Sunday, June 20, 2010

The Law of Attraction

Law of attraction affirmations are being used by more people to think their way to success. Whether the focus is on personal health and happiness or prosperity and business success, this mindset is the foundation of positive thinking. The premise is that we are in control over our own circumstances and that we all attract what we are like. If we are happy, we often attract other happy people. If we are angry or frustrated, we surround ourselves with other angry, frustrated people. To draw high quality relationships, prospects and other connections to you, you must produce those qualities in yourself.

When addressing success, the law of attraction affirmations states that you create your own reality. Positive affirmations that you believe and that are possible create a positive energy. When focused on, they can make a life filled with happiness, purpose and prosperity. You may wonder how this translates to business and marketing. Today’s online consumer is smart and educated. They know what they are looking for and have no patience for the hype and sales pitches that often prove effective in traditional marketing methods. To be successful, not only to you have to believe that you are, you need to be authentic.

Be honest, be interesting, be yourself. Most online consumers will not be manipulated. If you try, remember the law of attraction affirmations states that “like attracts like”. You are liable to attract those people who enjoy exploiting loopholes and manipulating rules to suite their own agendas. If you want customers who have integrity, are honest and insightful, you need to believe in those characteristics and exhibit them yourself. Successful network marketers understand this law and it helps them generate positive cash flow, almost from the beginning. People are drawn to their honesty and truthfulness. These are people who can benefit from your business.

In turn, you benefit from their passion and abilities. One of the primary principles of network marketing is that you provide the value for free at first and the money will follow. If your goals are truly to help others and provide a service that is beneficial, people with become part of your network because they trust and respect you. This is the law of attraction affirmations at work. As you begin building a positive cash flow, you will become more relaxed. This enables you to stop chasing down leads and attract the right kind prospects. The result is an increase in your positive cash flow, helping you succeed.

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