Monday, April 11, 2011

Understanding our new children

1. New children see the truth of everything around them. They see people and situations for what they are and cannot pretend otherwise. They cannot suppress feelings. They cannot deny what they know. It is not a natural inclination for these children to lie. Although they can learn to lie, they are never very good at it and it is quite hard on them physically to do so.

2. New children emotions are directly connected to their experience of their environment at all times. When new children experience physical discomfort it is because something is out of alignment with their emotional experience of what is going on around them.

3. Parents of and others around new children must take responsibility for their own emotions. It is vitally important that those around new children are consciously aware of their emotions. As family, friends or parents of new children you are responsible for your emotional balance. This is one of the most important things that we can do to support these children. If you are not emotionally balanced get counselling.

4. New children are very affected by toxins such as chemical, environmental, emotional, and nutritional. Vaccinations are not a good idea for new children. They cannot tolerate them and will have an immediate reaction to the introduction of them into their bodies. Over time, being exposed to toxins can cause rapid decline in the life force of new children. Being in cities and toxic houses and toxic classrooms with the paints and carpets is really hard on them.

5. New children need a wide variety of outlets to express their creativity. They are constant conduits of creative energy at all times. This need for creative expression can be perceived as ADD or ADHD, emotional outbursts or the need for constant physical activity. They need to have at least five or six options to express their creativity at any given time. They should always have notebooks and pencils or pens to be able to write with. Many of them compose music and poetry just off the top of their head. They should always have chalks and crayons and a drawing pad with them to be able to draw at will. It would be really good for them to have a CD player so that they can listen to music if they want to.

6. New children need to be allowed to leave a situation at any time that they need to. New children can learn to take care of themselves emotionally if they are given the opportunity to leave situations that are uncomfortable for them and given an outlet to deal with the emotional stimulation. If there is something chemically, emotionally or energetically going on in a classroom and they are not able to focus they are allowed to get up and leave without asking permission to go into another room where ideally there would be an adult there to assist them to perhaps draw for awhile until they are able to focus again and return to the classroom.

And at home this is vital. If the parents of a new child are having an argument, that child needs to be able to get out of the house and have a safe place to go deal with the intensity of the emotions. You can’t imagine how unbearable it is for new children to be in an emotionally incongruent situation and is often experienced as physical pain.

7. New children have special dietary needs. New children do not typically tolerate any hybrid foods such as corn, wheat and tomatoes, any foods that are grown with chemicals. Eating organic food is crucial for new children. They need to eat many times throughout the day, simple meals, often only one maybe two at the most foods at a time. They don’t do well with full meals. They also need to eat when they are hungry regardless of meal schedules. They don’t have a tolerance for blood sugar fluctuations. New children as a rule need to be able to have their needs met immediately and as much as possible not have to ask for permission or go through an adult to do so.

8. New children need their bedrooms to be a sanctuary. It is good for them to have a wide selection of music available to them at all times and as soon as they are old enough to ensure that they can play music anytime that they choose to, day or night. Moving water is important, having an aquarium or a fountain in their rooms is good. Be careful about purchasing some of the less inexpensive fountains as they are made with glues and other toxins. The child can even build a simple fountain themselves with non-toxic materials. Everything in their bedroom must be a non-toxic, 100% cotton sheet; don’t use scented detergents or dryer sheets. Plants are also important to have in the bedrooms of new children.

9. New children need to be emotionally connected to other people at all times. Although new children require a significant amount of time alone, they also need to know that they can re-connect to animals, siblings, parents and friends at any time. They need to have the choice to be alone as needed and also to be instantly backed in the arms, and the comfort and the connection of those that care about them. It is also vitally important that parents of new children are present enough to be able to engage with them immediately and emotionally connect fully.

10. A connection to animals and the natural world is extremely important for new children. New children need to have strong connections to animals and the natural world. Spending time in gardens and parks is vital connecting for new children. Having pets is very comforting both physically and emotionally for them.

1 comment:

  1. This is my child - TY for the guidance and validation.
