Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Many people are searching at this time, for what they call the truth. They are seeking guidance in this arena from “higher” being on other dimensions. Throughout the ages man have been impressed by intimations of presences manifesting themselves through chosen channels: Shamans, mediums, clairvoyants. Many mediums claimed to transmit advice given by spirits of the deceased. Everyone has a Higher Self that exists simultaneously o this dimension, as well as all others. The possibilities for life are limitless, and the Great Spirit that you are wants to experience all the possibilities.

When does it happen? The phenomenon may also present itself when people come together with a common objective. It seems that their minds fuse, creating a common field. In it a presence may manifest itself in such a strong manner that is it not recognised anymore as being part of the participants.

You always have contact with you Higher Self, but it comes through more clearly when you focus your intent upon bringing Spirit into your life. So the phenomenon of Channelling is really a simple concept: it is bringing in Spirit (not necessarily your own) and letting it communicate either to you or through you’re. Since your Higher Self is not limited by time or space, you can access the whole of your entire being, that is, your past, present, and future selves, as well as all aspects of it.

Your Spirit is really greater and much more vast than you can imagine because you are here on the physical plane, learning all about limitation, and don’t have the “bird’s eye view” that your multidimensional Self does. Here is a simple technique you can use to channel your Higher Self or Spirit. It is a very flexible method and you can always modify any of it to suit your own needs. Really anyone can do this.

Go somewhere that is quiet where you won’t be disturbed, and where you can sit comfortably with your feet flat on the floor or ground, and your eyes closed. It may be helpful to keep a pen and paper handy to write your experiences as they go along. If you like, you can have a helper with you who can guide you through the initial mediation and ask question of your Higher Self, and write your answers for you.


Take three deep breaths, letting you relax. Imagine your consciousness drifting down into the Earth, as you keep breathing slowly and deeply, and then your consciousness comes to rest somewhere inside the Earth, where you find a place with a certain mineral in it that you feel attracted to. See this mineral start to glow, becoming brighter with coloured light, whatever colour you like. Now see the light become a beam, and it is moving up now, all the way up until it enters the bottom of your right foot. Then become aware of your right foot, how it feels, and see the light begin to move up your right leg, and become aware of your right leg. Then, see the light continue to go up your right side, as you become aware of that area, then it enters your right hand, and continues up your right arm to the shoulder. Become fully aware of your whole right side, and see the light illuminating the whole right side of your body.

Now move the light cord over to your left shoulder, and become aware of that area. Now the light begins moving down your left arm, hand, fingers, and you feel it moving your left side, as you focus your awareness to your left side. Then that light cord moves down your left leg, into your left foot. Become fully aware of all sensations in the whole left side of your body. The light finally continues back down into the Earth, where it connects back to its source, completing the circuit. The light is continually in motion, moving up form the Earth up your right side as you continually in motion, moving up from the Earth up your right side as your breathe in, and circulating back down your left side and back to its source as your breathe out. Feel this energy revitalizing you as you breathe and relax.

Clearing: Now see a third energy cord come up out of the Earth, perhaps of another colour, and it enters your body at the base of your spine, the first chakra. See that chakra as wheel of light, which fills up with this new energy and begins to glow brightly, and starts to spin. As it does this, any negative energies, fears, or blockages begin to clear out. And you see it spinning in perfect alignment with the your spine as an axle. See the top of the first Chakra open up, and see the energy beam move up into the second chakra. Continue moving the beam up into each successive chakra, seeing each one clear out and start to spin, all the way up to the seventh chakra at the crown of you head. Then see the energy beam shoot up out of the top of your head. Showering your whole body with light, which surrounds and protect you from any unwanted energies.

Enter your Sanctuary. See you consciousness rise up along with the beam out through your crown chakra, and find a place for your consciousness to come to rest, anyplace that you like. First you see a doorway, and only you have the key to enter this place, your Sanctuary. Your sanctuary will only have the things in it that you allow. It can be in nature, a special room anther world, wherever you feel comfortable and safe. Now look around you. Off to the left, there is a fountain with a pool and crystal clear water. You go over to the fountain and peer into the pool. At first your reflection in the surface of the water is clear, but then you see the water begin to get wavy and from the center of the pool you see a magnificent being rise up out of the water, glowing in white light. It’s your Higher Self, greeting you with unconditional love and acceptance. You greet your Higher Self, and together you go to another part of your Sanctuary, where there is a place for you to put your mind into a soundproof container, where it will stay for the duration of the experience. Notice how you feel about your mind. Know that you are safe and protected, and with your mind put away, you will be able to more fully experience your Higher Self without any judgement. Feel yourself merge into your Higher Self. The energy there is wonderful.

Return to your body with your Higher Self: you and your Higher Self now leave your Sanctuary and find the bright beam of light that brought you here, and follow the beam back to your physical plane body, where you enter with your Higher Self through the crown chakra. Take a few deep breaths. Notice how you feel. When you feel ready, open your eyes. If you have a helper with you, now is the time to begin asking the questions you prepared for your Higher Self. If you have just written the questions down and have no one to help you, ask yourself the questions and just let yourself receive whatever thoughts, feelings, images, or other sensations come to you. Write down whatever it is that you get. Do not try to analyze now, there will be time for that later. Just let yourself flow with the experience. After each answer (what ever form that comes to you in) feels complete, go on the next question.

Here are a few example questions that may be helpful for your first time: What is my higher purpose for this year?

What blocks or fears do I have that would prevent for this year?
What blacks or fear do I have that would prevent me from attaining this?
What skills or attributes do I have to help me from attaining this?
What skills or attributes do I have to help me attain my goals?
What message of love compassion do you have that (your name) needs to hear at this time?

After the question feel complete, close your eyes one again, and take your Higher Self with you back to your Sanctuary. Let your Higher Self return to the magical fountain pool, knowing that it is there form you whenever you need it. Now go retrieve your mind, accepting it as a part of yourself. You may stay in your Sanctuary as long as you like, or return to it whenever you want, return to your body through the crown chakra. Your awareness returns to the room you are in and you feel refreshed and balanced. This technique I use the same technique for channelling other beings of the Light. It is very important when you channel that you stage your intent and who you are willing to let into your space, because you will be sharing your energy with them and you don’t want to do that with anyone who does not have your Highest interest at heart. This technique facilitates conscious channelling, that always have the choice when to stop. There is an element of surrender to more difficult to learn to channel until they have begun to deal with those fears of not being in control. If your desire for channelling is for your personal growth and healing, and you can learn to trust your Spirit to guide you, this technique can be learned very quickly and you will see results manifest in new ways you probably never imagined.

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