulmate contract with a soul who is now incarnated as a man. When I told him about this, he immediately knew which of his past lovers I was talking about. (As I wrote in that linked article, soulmate contract is very harmful.)

However, this only sets him up to have one relationship with a man. One homosexual experience / relationship doesn’t make a person homosexual.

So, my conclusion as Akashic Record reader is that the soul has nothing to do with sexual orientation. I don’t even know if a soul recognize another soul by the gender — it recognize each other by the overall energy.
Homophobia in the 21st Century!?

I am totally pissed off to read the news in which words like “gay” is used derogatively. (HT: Hunter Nuttall) What is it that is bad about loving someone, whether the person is of the same sex or opposite sex? Tell me even one good reason.

I think homophobia is about the fear of our own sexuality. Because sexuality literally strips us “naked” to who we really are. Someone with tons of money and high social status? Who is this person without such decorations? Someone who has tons of knowledge and can say all the right things? Let’s see how this person acts when they are naked.

With men, I think there is an additional fear of not being needed by women. Most women are bi whether they are aware of it or not. For women, pleasure only takes to be touched the right way — penis is not necessary but only optional. This is true even in heterosexual sex — it’s so much easier for a woman to have orgasm in outercourse than in intercourse. (If you haven’t figured this out, well — experiment a bit for a pleasant surprise ;) )

By contrast, most men seem to be either straight or gay, not bi. So straight men have difficulty understanding gay men. And straight men, needing women for their satisfaction, wonder: What happens if many women figure out they are bi and men’s treasured tools are only optional? Then they have to attract women by their personality. Ah, how scary. Many people (both men and women) are still not aware of their innate charm and power.

Mission Realmers’ travel to Earth

People with Mission Realmer souls are not the same with angels incarnating in the human forms. And in this article, I’m not going into all the details of the angelic realm.

The thing is that the beings in that dimension were very concerned about the progress of the Earth experiment. As I wrote in the first article of this series, our Earth was originally intended to be a creative place where souls incarnate in physical forms and create in terms of forms. It’s supposed to be a fun creative place! There has been so much negative influences, however.

I don’t know much about how Mission Realmers came to Earth. I heard about wormholes, etc., but I haven’t studied it yet. What I know is their travel was not very well coordinated, and by the time they got here, the very negative forces knew about their coming, and caught them upon their arrival.

This is why many Mission Realmers have etheric implants that were installed by these negative forces. (I wrote about etheric implants in the post about Sirians. It’s one of the most harmful energetic issues. Oh, and while I’m talking about energetic issues — I clear all the energetic problems I uncover. So, even though it’s not wonderful to carry them, you don’t need to worry about them :) )
Mission Realmers’ ideal

Mission Realmers may not discuss their ideal loudly and they may not appear to be pursuing their ideal, but trust me, they do have high ideal. Think about why they came here in the first place — they didn’t need to come to this physical world yet they took the trouble to help. Mission Realmers wish the best for any beings involved and for Mother Earth.

I know this sounds cliched, but they are here to manifest “heaven on Earth”.

Mission Realmers have been approaching this high ideal in their signature gentle manner. It seems, however, many Mission Realmers are waking up to the need to embrace their inner power more as the Ascension progresses. I believe this is why they are coming to my Spirit Guide Coaching big time. (Other soul groups come to my coaching, too. So far, Mission Realmers, Hadarians, and Alpha Centaurians outnumber other soul groups, followed by Blueprint Technicians, and then I get a pretty even spread of other soul groups. Perhaps this is just the trend so far and other soul groups present themselves more, too — I’ll see.)
Mission Realmers’ gifts

Mission Realmers are quite psychic, whether they admit such notion or not. Under their quiet profile that doesn’t demand attention (notice how rare a quality this is in today’s world), they KNOW what they are doing deep inside. They just need to acknowledge it to move forward in the physical world.

It’s quite interesting to watch Mission Realmers in Spirit Guides Coaching. When they first hear about this program, which main objective is to develop intuition, they go like, “That’s exactly what I need!” Then after a few weeks, we realize they already have strong intuition — they just needed to brush it up. So from then on, the focus turns to applying the intuition in their lives, which is the real challenge for them.

I think many Mission Realmers are natural healers, in the big sense. Their peaceful and insightful presence itself has healing quality.

The gift of intuition / psychic awareness comes with a caution — Mission Realmers may want to be mindful with their social life and their physical health. What comes naturally to most people in these aspects are new to Mission Realmers. Many Mission Realmers live with a somewhat different standards and aspirations from others, which can leave them isolated. Taking care of our physical body also seems like such a lot of labor.
Mission Realmers’ challenges in loving relationships

Victimization. And this is not just about intimate relationship but in all of their relationships, including their upbringing in the original family.

Mission Realmers stay in the abusive relationship for a long time. (Abuse may be physical or more emotional.) It’s as if they don’t know what to do in such situations. In fact, they don’t.

I just pray all Mission Realmers find the appropriate mates and friends. If you sincerely want sensitive, loving partners, go for Mission Realmers. They may not chase you “passionately” (which is kinda self-centered way in dating) so they may feel a little aloof, but they will bask you in their big love.
Mission Realmers’ challenges in career and finance

Again, Mission Realmers are not very assertive. They have different standards, and competing and struggling to climb the corporate ladder is not their thing. They are not showy in their performance, either.

I think Mission Realmers’ biggest challenge is to choose the right path for them to begin with. This is important for everyone, but Mission Realmers tend to be pushed around right and left, so they are more likely to be in the wrong place — a profession their parents or friends chose for them.

I was astonished when I found out that some of my Mission Realmer clients were in military service before. Personally, I don’t like war and I don’t want anyone to go to war, but if I must name one soul group that is most misfit for this, it would be Mission Realmers. Mission Realmers are not built for manual labor. And they are certainly not built to fight and kill. Yet some Mission Realmers have subjected themselves to their family’s expectation, and their non-assertiveness worked as obedience in the military. Aaaaaagh!

Please, Mission Realmers, pleeeze choose your own professional path wisely. There are many things in this world that need to be done that you can do so wonderfully. Think of emotional and spiritual fulfillment more than physical aspects of life. When in doubt, go as far away from military service as possible.
Mission Realmers’ role on Earth

As I wrote earlier, I think Mission Realmers are waking up to their power. So far, Mission Realmers had a tendency to buy into guilt trip and to stay victimized. Further, because the physical body is so “foreign” to them, it has slowed them down and often got them trapped in the physical aspects of life. Initiating change in this dense physical world has been tough.

But time is changing.

Sirians and etheric implants

Sirians had highly developed technology. Sirians were also more spiritually advanced than we are — at least some Sirians. So, with their great technical skills, Sirians invented etheric implants. Etheric implants are energetic implants, so you don’t see them. It works like a remote control device.

The initial intention Sirians had when they invented the etheric implants was benevolent. It was to advance the spirituality of less developed portion of the Sirian population. Benevolent, yet somewhat invasive, I think. Worse yet, this great technology didn’t come with any safety precaution.

Eventually, negative forces found out about this great technology, and they started to modify the implants to their advantage. They also made their versions of etheric implants by copying the technology.
Etheric implant’s influence

Etheric implants affect many souls to this day. The recipient of the implant could be anyone, but namely, the following starseed groups have been affected big time:

* Sirians: Practically all Sirians have etheric implants, whether they are the original implants or the modified kinds.
* Hadarians: Many Hadarians received etheric implants while they were enslaved by the negative souls — the implant runs manipulative programs in these Hadarians, controlled by the negative souls.
* Mission Realmers : They, too, received etheric implants from the negative souls when they were coming to Earth. Additionally, I heard some Mission Realmers have Sirian’s etheric implants that work like a surveillance device.
* Pleiadians: Pleiadians have their own interesting history. While most Pleiadians are positive light-seeking souls, quite a few have turned to negative and experimented with the implant technology. So Pleiadians have their own versions of etheric implants.

Etheric implants have also been used in “star wars”, causing catastrophic results. Polarians, as well as Earth souls, are affected by the result of the planetary changes.
Sirians’ ideal

So Sirians know the dark side of advanced technology. While many Sirians are good at technical, analytical thinking, they also have a deep-set hesitation to embrace their potential. They have the fear of success.

As you can imagine, Sirians also have trust issue. It seems many Sirians find it hard to trust others wholeheartedly. They also have hard time trusting themselves.

Sirians’ ideal, then, is to contribute to the improvement of this world with their expertise by overcoming these challenges. I believe many Sirians have sincere desire to improve themselves and this world despite the fact they often sound quite “negative” or doubtful.
Sirians’ gifts

Sirians are very good at analytical thinking and well organized. Many Sirians seem to be natural program manager, organizing dates and logistics of events.

Sirians love improving things. Again, many Sirians are still stuck in themselves at this time, so they may not be making big improvements, but still they can’t help their tendency to tweak things here and there. Oh, Sirians are so light-seeking, in their own way :)
Sirians’ challenges in loving relationship

I don’t think Sirians talk about loving relationships so often in my phone sessions. And I don’t know any Sirians firsthand in my personal life. So what I have to say here is a bit limited.

I guess Sirians find it hard to be in their heart. They are usually in their head, analyzing things. This can pose a problem in romantic relationship. It seems, however, Sirians have more polished social skills than Alpha Centaurians, who are also very much in their head and tend to be loners.

Additionally, many Sirians seem to have low alignment level with Divine Truth. So they probably have the need to insist they are right. And with their analytical approach, they can make a great case “proving” they are right. It’s not hard to imagine this tendency can strain their social relationships. . .
Sirians’ challenges in career and finance

Interestingly, only one of my Sirian clients are in the science and technology field. And she is a psychologist — a very people kind of science. Other Sirians use their analytical skill in various other field, from accounting to teaching to seemingly non-technical jobs. (Accounting and finance seem to be fairly popular among Sirians.)

Sirians like making plans and they are good at making detailed plans with dates and action items on them. This is great, with one caution. Sirians tend to be caught up in their own plans. Plans are great tools as long as they work, but we need to adjust the plan as we go and the situations change.

I think many Sirians are stuck in their career because they are still faithfully following the plan they made before.

Their fear of success, the fear to trust themselves and their full potential, also poses big challenge in Sirians’ work life, especially when they aspire to become an entrepreneur. This can be quite confusing to those who are looking at Sirians. They do all the right thing — get the appropriate education and training, network with the right people, and do all kinds of preparation work . . . and when things are just about to happen, they step back. Or find something “more interesting” to do. . .
Sirians’ role on Earth

There are people who maintains Sirians have a special role in Ascension. Patricia Cori, who channels Sirian High Council, wrote many books. I’ve only flipped through Great Shift, The: Co-Creating a New World for 2012 and Beyond, which is a collection of three writings about 2012, and she is one of the contributing writer. She says crop circles are made by Sirians (non-incarnated ones who are watching us in the ether), so I used the image of them for this post. To be clear, I am not endorsing this view (there are hoax crop circles), but they are interesting to look at and I guess Sirians can certainly do something like this with their technology.

My understanding is Sirians can bring great technical advancement. This time, of course, it must come with care and respect for others’ free will.

Procyans and Breatharianism

I sense the home star of Procyans (whether it is Procyon or not) was filled with brilliant glowing light. So Procyans love sunny climate. All of my Akashic Record Reading clients who turn out to be Procyans live in the sun-filled areas such as Florida, Hawaii, California, Arizona, and India.

Spending time in the sun is not a luxury but a necessity for Procyan’s well-being because Procyans assimilate the sunlight energy. This is not something Procyans do consciously. Just as we don’t really know exactly how we digest and assimilate foods, Procyans naturally take in the energy of sunlight and use it for their own good. I guess Procyans just know they need to be in the sun.

This is a form of breatharianism, or living on light. I say it’s “a form of breatharianism” because there are other kinds, such as living on white lights, or the wider spectrum of Light beyond sunlight, as I discussed in relation to developing lightbody. So if we humans are indeed evolving to become lightbodies, we have much to learn from Procyans.

Because Procyans fill part of their energy requirement by being in the sun, they don’t need to eat so much and they can stay slim naturally. Procyans seem to love their physical bodies and sensations their bodies provide. Many are quite blessed with athletic abilities. I’ve had three full-time Procyans (by this I mean their origination are Procyans only, not having Procyans as their underlay or overtone), and two of them are in fitness business. I also heard Procyans have mysterious beautiful eyes, but because I don’t get to see my clients (my readings are done in distance by emails and phones), I have not confirmed this info. Perhaps I should start asking my Procyan clients to send me their photos . . .
Procyans’ ideal

Procyans ideal can be found right here and now. Let’s sit in the sun and enjoy the light and warmth. Enjoy the sensation of exercise and sex, too. How sad so many people ignore these simple blessings and run around with their to-do lists. Procyans know life is good.

Procyans can be divided into two groups depending on why they are here on Earth, and this affects their sense of mission. Procyan home star has been taking isolation policy since Hadar was invaded by negative forces. For eons of time, Procyans kept the energetic shield around their home star for the sake of security. Procyans who live outside of their home star (like Earth) are either those who volunteered to be out to work with other starseeds or those who happened to be outside the shield when this measure was taken and could not get back home.

So those Procyans who are here voluntarily have a strong sense of helping others. These Procyans advocate the enjoyment of life earnestly. The Procyans who got kicked out of their home accidentally may be feeling at a loss about what to do with their life here.

Procyan home star recently changed their policy and lifted their shield. So Procyans can go home now. I think Procyans are feeling excited about this, the sense of excitement they can’t explain on the mental level. Many Procyans are also feeling the sense of urgency to complete whatever projects they have started in this lifetime. They are planning to leave for home after their current lifetimes. (Unlike many Pleiadians, Procyans seem to be staying to complete the lifetimes they have started here.)

By the way, when I say, “Procyans are planning to go home after this lifetime and so this is their last incarnation on Earth.”, it doesn’t mean they must go home. We all have free will, and I’m sure Procyans, or anyone, are allowed to stay if that is what they want. Keep in mind, however, that your attachment to Earth life may be largely coming from your mind, not your soul.
Procyans’ gifts

I think many Procyans are very psychic. It’s a unique kinesthetic kind of psychic power.

We often associate psychic / spiritual development with tranquility, like sitting quietly in meditation. For many people, this works because quieting down the ego’s chatter is the first step to listen to our intuition. The problem here is that we tend to look down on our own physical bodies as something less than our spirit.

The truth is that our physical bodies have uncovered abilities and can work as a pathway to spiritual world. Ultimately, all physical matters are made of energy, the spirit.

I think Procyans present a unique perspective to achieve this path to spiritual development. In other words, Procyans can work as the catalyst to overcome our duality of body vs spirit, or physical vs spiritual.

On the more practical level, I think many Procyans enjoy great physique and athletic wellness. Think about ancient Greek culture.
Procyans’ challenges in loving relationship

Hmm, I find it hard to point out “challenges” in Procyan life. Not that Procyans are problem-free. How can I say it . . . I think Procyans have a different way of dealing with “challenges.”

As a rare starseed group, Procyans may feel they are “different” and may suffer from the inner sense of isolation and not being understood. This sentiment is quite common among all starseeds because starseeds are minority on Earth, but it can be quite intense for Procyans. Again, Procyans are rare and it’s possible for a Procyan to not know any other Procyans.

(Other rare starseed groups include Spicans, Arcturians, and Nihals, especially adult Nihals. And, while Blueprinters as a whole group is fairly large, some subgroups of Blueprinters, such as Blueprint Designers and Blueprint Changers are rare. I will be writing about these starseeds — please allow me some time. I myself have some questions about these starseeds at this time.)

I think Procyans love to be in loving relationships and they probably make great lovers. In fact, too much sexual drive could be an issue. . .
Procyans’ challenges in career and finance

It seems those Procyans who are here voluntarily have a strong sense of helping others and so they might dare to start their own business. Oh, and considering Procyans’ love for freedom, they may be attracted to be a freelancer rather than working in the corporate world.

I think Procyans have a very open attitude about money. So many people are afraid of talking about money and this closed-up attitude get them in financial difficulty. Not with Procyans. Procyans talk about money just as they would talk about any other topic. While Procyans may not be particularly wealthy, they are quite generous with money. I guess this is a way of mastering money.
Procyans’ role on Earth

Procyans bring a unique perspective to our Earthly life. Life is not meant to be a struggle. The joy is as available as the sunlight. Lighten up.

And as I wrote, Procyans can be the catalyst to overcome our dualistic view of body vs spirit. We can approach spirituality in a very physical way, like eating (or not eating), exercising, and making love. Our body’s sensation is not “low,” like some religions teach.

Pleiadians’ gusto for change

Pleiadians have big visions and great communication skills to talk people into their grand visions. They motivate people with the Nike’s motto: Just do it!

Pleiadians themselves live with this motto. Once they see the great beautiful vision, they are on the go. They will jump at their grand visions. Even if that means using a bit shifty, or downright mean, method.

I have nothing against the Pleiadians. I think some of the historical leaders, the ones that brought big changes with their charisma, may have been Pleiadians. But I have to be fair and tell you that many Pleiadians teamed up with darkworkers because of their zest for change and their “The end justified the means” thinking.

If you are a Pleiadian, please learn the virtue of looking around before jumping. I mean, just a little bit. You know you have hurt yourself, and some others, by your premature jumps. . . Learning some patience and aligning with Divine Light and Truth are essential.
The Pleiadian exodus

Pleiadians’ alliance with the dark energy has caused their home star to be uninhabitable for a long time. Recently this problem was fixed. (How recent is a question that I’m not exactly sure yet, but I think it was somewhere between 1995 and 1999.) So many Pleiadians decided to go home.

Again many Pleiadians jumped to action. Why stay on Earth when you can go home? Why wait until you complete this lifetime? And regarding the travel issue — is there a way to travel light?

Many Pleiadian souls just got up and left. Because our soul is what animates our body and mind, this could mean sudden unexplainable death. It seems, however, many former Pleiadians had soul shifts, with new souls volunteering to take place and carry on life. (This is a different kind of soul shift from what I call Ascension soul shift. Here is an article about various types of soul shifts.)
The Pleiadians who are still on Earth

I’m assuming the Pleiadians who are still on this Earth are the responsible type who are willing to at least complete the lifetimes they’ve started. When they come to my Akashic Record Reading service, they often present with unique energetic issues: karma and etheric implants that they received from other Pleiadians who were leaving Earth. (Please read the article about Sirians about the basic idea of etheric implants.)

When you travel, you want to travel light. So many Pleiadians dumped their karma and etheric implants to those who are willing to stay. (I guess there were lots of tricks and twisted logics involved in this — remember, Pleiadians are great at persuasion.) Most of the time, these Pleiadians dumped their energetic baggage to other Pleiadians (including those whose underlay or overtone are Pleiadians). The receiving Pleiadian may have just one implant dumped by another Pleiadian, or they may have received multiple (sometimes dozens) karma and implants from multiple Pleiadians.

What is left are many Pleiadians suffering from karma and implants that they are not even responsible for to begin with. Oh, and many former Pleiadians who act quite differently now.
Pleiadians’ ideal

I don’t know if Pleiadians have a common ideal. I do know they have ideals and they hold their own ideals high and dear. Again, they may even go to the far end and team up with the darkworkers for their ideal. While anyone has the potential to engage in darkness (typically for a quick personal gain), Pleiadians are more likely to do this.

And my advice is: Don’t go there. There are ways to actualize the ideal — it may take longer, but getting involved with dark energy is not worth it. When we are involved with dark energy, we get tied up with darkness. You may get what you want quickly, but then you begin to see the drawbacks. . .
Pleiadians’ gifts

Pleiadians’ biggest asset is their communication skills. They are natural marketers and salespersons, whether they are actually selling their business products / services or they are selling their ideas. Again, Pleiadians have big visions, and they incessantly talk about them to anyone who would listen (and some more), with enthusiasm and great sense of humor. Pleiadians are charming and entertaining.

Well, this is how Pleiadians are like in their originally meant way. Those Pleiadians who are weighed down with other Pleiadians’ karma and etheric implants would look quite different. These distressed Pleiadians know their potential but feel they somehow can’t operate at their full speed.

I may have sounded critical about the Pleiadians’ tendency to jump to action, but this, when done in alignment with Divine Light and Truth, is also a great gift. Many people are afraid of changes and stay stuck. Pleiadians are like a wake up call, or the sweeping whirlwind that motivate them to move forward.
Pleiadians’ challenges in loving relationships

If you like the particular way of a Pleiadian, nothing beats the company of him or her. Definitely invite them to your next party. They will keep the conversation flowing with lots of laughter.

The challenge? Hmm, there is not much middle ground with Pleiadians. You either love them or . . . you might as well stay clear. Don’t try to change them. Pleiadians are here to bring changes, and they are not going to change their daring way.

Obviously, a relationship with a Pleiadian will be very different from that with, say, a Hadarian or a Mission Realmer. Not that one is better than the other, but you need to know what you are getting into.

And if you are a Pleiadian, please loosen up a bit with your project to change your partner (or friends). . . I know you are frustrated how slow it is, but he or she just needs more time than you do.
Pleiadians’ challenges in career and finance

Pleiadians are the star players especially in sales and marketing. Pleiadians also make the leap to entrepreneurship daringly.

The challenge is the every day stuff. You know, once the excitement of setting goals settles down, the every day practical aspects of business (and life in general) set in. Doing the actual step-by-step work. Meetings. Administrative concerns. Like keeping books. Pleiadians are not good at these “boring” stuffs.

Pleiadians may benefit with teaming up with those who are good at doing these step-by-step detailed work. Like Alpha Centaurians and Sirians. Or Polarians. Outsourcing can be beneficial to both sides. (For instance, Alpha Centaurians take pride making sure all the details are addressed. They are not just good at detailed work, they like it. Talk about synergetic effects.)

I don’t know the details of my Pleiadian clients’ finances, but it’s not hard to imagine they are rather carefree spenders. Again, outsourcing — letting someone trustworthy and detail-oriented to manage their money — may be a good idea for some Pleiadians.

And it’s important for Pleiadians to learn appreciation for those who support them.
Pleiadians’ role on Eart

I would like to think those Pleiadians who are still on Earth are here for a reason. Ascension, the big shift of ages, is in process, and Pleiadians are invaluable in this challenge. Pleiadians inspire us to rise to this rare opportunity. Just do it. Get over your stories of the past. Move on.

My description of Pleiadians may make them look like such a secular, work-hard play-hard kind of people, but this is not necessarily so. Some Pleiadians are deeply into spiritual development.

And so, there may be even higher role Pleiadians can play in Ascension. At this time, many “spiritual” people are in their own way, quite isolated, as I wrote in the linked article. Pleiadians can be a great organizer, bringing them together by their great vision.

Earth Souls

Last but not least, about Earth souls. Earth souls are those who have never been to other star systems, souls who start their incarnated life on this planet Earth. Traditionally, Earth souls are considered to be underdeveloped spiritually. However, this is the new era and I have had to update my understanding of Earth souls as I meet more and more of them in my practice.

Earth souls are the majority of the population. As such a large group, there are considerable varieties among Earth souls. Some Earth souls have developed their spirituality enough to the point that they see themselves as spiritual being beyond the physical existence — this is why increasing number of Earth souls are coming to Akashic Record Reading. (Yet, the vast majority that are called starseeds.)

On the other hand, many Earth souls remain to be underdeveloped and live a simple life. There is nothing wrong about this. They are the salt of the Earth.

I would also like to mention some of my most successful clients are Earth souls. In order to succeed in this world, it would help to put all the attention in one endeavor — typically the career — and Earth souls’ single mindedness is a plus in this. So while starseeds wonder the meaning of life and seek to live their life purpose, Earth souls can put all their energy into their career and get ahead.

I am excited to watch the progress of Earth souls’ spiritual growth. Starseeds have been the leaders in many ways, guiding the Earth souls to their growth. In this time of Ascension, I’d like to think Earth souls are ready to take some initiatives.
Our innate gifts

I hope this starseeds series helped you see the unique gifts and strengths each group bring to this world. We don’t need to be someone we are not to make a contribution to this world. Rather, we want to develop fully to our potential. At the same time, we want to encourage others do the same, and we can only do that when we nurture our own innate gifts and see the unique gifts others have within them.

Before we move on to the new phase of the starseeds series, I’d like to thank everyone who provided feedback by comments and personal emails. You helped me a lot in deepening my understanding of starseeds.


Parallels come from various parallel worlds. Parallel worlds are not higher dimensions, they are parallel to our world. Sometimes our Higher Selves infuse not just one soul but multiple souls to be incarnated in multiple parallel worlds simultaneously. This is called simultaneous incarnations. Theoretically, this promotes faster learning. It’s like doing multiple sets of simulation games simultaneously. I say “theoretically” because I don’t believe this is always the case. Learning depends not only on the quantity of experiences we go through but also on the quality of learning we do through each experience.

Some beings in the parallel worlds choose to incarnate in this world for the time being. They usually leave a small part of their soul back in their original world so that they can track it back home. While soul fragmentation is a big problem for other souls, this is normal for parallels.

Parallels are quite rare, to the best of my knowledge. I have only seen a few true Parallels in my Akashic Record Reading service. And because they come from not just one but various parallel worlds, it’s difficult to draw common characteristics. Perhaps the only commonality among Parallels is they have a unique perspective and way of living from the rest of the us. I assume sense of misfit may be the biggest challenge for Parallels living in this world.


Lightworkers are souls that are evolving toward the Source, the Source of loving light energy of life. Most Earth souls and the aforementioned starseed souls are lightworker souls.

It’s a confusing term because it implies it’s about work. “Light being” or “positively evolving souls” would be a lot better term.

The opposite of lightworkers are the darkworkers, souls that have chosen to go away from the Source. I’m a bit annoyed to discuss darkworkers because some people are so afraid of even talking about them and think just talking about darkworkers make one a darkworker. I received some harassment emails after writing that post that says, “Akemi, you are going dark yourself”.

Geesh. I would rather die than joining the dark forces. Seriously. I know, as Akashic Record Reader, death is a lot easier to recover from than getting tied with dark forces.

Darkworkers are quite dumb about their decision to go against the Source. Because, if they are going against the only authentic source of life energy, how can they get their supply of life energy? They usually steal energy from the people around them. They have to sneak around or even disguise their own sense of self to get this done.

Some people define lightworkers as those who have taken up to work for the light, people who does lightworks such as healing and charity work. As Akashic Record Reader, I simply cannot agree with this definition, although I understand people want outwardly sign to tell if someone is a lightworker or not.

Through my Akashic Record Reading practice, I became aware quite a few darkworkers take these lightworker jobs. If you think about it, it makes sense. Who comes to healing service? Souls who are disturbed and distressed, and therefore unguarded. By being a healer, a darkworker gets a constant inflow of clients who are susceptible. They can fix some energy flow or give some nutritional advice, then take some energy from the clients.

This doesn’t mean all healers or others who are in lightworker jobs are darkworkers. No way. I like to think most of them are indeed lightworkers. It does mean, however, that we need to pay attention to the actual energy flow, not the job title and other labels, to understand who the person is.


Walk-in is a one time soul shift, as opposed to ongoing back-and-forth soul shift. Because you are your soul, in the physical form, once the walk in happens, you are the new soul. Don’t think you “lost” your true soul or someone is taking over you. You are your current soul. I know this concept is disturbing to some people, but this is how it is.

For instance, a person may have had the Pleiadian soul until the Pleiadian exodus happened about ten years ago. When the Pleiadian soul left, another soul volunteered to switch in — without soul, the body is dead, and it’s such a waste to let a good body die.

The new soul may be an Earth soul or another kind of starseed soul, say, a Sirian soul. So this is the walk-in. The person would exhibit personality change quite abruptly. (And a big clear change in this example because Pleiadians are very characteristic souls.)

A notable case of walk-in is the Ascension soul shift. This is when the new updated version of the soul from the same Higher Self (or oversoul) walks in. The new soul vibrates in the higher dimension.

While other types of walk-ins can happen at any age, including childhood, Ascension soul shift seems to be the exception in that it usually happen only to adults. The youngest client who’s had Ascension soul shift was around eighteen years old. Most clients who goes through Ascension soul shifts seem to be well in their adulthood.

Earth angels

If you are different from other people, as if you were dropped off on this planet and wonder when someone’s coming to take you home? If so, then you may be an Earth Angel. If you have a passion and talent for healing, teaching, or helping others, yet you yourself have substance-abuse problems, weight issues, relationship challenges, and the like, then you may be an Earth Angel. If you’re highly sensitive and you abhor violence in any form, then you may very well be an Earth Angel!

An Earth Angel is a soul with non-Earthly origins. Although all souls originate from the same Divine source, our environment and personal history often shape our personalities and physical characteristics. For instance, those who spend most of their time surfing at tropical beaches will have different looks and mannerisms than people who hole up in their inner-city offices every day.

Similarly, all of the lives you’ve previously lived have impacted you. And, just as your physical family-of-origin influences you, so does your soul’s family-of-origin shape your looks, behavior, and even your life’s purpose. Again, the inside of everyone is the same: a beautiful, pristine spark of Divine light. However, as a lightworker, your spark of light may have spent time in heavenly realms far from our Earth. Those lifetimes that you’ve logged in the angelic realm, the elemental kingdom, or on other planets have influenced who you are today. Although you inhabit a human body, your soul feels like a traveler in a foreign country—because that is, in essence, what you are.

The term Earth Angels is not to be confused with Incarnated Angels, which is one of the five groups of Earth Angels. By learning about your spiritual realm of origin, you’ll understand more about your personality, behavior, and individual quirks. As I mentioned, this is similar to the way our astrological sun signs group us into meaningful categories.

You may discover that you’re an Incarnated Angel or Elemental; a Starperson whose past lives have been extraterrestrial (ET); a Walk-In; or a Wise One, which is a reincarnated Sorceress, High-Priestess, or Wizard. You’re a seasoned service worker called into action—an Earth Angel. You may have had past lives on Earth as an Incarnated Angel, Elemental, and such, yet you forgot these incarnations, believing that your past lives were human.

New Generation of Children

A new generation of children are being born who are gifted in many ways and forms. No matter the terms used to describe them: Indigo Children, Crystal Kids, Rainbow, Psychic, Super Psychic or others, the overall meaning is the same: they are intuitive, spiritually gifted and aware.

The challenge to humanity is to open and allow these children the space and freedom to develop and explore both their Gifts and themselves. In doing so we learn, develop and explore the limitless nature of ourselves through them. Eventually such Gifted children will simply become known as, children. Their Gifts to humanity allowed and understood as the natural abilities inherent in us all. That is the Message they bring in. The path to that happening is now.

Many people from all walks of life are "waking up". Many are finding that their lives, behaviors and understanding of themselves and the world no longer serve as they once did. Deeper issues and unhappinesses are rising up inside and out to be understood, felt and released. At the same time amazing, unexpected and new understandings, possibilities and senses for life are blooming all around.

These two Happenings are not separate. Instead, they are one and the same. Humanity is asking itself to let go of "playing small", to face and release it's means and ways of doing so, both individually and as a collective. Humanity is challenging itself to step into it's rightful responsibility for something infinitely deeper, wider and far more profound: Limitless Being. The New Children are simply reflecting back to us what we already are, what we always have been. They're guiding us with compassion to what we find so hard to accept, allow and face - our Light.

From Christianity's "The kingdom of heaven is inside you" to Buddhism's "Realize that you are all things and no thing," the millennias old message is the same: We are more than we believe ourselves to be. The key to allowing ourselves as we are is compassion. Learning and allowing ourselves to love and be loved in return. Coming to understand what doing so means not just with other people, but ourselves, our reality and through our lives as well.

If the truest measure of success is happiness, each of these children comes into this world a success. That's not to say they are always "happy" but that they have an inner foundation of confidence and compassion that flows naturally from the inside out when it’s allowed. Their light, their abilities and their understandings often startle those they're around.

Their spiritual and psychic gifts stem from their innate knowing of themselves as children of light playing in this reality we're all experiencing. Inherent in them is the understanding that this reality is far more than we currently allow ourselves to believe. They're showing us what it is to be in the dream while not of it. They’re doing so by allowing their own light to shine and divine abilities to manifest. They are guiding humanity with compassion and grace to face it's own limitless being.

These children are far more than "special", they are us. They reflect back to us what we already are and are scared to face: That we're worthy of our own light and compassion. That anything, and everything, is so much more than possible. That all we need do is simply allow ourselves to let the lights we are radiate and shine through, always and in all ways.

My passion is to open and allow the ways and means of the children doing so, for both themselves and for us. Through workshops, writings, intuitive playgroups and after school programs I hope to create spaces for these new kids to both develop and explore.