Friday, April 15, 2011

Human Butterfly crops circles

On August 7th 2009 Evolution Sequence Activated, a gigantic Human Butterfly Crop Circle (530 meters X 450 meters) appeared in Southern Holland (Netherlands) near a town called Goes. This is the biggest crop circle ever reported which speaks it's message loud and clear, 'Humans are Evolving'well illustrated by the metamorphosis of a caterpillar into a butterfly! The spiritual evolution involves transcending ego and quite interestingly when you anagram the word 'Goes' you get 'Egos' seems like a direct message letting go of the egos is one of the first steps towards self-realization / awakening / enlightenment / evolution ... this is how it 'goes' The software was also used by Dan Brown to create the anagrams in the The Da Vinci Code

The human figure in the crop circle formation looks a lot like Da Vinci's "Vitruvian Man".


  1. Two other beautiful butterfly crop circles:
