More than fifteen years ago, when I was twenty-two, I experienced something known as a “kundalini awakening”. When it happened, I had no idea what had occurred. I didn’t have a spiritual teacher or guru on the somewhat meandering spiritual path I’d embarked on a few years earlier. I’d started practicing hatha yoga, read voraciously everything from "The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying" to Carlos Castaneda, meditated alone in the desert, practiced deep emotional release, went to workshops and spiritual gatherings, and in the process met many others also reaching for a higher state of consciousness and a more meaningful experience of being.
It was still completely out of the blue and totally mind-blowing, however, when I experienced my kundalini energy awaken, or arise. There are many, many different types and expressions and experiences of spiritual awakening. Sometimes it’s simply a revelation or epiphany that leads one in a completely different direction, one focused more on spirituality and inner searching. Spiritual awakening can mean seeing angels, or contacting and channeling an alien entity. An experimental trip, such as in a teepee ceremony or sweat lodge, can lead to discovering and embracing a previously unknown part of oneself; or to communing with some aspect of the divine. Spiritual awakening can lead to the ability to see people’s auras, talk with the , or leave one’s body and explore the astral planes.
Kundalini awakening, however, is something else. It can come about as a result of some of these other experiences, as it did in my case. And it can also lead down the road to activating some of these otherworldly phenomenon, and others. In essence, kundalini is simply energy. Specifically, it is spiritual energy, which resides in every human being. Kundalini means literally “coiled serpent”. Figuratively speaking, the coiled serpent represents a reservoir of spiritual energy which lies at the base of the spine, in the root chakra, coiled up because in most people it is latent or potential spiritual energy which the person is for the most part unaware of.
Through yogic or other spiritual practices, or sometimes due to subconscious individual efforts or even completely randomly, this energy can be awakened in an individual; in which case the energy is tapped into and begins flowing upwards from the root chakra through all the chakras along the spinal column, culminating in unification with the uppermost crown chakra at the top of the head.
Like spiritual experiences in general, kundalini awakening takes wildly different forms for different people. The differences can range from experiences of pure bliss, to sheer . The unifying experience is that of this rising of spiritual energy that invigorates and activates the chakra system, those six or seven (depending on who you ask) energy centers located along the spinal column, each of which corresponds with some integral aspect of the human spirit.
To summarize the chakras briefly, the first chakra, or root chakra, is located roughly at the base of the spine, specifically at the perineum at the bottom of the abdomen, right between the legs. It is associated with the color red and with basic root power, pure potential energy. The second chakra is midway between the perineum and the naval. Its color is orange, and it is associated with ual and creative energy. The third chakra is in the naval and belly region. It is yellow and is associated with emotions, feelings and intuition. The fourth chakra is at the center of the chest, in the heart area. It is green and is associated with feelings of love, unity and balance, as it is the midway point between the upper and lower chakras. The fifth chakra is located in the neck and throat. It is a light blue and is associated with the voice and personal expression. The sixth chakra is at the third eye, in the middle of the forehead. It is indigo, or a deep blue, and is associated with the eyes and with spiritual sight and visions. The seventh or crown chakra is at the very top of the head. It is purple (a combination of red, the root chakra and deep blue, the sixth chakra) and is associated with oneness and enlightenment, and a connection to the rest of the universe.
Some alternatively say that the crown chakra is actually white, the unification of all the colors. And others say that there are further chakras, the eighth, ninth or tenth which are located above the human body, connecting us with various aspects of the universe or other dimensions, and which might be white, gold, silver or other colors. This is of course open to discussion and interpretation. It isn’t particularly important that everyone agree on the specifics. But it is significant that so many across so many spiritual disciplines agree with the idea of these energy centers in our own human physical forms that connect us to spiritual energies, and ultimately to the divine.
So, kundalini energy originates from the root chakra, and it is that base, pure power that invigorates our spiritual awareness and brings our full human potential to fruition. And as mentioned above, it can result in a wide array of sensations, from bliss or to and anger and everything in between, as it is a highly potent force.
In my case, the initial experience of kundalini was in the latter category, one of extreme inner challenges to say the least. One of the reasons this can be the case, is that kundalini energy is like a fire hose of energy whose innate purpose is to cleanse the chakras of any blockages or disturbances, and bring them back to their full, vibrating potential. And like a fire hose that has been switched on, it is a force to be reckoned with; and once switched on it apparently can not simply be switched back off. Once the energy is gushing forth, rising up the chakra system, it will come into contact with each of the chakras and if met with resistance in the form of blockages, past traumas, denied emotions and memories, guilt, judgments and all the various frozen energy we hold in our human souls that keep us from vibrating fully; then the kundalini energy will awaken these like a spotlight shining into a dark and dusty attic.
Kundalini energy has a single-minded mission, and that is to reunite with the crown chakra. I say reunite because it is also a matter of returning ourselves to our natural state; that of oneness between all aspects of our multi-faceted souls, as well as with the spiritual realms beyond our normal, waking perceptions.
The process of this reunification is where things can get difficult and frightening and for some can seem nearly impossible to resolve at times. The symptoms of kundalini awakening are extremely wide-ranging. Some people simply experience a stream of blissful energy invigorating their soul. Some might find themselves kept awake, unable to sleep and not needing to for days at a time, instead practicing art or music propelled by a constant flood of creative energy. Some people find themselves spontaneously assuming yogic positions or else reciting chants, perhaps in languages they have never spoken before. Still others might find themselves seeing other realms or dimensions, hearing voices or seeing before them non-physical entities, or perhaps having visions of the future, or peering into the ancient past.
For many, myself included, kundalini awakening is a more localized experience which brings about a barrage of assorted energetic symptoms on the physical, mental and emotional planes, that can be downright bizarre and highly unpleasant or even excruciating. In my case, I experienced a sensation as if a fire were burning at the base of my spine, raging up my spinal column. I had electrical shocks occurring all throughout my body, and flashes of light seemingly before my very eyes, as well as outside of my normal field of vision. I felt as if I were simultaneously being crushed, and pulled apart by a powerful force of energy that I couldn’t have previously imagined. For months after my experience of kundalini awakening, I was accosted by a constant onslaught of such symptoms, to the point that I was certain there was no way that what I was going through could be resolved.
Fortunately, I eventually came across a number of books explaining what I was experiencing, which also assured me that there was a purpose to it as well as some sort of resolution. However, resolution in this case doesn’t mean that suddenly the experience ends, and it’s all behind you. As one Buddhist teacher informed me at one point in the depths of these overwhelming sensations: “The energy will not lessen in its intensity. However, you will eventually change to accommodate it, and then it will seem that the energy itself has changed.”
Fifteen years later, I can say that he was exactly right. The purpose of kundalini awakening is not simply to give us an experience which we will then look back on and say that it changed us to some extent. Instead, its purpose is to awaken a source of spiritual energy within our souls which will connect us with our full potential and with the rest of the universe, and which will bring us into a new normal of expanded consciousness and heightened awareness of both the world around us, and the infinite and eternal realms within and far beyond us.
Ultimately, it is my understanding that kundalini awakening is the path to enlightenment and Christ consciousness. Maybe that’s not entirely accurate, and enlightenment is one of those things that itself has many different forms, depending on the seeker and the teacher. After fifteen years of walking this path, all I can say is that I still have a long ways to go, as it‘s a lifetime process.
But I do believe that contacting and awakening this energy is truly the most important aspect of healing that humanity needs to undergo during this time of monumental upheaval and transformation on our planet. Why? Because I have experienced with glimpses and brief moments of clarity and illumination the depth of blissful remembrance and all-encompassing wholeness which kundalini brings about. And in that state of oneness and knowing and connection with All That Is, there is no wanting for anything else, and the incessant problems that plague our world cannot continue to haunt us. Humanity has come to a crucial crossroads, where we can’t simply keep on going forward as we have been for the past several hundred years of accelerating technological progress, unguided by a true connection with our own selves and with the universe as a whole. Humanity needs to make a huge, critical leap of evolution and of consciousness in order to begin relating with our own world and with each other in a completely different way. And kundalini has the power to bring about this critical transformation of humanity, one person at a time.
Finally, I would like to offer a few helpful ideas for anyone who is undergoing kundalini awakening symptoms, particularly those of the unpleasant variety. First, I would suggest finding a range of books and other writings on the subject and read as much as possible so that you have a better understanding of kundalini, what the process is likely to be like and what some of the possible solutions and helpful practices are that go along with kundalini awakening. And if there is a teacher of some sort available who is experienced in the matter, either from direct experience or else from studying the subject for many years, then of course they might be very helpful with things.
But many people seem to find, as in my case, that ultimately you’re strapped in to a roller coaster ride alone, and you have to figure out how to deal with it to a certain extent by your own devices. Kundalini manifests itself differently in every individual, and so the solutions and path of healing can also be highly unique for each person. What I always suggest most of all, is to find some form of physical practice that will help to ground and anchor the energy into your physical body.
Yoga is of course closely associated with kundalini energy, and is perfectly designed to both arouse the kundalini initially, as well as help in channeling and processing the energy once it is awakened. But there are many other things that could be helpful as well, such as tai chi, chi gung, pilates or martial arts. Anything that combines some physical exercise with a focus on spiritual development, and especially attention to breathing is bound to be helpful. And even such things as walking, running, swimming, hiking, biking or other outdoor activities might prove extremely beneficial in helping the energy to make its way through the chakra system and the nervous system. Getting outside and connecting with nature in general is highly recommended. Although it is a non-physical force, kundalini works within and through the physical human form, and so one’s focus should be on the physical plane as much as the spiritual, especially during the early stages.
In other words, don’t simply lock yourself away in your room in a state of spiritual turmoil, thinking there’s nothing that can be done to change these oftentimes strange, bewildering and overwhelming energetic experiences. This will only insure that it will take even longer to go through the process, because the energy must be engaged with your body in order to bring about the changes that will eventually result in a profound transformation of your energetic and physical being. By making an effort to work with the process, you can make a huge difference in moving and guiding the process along. And when in doubt, keep in mind the advice from a wise teacher: “Ask, and ye shall receive.” Because the universe is indeed listening.
Gabriel Morris is author of the spiritual adventure story "Kundalini and the Art of Being", which recounts his own profound experience of kundalini awakening and spiritual journey, all while semi-homeless and hitchhiking around the western United States during the mid-1990s. More info about his travels and writings can be found at
We are Human Angels and Lightworks. We are here to educate and share our gifts. We are called Indigo, crystal, Rainbow,and Star children. There is so much information out there. I am a crystal child and a very young one. I hope my message will open your eyes.
Monday, May 31, 2010
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Mental Time Travel Exercise
Here's a simple time traveler experiment you can perform each night before you fall asleep. Place yourself in a space and time where you can remember yourself being happy and carefree - perhaps one of the brightest moments in your life. Now, as you recall the environment first, and then the faces and circumstances surrounding the time frame, connect with the feeling you had. Feeling is the key to placing yourself back in a certain time of your life. Without being able to feel your emotions back then, it is merely nothing but a two-dimensional picture in your mind. This is a form of mental time travel, and if you connected with your true feelings then, you are officially initiated as having traveled back, using your brain/mind to enter into another time period to re-experience what you felt surrounding an event. After you feel comfortable with travel back into your own past, you can branch out using your imagination to re-experience events in history you have always longed to witness. Perhaps you will be able to penetrate some mysterious time warp field allowing your consciousness to breakthrough into a different time, past or future.
Saturday, May 29, 2010
The New Earth I
In this day and age, a transition is taking place on earth. A new consciousness is dawning which will take material shape sooner or later. How exactly this transition will come about, what form it will take, is not fixed. The future is always indeterminate. The only thing that is really given is this moment: the Now. From the well of the Now, countless possible roads are springing, an infinite web of possible futures.
On the basis of the past, we can predict that one particular future is more probable than another, but the choice is always yours. It is you who decide whether you let the past determine your future! Predictions are always based on probabilities. Probabilities are related to the past. It is in your power as a human being to break with the past, to set out a different course. You are endowed with free will. You have the power to change, to recreate yourself. In this power rests your divinity. It is the power to create from nothing (to create ex nihilo). This divine power belongs to the very essence of who you are.
In speaking of this day and age as an age of transition, never forget that you are the master of your own reality. There is no such thing as a predestined Plan or a Cosmic Power which overrules your individual soul’s path or your individual power to create your own reality. It doesn’t work that way. Every soul on earth will experience this transition in a way that fits their inner propensities. There are many realities. The reality you choose will answer your inner needs and desires.
What makes this time (1950 – 2070 approximately) special is that there are two different cycles of consciousness coming to an end: a personal cycle (or a set of personal cycles) and a planetary cycle. The completion of these cycles coincides, so that one reinforces the other.
For a part of humanity, the completion of their personal cycle of earth lives is near. Most of the souls involved in this completion are lightworkers. We will speak in much more detail about this group of lightworker souls. Here we would like to explain the nature of this personal cycle: what it means to go through it and what is the purpose of living all these quite complicated lives on earth.
The personal karmic cycle
The earth lives you experience are part of a greater cycle of your soul. This cycle was designed to enable you to fully experience duality. You have within this cycle experienced what it is like to be male and female, to be healthy and ill, to be rich or poor, to be “good” and “bad.” In some lives you were intensely involved with the material world, being a farmer, worker or craftsman. There have been more spiritually oriented lives, in which you carried within you a strong awareness of your spiritual origins. In those lives you were often drawn to religious callings. Also there have been lives in which you explored the worldly domain of power, politics etc. There may have been lives devoted to an artistic expression of yourself.
Often souls tend to specialize somewhat in the course of all these lives. This can clearly be recognized in people who possess a natural gift in a certain area. It seems they have a potential there, even as a child, which only needs to be awakened at the right time and which is then easily developed.
Lightworker souls are often drawn to religious lives and have lived numerous lives as monks, nuns, priests, shamans, witches, psychics etc. They were drawn to be intermediaries between the material, physical world and the spiritual realms. And so they developed an expertise in this field. When you feel this calling, this strong urge to be involved with spirituality, even if it does not fit in with your normal daily life, you may very well be part of this family of lightworkers.
Living on earth provides you with an opportunity to fully experience what it is like to be a human. Now you may ask: what’s so special about being human? Why would I want to experience that?
The human experience is both diverse and intense. When you live a human life, you are temporarily immersed within an overwhelming field of physical sensations, thoughts and feelings. Because of the duality inherent in this field, there is great contrast and intensity in your experiences, much greater than when you are in the astral planes, as you call it. (These are the planes you enter after you die and where you remain between lives.) It may be hard to imagine for you, but many entities on our side would love to be in your shoes. They would love to be human, to gain human experience. The human experience has a kind of realness to it which is invaluable to them. Although they can create countless realities by the power of their imagination, it gives them less satisfaction than the creation of one “real” reality on earth.
On earth, the creation process is often a struggle. You typically meet a lot of resistance in making your dreams come true. The mental type of creation in the astral world is much easier. There is no time lag between the thought of something and the actual creation of it. Moreover you can create any reality you want or can think of. There are no limits. The moment you picture a lovely garden, it is there for you to enter.
To give birth to an idea on earth, to make it a reality in the material world, is a great endeavor. It demands a strong intention, perseverance, clarity of mind and a trusting heart. On earth, you have to deal with the slowness and stubbornness of the material world. You have to deal with contradictory impulses in yourself: with doubt, despair, lack of knowledge, loss of faith, etc. The creation process may be obstructed or even fail because of any of these elements. Yet these potential problems, even the failures, are the very reasons that make the experience of earthly life so valuable. In this process, the challenges you meet are your greatest teachers. They give earth experience a profundity that is so much deeper and broader than the effortless creation process on the astral planes. This effortlessness breeds meaninglessness. The astral entities which have not yet experienced lives on earth know and understand this.
You often get discouraged and even desperate by the non-compliant nature of your reality. So often, reality does not answer your wishes and hopes. So often, your creative intentions seem to end up in pain and disillusion. However you will find that key to peace and happiness at some point. You will find that key within your own heart. And when you do, the joy that will befall you will not be matched by anything created in the astral planes. It will be the birth of your mastership, your divinity.
The ecstasy you will experience when your divinity awakens will provide you with the power to heal yourself. This divine love will help you recover from the deep hurts you have suffered throughout your lives on earth.
After that, you will be able to help cure others who have been through the same trials and sorrows. You will recognize their pain. You will see it in their eyes. And you will be able to guide them on their path to divinity.
The purpose of going through duality
Please do not underestimate the meaning of your lives on earth. You belong to the most creative, advanced and courageous part of God (All-That-Is). You are explorers of the unknown and creators of the new. Your explorations through the realm of duality have served a purpose far beyond your imagination. It is hard to explain to you the deepest meaning of your travels, but we can say that you have created a new type of consciousness, one that did not exist previously.
This consciousness was first displayed by Christ when he walked the earth. This consciousness, which I call the Christ consciousness, results from a spiritual alchemy. Physical alchemy is the art of transforming lead into gold. Spiritual alchemy is the art of transforming dark energy into “the third energy,” the spiritual gold present in the Christ energy.
Please note that we do not say that the purpose is to transform dark into light, or evil into good. Dark and light, evil and good are natural opposites; they exist by the grace of one another.
True spiritual alchemy introduces a “third energy,” a type of consciousness which embraces both polarities through the energies of love and understanding. The true purpose of your journey is not to have Light conquer Dark, but to go beyond these opposites and to create a new type of consciousness which can maintain unity in the presence of both light and dark.
We will explain this rather difficult point by means of a metaphor. Imagine you are deep-sea divers in search of a pearl. Time and again you dive into the ocean to find this particular pearl which everyone talks about but nobody has actually seen. Rumors go that even God, the Chief Diver, has never touched the pearl.
Diving into the ocean is full of perils, since you can get lost or go too deep to catch your breath in time. Still you persist and you dive into this ocean time and again, for you are determined and inspired. Are you insane?
No, you are explorers of the new.
The secret is: in the process of finding the pearl, you are creating it. The pearl is the spiritual gold of the Christ consciousness. The pearl is you, transformed by the experience of duality.
What we have here is a true paradox: in exploring the New, you are creating it. You have become the pearl of God’s creation.
God had no other way of doing it, for what you were attempting to find did not exist yet; it had to be created by you. Why was God so interested in creating something new? Let us state this in as simply a way possible.
First, God was entirely GOOD. There was goodness everywhere and all around. In fact because there was nothing else, things were kind of static. His creation lacked aliveness; it lacked the possibility of growth and expansion. You might say it was stuck.
To create change, to create an opportunity for movement and expansion, God had to introduce an Element in his creation that was different from the Goodness that pervaded everything. This was very hard for God, for how can you create something that is not-you? How can Goodness create Badness? It can’t. So, God had to come up with a trick, so to speak. This trick is called ignorance.
Ignorance is the element that opposes Goodness. It creates the illusion of being outside Goodness, of being separated from God. “Not knowing who you are” is the incentive behind change, growth and expansion in your universe. Ignorance breeds fear, fear breeds the need to control, the need to control breeds the struggle for power and there you have all the conditions for “Evil” to flourish. The stage has been set for the battle between Good and Bad.
God needed the dynamics of opposites to get his creation “un-stuck.” It may be very hard for you to comprehend in view of all the suffering caused by ignorance and fear, but God put great value on these energies, since they provided him with a way to go beyond Him/Herself.
God asked you, the ones that belong to the most creative, advanced and courageous part of herself, to take the veil of Ignorance. In order to experience the dynamics of opposites as thoroughly as possible, you were temporarily soaked in forgetfulness about your true nature. You consented to take this plunge into ignorance, but this fact was overlaid by the veil of forgetfulness as well. So now you often curse God for being in the situation you’re in: the hardships, the ignorance – and we understand. In essence though: you are God, God is you.
Despite of all the troubles and sorrows, deep down within you there is still a sense of wonder and excitement about living in duality, about experiencing and creating the New. This is God’s original excitement, the reason God started with his journey through You in the first place.
When you started out on your journey, you faced Evil (fear, ignorance) with only a vague memory of the Good (Home) in your mind. You started to battle fear and ignorance, while longing for Home. However you will not return Home in the sense of returning to a state in your past. For creation has changed because of your journey.
The end of your journey will be that you have become larger than good and evil, light and dark. You will have created a third energy, the Christ energy, which embraces and transcends both. You will have expanded God’s creation. You will be the New Creation of God. God will have gone beyond Him/Herself when the Christ consciousness is fully born on earth.
The Christ consciousness did not exist before the “human experience.” The Christ consciousness is the consciousness of one who has gone through the multilayered experience of duality, has come to terms with it and emerges “on the other side.” He will be the inhabitant of the New Earth. This one will have let go of duality. She will have recognized and embraced her own divinity. He will have become one with his divine Self. But his divine Self will be different than before. It will be deeper and richer than the consciousness from which it was born. Or one could say: God will have enriched Him/Herself by having gone through the experience of duality.
This story is simplified and distorted as anything we say is distorted by the illusions of time and separation. These illusions have served a valuable purpose. But the time has come to go beyond them. Please try to feel the energy behind our words, stories and metaphors. This energy is in a sense your own. It is the energy of your future Christed selves that is speaking through me, Jeshua. We are waiting for you to join us.
How to overcome duality – the completion of the karmic cycle
Your earthly cycle of lives ends when the game of duality no longer has a hold on you. It is essential to the dualistic game that you identify yourself with a particular position in the playfield of polarities. You identify yourself with being poor or rich, famous or humble, man or woman, hero or villain. It really doesn’t matter that much which part you are playing. As long as you feel one with the actor on the stage, duality still has a firm grip on you.
This is not wrong of course. In a sense it was meant to be that way. You were meant to forget about your true self. To experience all the aspects of duality, you were meant to narrow your consciousness down to a particular role in the drama of earth life.
And you played it well. You got so caught up with your roles that you totally forgot about the aim and purpose of going through this cycle of lives to begin with. You were so forgetful about yourself that you took the games and dramas of duality to be the only reality there is. In the end this made you very lonely and full of fear, which is not surprising since the very game of duality, as noted in the previous section, is based on the elements of ignorance and fear.
To understand the workings of duality in your everyday life, we would like to mention a few typical hallmarks of the duality game.
Characteristics of the duality game
1) Your emotional life is essentially unstable.
There is no emotional anchor present, since you are always in the “up” or “down” side of a particular mood. You are angry or forgiving, narrow-minded or generous, depressed or enthusiastic, happy or sad. Your emotions perpetually fluctuate between extremes. You seem to have only limited control over these fluctuations.
2) You are intensely involved with the outer world.
It is very important to you how other people judge you. Your self-esteem depends on what the outer world (society or your loved ones) mirrors back to you about who you are. You are trying to live up to their standards of right and wrong. You are doing your very best.
3) You have strong opinions about what’s good and what’s bad. Being judgmental gives you a sense of security. Life is so well organized when one divides actions, thoughts or people into right and wrong.
Common to all these characteristics is that in all you do or feel, you are not really there. Your consciousness resides in the outer layers of your being where it is driven by fear-oriented patterns of thought and behavior.
Let us give an example. If you’re used to being nice and agreeable all the time, you are displaying a pattern of behavior that does not spring from your inner being. You are in fact suppressing signals from the inner part of you. You are trying to live up to someone else’s expectations in order not to lose their love, admiration or care. You are reacting from fear. You are limiting yourself in your expression. The part of you that is not expressed will however live a hidden life of its own, creating dissatisfaction and tiredness in your being. There may be anger and irritation present in you which no one is aware of, not even you!
The way out of this state of self-denial is to make contact with the suppressed and hidden parts within you.
Making contact with the suppressed and hidden parts within you is not difficult in the sense that it requires particular skills or knowledge to do so. Don’t make “going within” a difficult process that others have to teach you or do for you. You can do it yourself and you will find your own ways of doing it. Motive and intent are far more important than skills and methods. If you really intend to know yourself, if you are determined to go deep within and change the fearful thoughts and emotions that block your way to a happy and fulfilled life, you will do it through any method that comes along.
Having said that, we’d like to offer one simple meditation which may help you get in touch with your emotions.
Take a moment to relax the muscles in your shoulders and neck, sit straight up and put your feet flat on the floor. Take a deep breath.
Picture yourself walking on a country road under a wide open blue sky. You take in the sounds of nature and you feel the wind through your hair. You are free and happy. Further down the road, you suddenly see some children running toward you. They are getting closer to you. How does your heart respond to this sight?
Then the children are in front of you. How many are they? How do they look? Are they boys, girls or both?
You say hello to all of them. Tell them how happy you are to see them. Then you make contact with one child in particular who is looking you in the eye. She or he has a message for you. It is written in the child’s eyes. Can you read it? What does it want to tell you? It is bringing you an energy that you need right now. Name the energy that this inner child has come to bring you and don’t judge it. Simply thank her or him and then release the image.
Feel the earth firmly under your feet again and breathe deeply for a while. You have just contacted a hidden part of yourself.
You can go back to this scene anytime you want and perhaps talk to the other children there as well.
By going within and making contact with the hidden, suppressed parts of yourself, you are becoming more present. Your consciousness is rising above the fear-motivated patterns of thought and behavior that you have taken for granted for such a long time. It is taking responsibility for itself. It takes care of the sorrow, anger and hurt inside, like a parent takes care of its children. We will describe this process in much more detail elsewhere. (See Lightworker III).
Characteristics of releasing duality
1) You listen to the language of your soul which speaks to you through your feelings.
2) You act upon this language and create the changes your soul wishes you to make.
3) You value quiet time alone, for only in silence can you hear the whispers of your soul.
4) You question the authority of thought patterns or rules of behavior which block the free expression of your true inspiration and aspirations.
The turning point in letting go of duality
Your earthly cycle of lives draws to a close when your consciousness is able to hold all the experiences of duality in its hand, while remaining centered and fully present. As long as you identify with one aspect of duality rather than another (with light as opposed to dark, with rich as opposed to poor etc.), your consciousness is on a swing. Karma is nothing but the natural harmonizer for the swings in which your consciousness engages. You release your ties to the karmic cycle when your consciousness finds its anchor point in the motionless center of the seesaw.
This center is the exit point for the karmic cycle. The predominant feeling tones in this center are stillness, compassion and quiet joy. Greek philosophers had premonitions of this state which they called ataraxia: imperturbability.
Judgment and fear are the energies that most take you off-center. As you release these energies more and more, you become more quiet and open inside. You truly enter another world, another plane of consciousness.
This will be manifested in your outer world. It will often be a time of change and saying goodbye to aspects in your life that do not reflect YOU anymore. Great upheavals may occur in the area of relationships and work. More often that not, your whole lifestyle turns topsy-turvy. This is only natural, from our perspective, since inner changes are always the forerunner of changes in your outer world. Your consciousness creates the material reality you dwell in. It is always that way.
Releasing the grip of duality takes time. Unraveling all the layers of darkness (un-consciousness) is a gradual process. Yet once you embark upon this road, the road to the inner Self, you are slowly distancing yourself from the game of duality. When you have tasted the true meaning of ataraxia, the turning point is taken. When you have felt the silent yet all-pervading joy of simply being with yourself, you will know that that is what you’ve been looking for all along. You will go inward time and again to experience this peace inside.
You will not shy away from worldly enjoyment. But you will have found an anchor of divinity within yourself, and you will experience the world and all its beauty from that state of bliss. Bliss never resided in material things to begin with. It resides in the way you experience them. When there is peace and joy in your heart, the things and people you meet will give you peace and joy.
In this day and age, a certain group of souls is preparing itself to step off the karmic cycle. We will speak in depth about this group in the next chapters. However it is not just a group of human souls that is now reaching the end of a transformative personal cycle. The very earth on which you live is undergoing a deep and thoroughgoing transformation. A planetary cycle is coming to an end as well. This era is so special because of these two cycles coinciding. We will now speak about the planetary cycle
On the basis of the past, we can predict that one particular future is more probable than another, but the choice is always yours. It is you who decide whether you let the past determine your future! Predictions are always based on probabilities. Probabilities are related to the past. It is in your power as a human being to break with the past, to set out a different course. You are endowed with free will. You have the power to change, to recreate yourself. In this power rests your divinity. It is the power to create from nothing (to create ex nihilo). This divine power belongs to the very essence of who you are.
In speaking of this day and age as an age of transition, never forget that you are the master of your own reality. There is no such thing as a predestined Plan or a Cosmic Power which overrules your individual soul’s path or your individual power to create your own reality. It doesn’t work that way. Every soul on earth will experience this transition in a way that fits their inner propensities. There are many realities. The reality you choose will answer your inner needs and desires.
What makes this time (1950 – 2070 approximately) special is that there are two different cycles of consciousness coming to an end: a personal cycle (or a set of personal cycles) and a planetary cycle. The completion of these cycles coincides, so that one reinforces the other.
For a part of humanity, the completion of their personal cycle of earth lives is near. Most of the souls involved in this completion are lightworkers. We will speak in much more detail about this group of lightworker souls. Here we would like to explain the nature of this personal cycle: what it means to go through it and what is the purpose of living all these quite complicated lives on earth.
The personal karmic cycle
The earth lives you experience are part of a greater cycle of your soul. This cycle was designed to enable you to fully experience duality. You have within this cycle experienced what it is like to be male and female, to be healthy and ill, to be rich or poor, to be “good” and “bad.” In some lives you were intensely involved with the material world, being a farmer, worker or craftsman. There have been more spiritually oriented lives, in which you carried within you a strong awareness of your spiritual origins. In those lives you were often drawn to religious callings. Also there have been lives in which you explored the worldly domain of power, politics etc. There may have been lives devoted to an artistic expression of yourself.
Often souls tend to specialize somewhat in the course of all these lives. This can clearly be recognized in people who possess a natural gift in a certain area. It seems they have a potential there, even as a child, which only needs to be awakened at the right time and which is then easily developed.
Lightworker souls are often drawn to religious lives and have lived numerous lives as monks, nuns, priests, shamans, witches, psychics etc. They were drawn to be intermediaries between the material, physical world and the spiritual realms. And so they developed an expertise in this field. When you feel this calling, this strong urge to be involved with spirituality, even if it does not fit in with your normal daily life, you may very well be part of this family of lightworkers.
Living on earth provides you with an opportunity to fully experience what it is like to be a human. Now you may ask: what’s so special about being human? Why would I want to experience that?
The human experience is both diverse and intense. When you live a human life, you are temporarily immersed within an overwhelming field of physical sensations, thoughts and feelings. Because of the duality inherent in this field, there is great contrast and intensity in your experiences, much greater than when you are in the astral planes, as you call it. (These are the planes you enter after you die and where you remain between lives.) It may be hard to imagine for you, but many entities on our side would love to be in your shoes. They would love to be human, to gain human experience. The human experience has a kind of realness to it which is invaluable to them. Although they can create countless realities by the power of their imagination, it gives them less satisfaction than the creation of one “real” reality on earth.
On earth, the creation process is often a struggle. You typically meet a lot of resistance in making your dreams come true. The mental type of creation in the astral world is much easier. There is no time lag between the thought of something and the actual creation of it. Moreover you can create any reality you want or can think of. There are no limits. The moment you picture a lovely garden, it is there for you to enter.
To give birth to an idea on earth, to make it a reality in the material world, is a great endeavor. It demands a strong intention, perseverance, clarity of mind and a trusting heart. On earth, you have to deal with the slowness and stubbornness of the material world. You have to deal with contradictory impulses in yourself: with doubt, despair, lack of knowledge, loss of faith, etc. The creation process may be obstructed or even fail because of any of these elements. Yet these potential problems, even the failures, are the very reasons that make the experience of earthly life so valuable. In this process, the challenges you meet are your greatest teachers. They give earth experience a profundity that is so much deeper and broader than the effortless creation process on the astral planes. This effortlessness breeds meaninglessness. The astral entities which have not yet experienced lives on earth know and understand this.
You often get discouraged and even desperate by the non-compliant nature of your reality. So often, reality does not answer your wishes and hopes. So often, your creative intentions seem to end up in pain and disillusion. However you will find that key to peace and happiness at some point. You will find that key within your own heart. And when you do, the joy that will befall you will not be matched by anything created in the astral planes. It will be the birth of your mastership, your divinity.
The ecstasy you will experience when your divinity awakens will provide you with the power to heal yourself. This divine love will help you recover from the deep hurts you have suffered throughout your lives on earth.
After that, you will be able to help cure others who have been through the same trials and sorrows. You will recognize their pain. You will see it in their eyes. And you will be able to guide them on their path to divinity.
The purpose of going through duality
Please do not underestimate the meaning of your lives on earth. You belong to the most creative, advanced and courageous part of God (All-That-Is). You are explorers of the unknown and creators of the new. Your explorations through the realm of duality have served a purpose far beyond your imagination. It is hard to explain to you the deepest meaning of your travels, but we can say that you have created a new type of consciousness, one that did not exist previously.
This consciousness was first displayed by Christ when he walked the earth. This consciousness, which I call the Christ consciousness, results from a spiritual alchemy. Physical alchemy is the art of transforming lead into gold. Spiritual alchemy is the art of transforming dark energy into “the third energy,” the spiritual gold present in the Christ energy.
Please note that we do not say that the purpose is to transform dark into light, or evil into good. Dark and light, evil and good are natural opposites; they exist by the grace of one another.
True spiritual alchemy introduces a “third energy,” a type of consciousness which embraces both polarities through the energies of love and understanding. The true purpose of your journey is not to have Light conquer Dark, but to go beyond these opposites and to create a new type of consciousness which can maintain unity in the presence of both light and dark.
We will explain this rather difficult point by means of a metaphor. Imagine you are deep-sea divers in search of a pearl. Time and again you dive into the ocean to find this particular pearl which everyone talks about but nobody has actually seen. Rumors go that even God, the Chief Diver, has never touched the pearl.
Diving into the ocean is full of perils, since you can get lost or go too deep to catch your breath in time. Still you persist and you dive into this ocean time and again, for you are determined and inspired. Are you insane?
No, you are explorers of the new.
The secret is: in the process of finding the pearl, you are creating it. The pearl is the spiritual gold of the Christ consciousness. The pearl is you, transformed by the experience of duality.
What we have here is a true paradox: in exploring the New, you are creating it. You have become the pearl of God’s creation.
God had no other way of doing it, for what you were attempting to find did not exist yet; it had to be created by you. Why was God so interested in creating something new? Let us state this in as simply a way possible.
First, God was entirely GOOD. There was goodness everywhere and all around. In fact because there was nothing else, things were kind of static. His creation lacked aliveness; it lacked the possibility of growth and expansion. You might say it was stuck.
To create change, to create an opportunity for movement and expansion, God had to introduce an Element in his creation that was different from the Goodness that pervaded everything. This was very hard for God, for how can you create something that is not-you? How can Goodness create Badness? It can’t. So, God had to come up with a trick, so to speak. This trick is called ignorance.
Ignorance is the element that opposes Goodness. It creates the illusion of being outside Goodness, of being separated from God. “Not knowing who you are” is the incentive behind change, growth and expansion in your universe. Ignorance breeds fear, fear breeds the need to control, the need to control breeds the struggle for power and there you have all the conditions for “Evil” to flourish. The stage has been set for the battle between Good and Bad.
God needed the dynamics of opposites to get his creation “un-stuck.” It may be very hard for you to comprehend in view of all the suffering caused by ignorance and fear, but God put great value on these energies, since they provided him with a way to go beyond Him/Herself.
God asked you, the ones that belong to the most creative, advanced and courageous part of herself, to take the veil of Ignorance. In order to experience the dynamics of opposites as thoroughly as possible, you were temporarily soaked in forgetfulness about your true nature. You consented to take this plunge into ignorance, but this fact was overlaid by the veil of forgetfulness as well. So now you often curse God for being in the situation you’re in: the hardships, the ignorance – and we understand. In essence though: you are God, God is you.
Despite of all the troubles and sorrows, deep down within you there is still a sense of wonder and excitement about living in duality, about experiencing and creating the New. This is God’s original excitement, the reason God started with his journey through You in the first place.
When you started out on your journey, you faced Evil (fear, ignorance) with only a vague memory of the Good (Home) in your mind. You started to battle fear and ignorance, while longing for Home. However you will not return Home in the sense of returning to a state in your past. For creation has changed because of your journey.
The end of your journey will be that you have become larger than good and evil, light and dark. You will have created a third energy, the Christ energy, which embraces and transcends both. You will have expanded God’s creation. You will be the New Creation of God. God will have gone beyond Him/Herself when the Christ consciousness is fully born on earth.
The Christ consciousness did not exist before the “human experience.” The Christ consciousness is the consciousness of one who has gone through the multilayered experience of duality, has come to terms with it and emerges “on the other side.” He will be the inhabitant of the New Earth. This one will have let go of duality. She will have recognized and embraced her own divinity. He will have become one with his divine Self. But his divine Self will be different than before. It will be deeper and richer than the consciousness from which it was born. Or one could say: God will have enriched Him/Herself by having gone through the experience of duality.
This story is simplified and distorted as anything we say is distorted by the illusions of time and separation. These illusions have served a valuable purpose. But the time has come to go beyond them. Please try to feel the energy behind our words, stories and metaphors. This energy is in a sense your own. It is the energy of your future Christed selves that is speaking through me, Jeshua. We are waiting for you to join us.
How to overcome duality – the completion of the karmic cycle
Your earthly cycle of lives ends when the game of duality no longer has a hold on you. It is essential to the dualistic game that you identify yourself with a particular position in the playfield of polarities. You identify yourself with being poor or rich, famous or humble, man or woman, hero or villain. It really doesn’t matter that much which part you are playing. As long as you feel one with the actor on the stage, duality still has a firm grip on you.
This is not wrong of course. In a sense it was meant to be that way. You were meant to forget about your true self. To experience all the aspects of duality, you were meant to narrow your consciousness down to a particular role in the drama of earth life.
And you played it well. You got so caught up with your roles that you totally forgot about the aim and purpose of going through this cycle of lives to begin with. You were so forgetful about yourself that you took the games and dramas of duality to be the only reality there is. In the end this made you very lonely and full of fear, which is not surprising since the very game of duality, as noted in the previous section, is based on the elements of ignorance and fear.
To understand the workings of duality in your everyday life, we would like to mention a few typical hallmarks of the duality game.
Characteristics of the duality game
1) Your emotional life is essentially unstable.
There is no emotional anchor present, since you are always in the “up” or “down” side of a particular mood. You are angry or forgiving, narrow-minded or generous, depressed or enthusiastic, happy or sad. Your emotions perpetually fluctuate between extremes. You seem to have only limited control over these fluctuations.
2) You are intensely involved with the outer world.
It is very important to you how other people judge you. Your self-esteem depends on what the outer world (society or your loved ones) mirrors back to you about who you are. You are trying to live up to their standards of right and wrong. You are doing your very best.
3) You have strong opinions about what’s good and what’s bad. Being judgmental gives you a sense of security. Life is so well organized when one divides actions, thoughts or people into right and wrong.
Common to all these characteristics is that in all you do or feel, you are not really there. Your consciousness resides in the outer layers of your being where it is driven by fear-oriented patterns of thought and behavior.
Let us give an example. If you’re used to being nice and agreeable all the time, you are displaying a pattern of behavior that does not spring from your inner being. You are in fact suppressing signals from the inner part of you. You are trying to live up to someone else’s expectations in order not to lose their love, admiration or care. You are reacting from fear. You are limiting yourself in your expression. The part of you that is not expressed will however live a hidden life of its own, creating dissatisfaction and tiredness in your being. There may be anger and irritation present in you which no one is aware of, not even you!
The way out of this state of self-denial is to make contact with the suppressed and hidden parts within you.
Making contact with the suppressed and hidden parts within you is not difficult in the sense that it requires particular skills or knowledge to do so. Don’t make “going within” a difficult process that others have to teach you or do for you. You can do it yourself and you will find your own ways of doing it. Motive and intent are far more important than skills and methods. If you really intend to know yourself, if you are determined to go deep within and change the fearful thoughts and emotions that block your way to a happy and fulfilled life, you will do it through any method that comes along.
Having said that, we’d like to offer one simple meditation which may help you get in touch with your emotions.
Take a moment to relax the muscles in your shoulders and neck, sit straight up and put your feet flat on the floor. Take a deep breath.
Picture yourself walking on a country road under a wide open blue sky. You take in the sounds of nature and you feel the wind through your hair. You are free and happy. Further down the road, you suddenly see some children running toward you. They are getting closer to you. How does your heart respond to this sight?
Then the children are in front of you. How many are they? How do they look? Are they boys, girls or both?
You say hello to all of them. Tell them how happy you are to see them. Then you make contact with one child in particular who is looking you in the eye. She or he has a message for you. It is written in the child’s eyes. Can you read it? What does it want to tell you? It is bringing you an energy that you need right now. Name the energy that this inner child has come to bring you and don’t judge it. Simply thank her or him and then release the image.
Feel the earth firmly under your feet again and breathe deeply for a while. You have just contacted a hidden part of yourself.
You can go back to this scene anytime you want and perhaps talk to the other children there as well.
By going within and making contact with the hidden, suppressed parts of yourself, you are becoming more present. Your consciousness is rising above the fear-motivated patterns of thought and behavior that you have taken for granted for such a long time. It is taking responsibility for itself. It takes care of the sorrow, anger and hurt inside, like a parent takes care of its children. We will describe this process in much more detail elsewhere. (See Lightworker III).
Characteristics of releasing duality
1) You listen to the language of your soul which speaks to you through your feelings.
2) You act upon this language and create the changes your soul wishes you to make.
3) You value quiet time alone, for only in silence can you hear the whispers of your soul.
4) You question the authority of thought patterns or rules of behavior which block the free expression of your true inspiration and aspirations.
The turning point in letting go of duality
Your earthly cycle of lives draws to a close when your consciousness is able to hold all the experiences of duality in its hand, while remaining centered and fully present. As long as you identify with one aspect of duality rather than another (with light as opposed to dark, with rich as opposed to poor etc.), your consciousness is on a swing. Karma is nothing but the natural harmonizer for the swings in which your consciousness engages. You release your ties to the karmic cycle when your consciousness finds its anchor point in the motionless center of the seesaw.
This center is the exit point for the karmic cycle. The predominant feeling tones in this center are stillness, compassion and quiet joy. Greek philosophers had premonitions of this state which they called ataraxia: imperturbability.
Judgment and fear are the energies that most take you off-center. As you release these energies more and more, you become more quiet and open inside. You truly enter another world, another plane of consciousness.
This will be manifested in your outer world. It will often be a time of change and saying goodbye to aspects in your life that do not reflect YOU anymore. Great upheavals may occur in the area of relationships and work. More often that not, your whole lifestyle turns topsy-turvy. This is only natural, from our perspective, since inner changes are always the forerunner of changes in your outer world. Your consciousness creates the material reality you dwell in. It is always that way.
Releasing the grip of duality takes time. Unraveling all the layers of darkness (un-consciousness) is a gradual process. Yet once you embark upon this road, the road to the inner Self, you are slowly distancing yourself from the game of duality. When you have tasted the true meaning of ataraxia, the turning point is taken. When you have felt the silent yet all-pervading joy of simply being with yourself, you will know that that is what you’ve been looking for all along. You will go inward time and again to experience this peace inside.
You will not shy away from worldly enjoyment. But you will have found an anchor of divinity within yourself, and you will experience the world and all its beauty from that state of bliss. Bliss never resided in material things to begin with. It resides in the way you experience them. When there is peace and joy in your heart, the things and people you meet will give you peace and joy.
In this day and age, a certain group of souls is preparing itself to step off the karmic cycle. We will speak in depth about this group in the next chapters. However it is not just a group of human souls that is now reaching the end of a transformative personal cycle. The very earth on which you live is undergoing a deep and thoroughgoing transformation. A planetary cycle is coming to an end as well. This era is so special because of these two cycles coinciding. We will now speak about the planetary cycle
Friday, May 28, 2010
Physical Characteristics and Personality
In addition to glowing balls, Orbs can appear in a rainbow of colors. Barely physical, their bodies can be described as bubbles of energy. Scientists, who have researched Orbs, believe their body is made of dense groupings of charged particles called plasma. This could mean that Orbs are the simplest sentient beings in the Universe.
In regards to polarity, Light/Dark, they appear to be polarized to the Light. Orbs feel and express “Light” feelings of love, happiness, bliss, and joy, etc. Their bodies are so fragile and sensitive that they are incapable of processing “Dark” feelings of pain and anger. Just witnessing a conflict can hurt them. Not being able to fully experience “Dark” feelings they are quite innocent in nature. Orbs are like children who never grow up. This, of course, is evident in their bubbly outgoing demeanor and child-like naiveté. They are very playful, inquisitive, and love to explore.
Societal Characteristics
Through a form of research that I call, “timeline work”, in which I use my psychic abilities to tap into alternate timelines, I discovered that like other societies that have polarized to the Light, Orbs live in collectives. A collective society functions as a unified consciousness. The minds and emotions of each member are linked so that everyone can experience what the others are thinking and feeling. This connection creates a peaceful and harmonious society but at the expense of free will and individuality.
The Orb belief system states each member of the collective exists to serve others not only in their own species but in the galactic community at large. Serving others is an important form of soul growth.
Fields of Expertise
One of the ways that Orbs serve their galactic neighbors is by using their capability for interdimensional travel to act as windows into other dimensions. In essence, they provide a telescopic view into another world. For example when we see Orbs in photographs, many times they are there acting as a window for someone in another dimension. In this capacity Orbs are like historians, recording events as they play out.
Due to their preference for living in groups, when serving within civilian populations, Orbs adapt well to family life. They can be employed as companions to single or aging people, or playmates to small children. In some cases, they are the childcare provider, giving the parents remote visual access to their child via their ability to be in two places at once. Imagine yourself as parent and on your desk at work sits an Orb. When you look at it much like peering into a crystal ball or TV, you can see a real time picture of your child at play.
Orb’s abilities are also used within religious or spiritual groups wherein they act similar to crystal balls, allowing individuals to see past or future timelines.
There are societies in existence that worship Orbs as gods because of the vast amounts of wisdom they possess from their service within many different cultures on many different worlds.
Orbs as Starseeds
Like many other galactic races, Orbs have sent members of their society to represent them as starseeds on Earth. These souls have agreed to incarnate as humans on Earth to aid this planet and themselves. Below are the characteristics that I’ve found to indicate an Orb starseed.
* Highly sensitive and psychic.
* A common health issue is severe allergies.
* Described as sweet, cute, naïve, and/or child-like.
* Tend to be very well-mannered and obedient.
* Tend to be very private, quiet, shy and introverted.
* Are great observers and are very creative individuals.
* Are passionate about learning.
* Learn by observing others and repeating what they are trying to learn.
* Strive for perfection.
* Tend to be followers rather than leaders.
* Can seem ungrounded or detached.
* React to situations passively and let others take advantage of them.
* Tend to ignore or run away from pain.
* Find social situations challenging.
* What Orb Starseeds are Here to Give
Being very playful and inquisitive individuals, Orb Starseeds are here to show others how to remain open to the magic of life which keeps our creative juices alive. They teach us to observe life, as a child does, examining and playing with everything possible, remaining open to the miracles of life.
Additionally, Orb Starseeds are here to help us understand the Universe in a new way. They are here to teach us about the oneness of life. Although individual aspects of life appear separate from each other, Orb Starseeds see all life existing as a unified whole. They live each day in respect and with empathy for all living things, as ones actions can influence the life of another in unknowable ways.
What Orb Starseeds are Here to Gain
The Orb Starseed’s goal is to learn to embrace individuality and the full range of “Dark” feelings that come with it, a trait they have not yet developed. This means that they need to learn how to make their own choices rather than follow the pack. To do so they must embrace the idea that having thoughts, beliefs, and desires that are outside of the norm or status quo are okay.
Further, they must learn to establish healthy boundaries or limits on how much they give and serve others. In other words, they must become healthily selfish. Coming from a belief that states that their worth depends on how and to what extent they serves others; this is not an easy change to make.
Additionally, understanding the value in pain is particularly difficult for them. The Orb body is nowhere near capable of withstanding the amount of pain that a human body can! Without boundaries, one does not feel safe. Instead of setting the boundaries to make it safe to feel and express emotions, these individuals may find any number of ways to ignore them and escape pain. Their daily activities, such as studying, playing music and even eating, become modes of escape rather than a source of enjoyment.
Living in such a way can leave one feeling very depleted and unhappy with their life. They may manifest any number of emotional or physical challenges that aid them in learning to set boundaries. The most common emotional issues for Orb starseeds are in the social realm. In facing fears and the possibility of pain they distance themselves from others and become reclusive rather than playful individuals. Without boundaries, they can end up in codependent relationships in which actions are taken to please others rather than ones self. In such relationships they try to rescue others from their pain or let others take advantage of them. While taking care of others, as Orbs are programmed to do, they deny their own needs.
When their fear of feeling pain and “Dark” feelings becomes the predominant focus in their lives, they will manifest this need through developing severe allergic reactions to others and to their environment in general. Many Orbs experience multiple allergies to foods, chemicals, dust, and even people! Allergies are the subconscious’s way of saying that it feels unsafe with its life choices. By setting personal boundaries an Orb starseed can learn to have self-love, joy, and compassion in ways they never had before.
In closing, I hope I have furthered your understanding of Orbs and their starseeds. You may even discover that you or your child is an Orb starseed. Having a better understanding of our galactic neighbors will help us to prepare for citizenship in the galactic community.
In addition to glowing balls, Orbs can appear in a rainbow of colors. Barely physical, their bodies can be described as bubbles of energy. Scientists, who have researched Orbs, believe their body is made of dense groupings of charged particles called plasma. This could mean that Orbs are the simplest sentient beings in the Universe.
In regards to polarity, Light/Dark, they appear to be polarized to the Light. Orbs feel and express “Light” feelings of love, happiness, bliss, and joy, etc. Their bodies are so fragile and sensitive that they are incapable of processing “Dark” feelings of pain and anger. Just witnessing a conflict can hurt them. Not being able to fully experience “Dark” feelings they are quite innocent in nature. Orbs are like children who never grow up. This, of course, is evident in their bubbly outgoing demeanor and child-like naiveté. They are very playful, inquisitive, and love to explore.
Societal Characteristics
Through a form of research that I call, “timeline work”, in which I use my psychic abilities to tap into alternate timelines, I discovered that like other societies that have polarized to the Light, Orbs live in collectives. A collective society functions as a unified consciousness. The minds and emotions of each member are linked so that everyone can experience what the others are thinking and feeling. This connection creates a peaceful and harmonious society but at the expense of free will and individuality.
The Orb belief system states each member of the collective exists to serve others not only in their own species but in the galactic community at large. Serving others is an important form of soul growth.
Fields of Expertise
One of the ways that Orbs serve their galactic neighbors is by using their capability for interdimensional travel to act as windows into other dimensions. In essence, they provide a telescopic view into another world. For example when we see Orbs in photographs, many times they are there acting as a window for someone in another dimension. In this capacity Orbs are like historians, recording events as they play out.
Due to their preference for living in groups, when serving within civilian populations, Orbs adapt well to family life. They can be employed as companions to single or aging people, or playmates to small children. In some cases, they are the childcare provider, giving the parents remote visual access to their child via their ability to be in two places at once. Imagine yourself as parent and on your desk at work sits an Orb. When you look at it much like peering into a crystal ball or TV, you can see a real time picture of your child at play.
Orb’s abilities are also used within religious or spiritual groups wherein they act similar to crystal balls, allowing individuals to see past or future timelines.
There are societies in existence that worship Orbs as gods because of the vast amounts of wisdom they possess from their service within many different cultures on many different worlds.
Orbs as Starseeds
Like many other galactic races, Orbs have sent members of their society to represent them as starseeds on Earth. These souls have agreed to incarnate as humans on Earth to aid this planet and themselves. Below are the characteristics that I’ve found to indicate an Orb starseed.
* Highly sensitive and psychic.
* A common health issue is severe allergies.
* Described as sweet, cute, naïve, and/or child-like.
* Tend to be very well-mannered and obedient.
* Tend to be very private, quiet, shy and introverted.
* Are great observers and are very creative individuals.
* Are passionate about learning.
* Learn by observing others and repeating what they are trying to learn.
* Strive for perfection.
* Tend to be followers rather than leaders.
* Can seem ungrounded or detached.
* React to situations passively and let others take advantage of them.
* Tend to ignore or run away from pain.
* Find social situations challenging.
* What Orb Starseeds are Here to Give
Being very playful and inquisitive individuals, Orb Starseeds are here to show others how to remain open to the magic of life which keeps our creative juices alive. They teach us to observe life, as a child does, examining and playing with everything possible, remaining open to the miracles of life.
Additionally, Orb Starseeds are here to help us understand the Universe in a new way. They are here to teach us about the oneness of life. Although individual aspects of life appear separate from each other, Orb Starseeds see all life existing as a unified whole. They live each day in respect and with empathy for all living things, as ones actions can influence the life of another in unknowable ways.
What Orb Starseeds are Here to Gain
The Orb Starseed’s goal is to learn to embrace individuality and the full range of “Dark” feelings that come with it, a trait they have not yet developed. This means that they need to learn how to make their own choices rather than follow the pack. To do so they must embrace the idea that having thoughts, beliefs, and desires that are outside of the norm or status quo are okay.
Further, they must learn to establish healthy boundaries or limits on how much they give and serve others. In other words, they must become healthily selfish. Coming from a belief that states that their worth depends on how and to what extent they serves others; this is not an easy change to make.
Additionally, understanding the value in pain is particularly difficult for them. The Orb body is nowhere near capable of withstanding the amount of pain that a human body can! Without boundaries, one does not feel safe. Instead of setting the boundaries to make it safe to feel and express emotions, these individuals may find any number of ways to ignore them and escape pain. Their daily activities, such as studying, playing music and even eating, become modes of escape rather than a source of enjoyment.
Living in such a way can leave one feeling very depleted and unhappy with their life. They may manifest any number of emotional or physical challenges that aid them in learning to set boundaries. The most common emotional issues for Orb starseeds are in the social realm. In facing fears and the possibility of pain they distance themselves from others and become reclusive rather than playful individuals. Without boundaries, they can end up in codependent relationships in which actions are taken to please others rather than ones self. In such relationships they try to rescue others from their pain or let others take advantage of them. While taking care of others, as Orbs are programmed to do, they deny their own needs.
When their fear of feeling pain and “Dark” feelings becomes the predominant focus in their lives, they will manifest this need through developing severe allergic reactions to others and to their environment in general. Many Orbs experience multiple allergies to foods, chemicals, dust, and even people! Allergies are the subconscious’s way of saying that it feels unsafe with its life choices. By setting personal boundaries an Orb starseed can learn to have self-love, joy, and compassion in ways they never had before.
In closing, I hope I have furthered your understanding of Orbs and their starseeds. You may even discover that you or your child is an Orb starseed. Having a better understanding of our galactic neighbors will help us to prepare for citizenship in the galactic community.
How The Shift Will Happen
by Owen Waters
The ancient Mayan culture gave us more than the Mayan cosmic
cycles. They were an early test case for the process of
physical ascension that the entire planet is about to
experience in the near future.
Their cycles work made us aware that December 21st, 2012 is
when several long-term cosmic cycles of influence upon human
consciousness come to a close, all on the same date, and new
cycles begin. There is a 5,125 year cycle, a longer 26,000-year
cycle, and some even longer-term cycles as well, all converging
on that one date.
The Mayan civilization existed up until 830 A.D, yet their
astronomical knowledge exceeded today's level of knowledge in
many ways. They not only knew the precise orbits of the planets
in our solar system, but also the orbits of the stars in our
galaxy. They even had cataloged information on major cosmic
events going back more than 400 million years. The Mayan
calendars are masterpieces which illustrate the repeating
time-spirals of cosmic cycles within cycles within cycles.
Then, the Mayans suddenly disappeared from their cities,
leaving no traces behind as to where they had moved and, yet,
left their cooking pots and utensils behind. There is no sign
that they suddenly died from some mysterious ailment and they
did not move to another known location. That means they didn't
relocate anywhere here on this physical earth. Instead, they
moved up a level from our third-density level of existence into
fourth density. They didn't move away; they moved up.
Fourth density is less dense than our world, but it is still
physical. It is also home to the spirit realms or the
afterlife. If you were a physical human living in fourth
density, you would find it relatively easy to contact people in
spirit bodies. They would live in a higher sub-realm of fourth
density than you, but you'd both be in the overall
fourth-density layer of existence on this planet.
The Mayans engaged in a prototype experiment to ascend from
third density to fourth density. They weren't the only test
group engaging in such experiments. In New Mexico, for example,
the residents of Bandelier and Puye Cliff Dwellings
successfully ascended, as did the residents of Machu Picchu in
Peru. Those test groups moved from third density up into fourth
The ascension that is about to happen on Earth in the near
future will be very similar and, yet, it will be different in
one major respect. We won't be leaving our old world behind to
move into a new one. Our world will ascend along with
everything in it, including us.
Our entire realm of existence will increase in frequency and
move up into a fourth-density frequency band. This time, the
cooking pots and utensils won't get left behind; they'll come
with us, as will everything else in our reality.
When this occurs, people who are alive in physical bodies will
experience physical ascension, right after those in the
afterlife experience their ascension to a higher sub-realm of
fourth density. In fact, they'll vacate the sub-realm that
we'll be moving into.
The nature of this global ascension was foreseen as long as
two millennia ago by Jesus, who even foresaw the sequence of
events. He said that, in the twinkling of an eye, the dead
shall be raised and we shall be changed. But first, he said,
the 'dead' shall rise and then we will be caught up together
with them in the 'clouds' (i.e. higher realms.)
So, the 'dead' - the spirits residing in the afterlife - will
first rise to a higher sub-realm of their fourth-density
existence and then we will be moved up into fourth density.
This upcoming transformation of our world into fourth density
is referred to as the Ascension, the Rapture, the Resurrection,
or simply as The Shift. Today, we think of The Shift as the
phenomenon where everything is changing very quickly. In the
future, however, The Shift will be looked back upon as the day
the world suddenly changed or 'rose in the heavens.'
The Shift will occur when the time is right for humanity to
handle the experience. This means, when a critical mass is
reached in the emerging New Reality consciousness. Fourth
density is a heart-centered frequency band of consciousness.
When enough people operate in that level of consciousness, then
humanity will be ready to make the mass shift into fourth
Percentage-wise, the number of people required to reach the
tipping point is small because higher consciousness has
proportionately more influence on the global mind atmosphere
than the lower frequencies.
After 2012, promoting widespread New Reality consciousness
will be a lot easier then before, as the old cycles will have
finished and the positive influences of new cycles will be in
effect. That means that your efforts to change the world
through positive thought and action will be working in a
positive environment instead of the old, decaying, end-of-cycle
Every step that you take to foster heart-centered
consciousness within yourself and others affects the global
mind atmosphere profoundly as we work towards that tipping
When the global ascension of The Shift happens and the New
Reality blooms, it will become the most wonderful transformation
in recorded history.
It will be remembered as the time when humanity literally
built heaven on earth!
The ancient Mayan culture gave us more than the Mayan cosmic
cycles. They were an early test case for the process of
physical ascension that the entire planet is about to
experience in the near future.
Their cycles work made us aware that December 21st, 2012 is
when several long-term cosmic cycles of influence upon human
consciousness come to a close, all on the same date, and new
cycles begin. There is a 5,125 year cycle, a longer 26,000-year
cycle, and some even longer-term cycles as well, all converging
on that one date.
The Mayan civilization existed up until 830 A.D, yet their
astronomical knowledge exceeded today's level of knowledge in
many ways. They not only knew the precise orbits of the planets
in our solar system, but also the orbits of the stars in our
galaxy. They even had cataloged information on major cosmic
events going back more than 400 million years. The Mayan
calendars are masterpieces which illustrate the repeating
time-spirals of cosmic cycles within cycles within cycles.
Then, the Mayans suddenly disappeared from their cities,
leaving no traces behind as to where they had moved and, yet,
left their cooking pots and utensils behind. There is no sign
that they suddenly died from some mysterious ailment and they
did not move to another known location. That means they didn't
relocate anywhere here on this physical earth. Instead, they
moved up a level from our third-density level of existence into
fourth density. They didn't move away; they moved up.
Fourth density is less dense than our world, but it is still
physical. It is also home to the spirit realms or the
afterlife. If you were a physical human living in fourth
density, you would find it relatively easy to contact people in
spirit bodies. They would live in a higher sub-realm of fourth
density than you, but you'd both be in the overall
fourth-density layer of existence on this planet.
The Mayans engaged in a prototype experiment to ascend from
third density to fourth density. They weren't the only test
group engaging in such experiments. In New Mexico, for example,
the residents of Bandelier and Puye Cliff Dwellings
successfully ascended, as did the residents of Machu Picchu in
Peru. Those test groups moved from third density up into fourth
The ascension that is about to happen on Earth in the near
future will be very similar and, yet, it will be different in
one major respect. We won't be leaving our old world behind to
move into a new one. Our world will ascend along with
everything in it, including us.
Our entire realm of existence will increase in frequency and
move up into a fourth-density frequency band. This time, the
cooking pots and utensils won't get left behind; they'll come
with us, as will everything else in our reality.
When this occurs, people who are alive in physical bodies will
experience physical ascension, right after those in the
afterlife experience their ascension to a higher sub-realm of
fourth density. In fact, they'll vacate the sub-realm that
we'll be moving into.
The nature of this global ascension was foreseen as long as
two millennia ago by Jesus, who even foresaw the sequence of
events. He said that, in the twinkling of an eye, the dead
shall be raised and we shall be changed. But first, he said,
the 'dead' shall rise and then we will be caught up together
with them in the 'clouds' (i.e. higher realms.)
So, the 'dead' - the spirits residing in the afterlife - will
first rise to a higher sub-realm of their fourth-density
existence and then we will be moved up into fourth density.
This upcoming transformation of our world into fourth density
is referred to as the Ascension, the Rapture, the Resurrection,
or simply as The Shift. Today, we think of The Shift as the
phenomenon where everything is changing very quickly. In the
future, however, The Shift will be looked back upon as the day
the world suddenly changed or 'rose in the heavens.'
The Shift will occur when the time is right for humanity to
handle the experience. This means, when a critical mass is
reached in the emerging New Reality consciousness. Fourth
density is a heart-centered frequency band of consciousness.
When enough people operate in that level of consciousness, then
humanity will be ready to make the mass shift into fourth
Percentage-wise, the number of people required to reach the
tipping point is small because higher consciousness has
proportionately more influence on the global mind atmosphere
than the lower frequencies.
After 2012, promoting widespread New Reality consciousness
will be a lot easier then before, as the old cycles will have
finished and the positive influences of new cycles will be in
effect. That means that your efforts to change the world
through positive thought and action will be working in a
positive environment instead of the old, decaying, end-of-cycle
Every step that you take to foster heart-centered
consciousness within yourself and others affects the global
mind atmosphere profoundly as we work towards that tipping
When the global ascension of The Shift happens and the New
Reality blooms, it will become the most wonderful transformation
in recorded history.
It will be remembered as the time when humanity literally
built heaven on earth!
Andhra boy earns Guinness entry with brain power
A child prodigy bested his own teacher to set a new world record for memorising the most number of random objects, thereby earning a place for himself in the Guinness Book of Records.
* Published: 00:00 September 8, 2006
* Gulf News
Hyderabad: A child prodigy bested his own teacher to set a new world record for memorising the most number of random objects, thereby earning a place for himself in the Guinness Book of Records.
Nischal Narayanam, 11, looks like any other schoolboy but his amazing memory has put him among the select brand of Guinness world record holders.
A Class 6 student of the Gitanjali School here, Nischal achieved the feat by memorising 225 most random objects, beating his own master, Squadron Leader Jayasimha, who had set the record last year by memorising 200 objects.
Accompanied by his proud parents, Nischal announced his entry to the Guinness book at a news conference here yesterday, a day after receiving the relevant certificate from Guinness World Record Ltd.
The boy had performed for the Guinness World Record last month in the presence of a group of prominent people who acted as judges. He was not only able to recall all 225 assorted objects but also remembered the numbers assigned to them.
"I am very excited on achieving this feat. All the credit goes to my mother who is also my mentor," said Nischal.
"We are very happy with the feat our son achieved at this young age," said his father N. Nageswara Rao who is managing director of NCS Group of Companies.
Nischal's mother N. Padmavathy, a housewife with a doctorate in Sanskrit, found in her son some extraordinary memory power and mathematical skills and arranged for teachers like Jayasimha to hone these skills.
"One needs scientific methods and three qualities of concentration, seriousness and determination to achieve this feat," said Nischal, who solves mathematical problems with the help of the Universal Concept of Mental Arithmetic System, a method that works faster than a computer.
He can also perform rare feats on the abacus and blindfold chess. "Master Nischal made everyone of us proud not only us but the entire country by getting into the Guinness Book. He can act as a role model, icon and guide for everyone," said Sqdr Ldr Jayasimha.
* Published: 00:00 September 8, 2006
* Gulf News
Hyderabad: A child prodigy bested his own teacher to set a new world record for memorising the most number of random objects, thereby earning a place for himself in the Guinness Book of Records.
Nischal Narayanam, 11, looks like any other schoolboy but his amazing memory has put him among the select brand of Guinness world record holders.
A Class 6 student of the Gitanjali School here, Nischal achieved the feat by memorising 225 most random objects, beating his own master, Squadron Leader Jayasimha, who had set the record last year by memorising 200 objects.
Accompanied by his proud parents, Nischal announced his entry to the Guinness book at a news conference here yesterday, a day after receiving the relevant certificate from Guinness World Record Ltd.
The boy had performed for the Guinness World Record last month in the presence of a group of prominent people who acted as judges. He was not only able to recall all 225 assorted objects but also remembered the numbers assigned to them.
"I am very excited on achieving this feat. All the credit goes to my mother who is also my mentor," said Nischal.
"We are very happy with the feat our son achieved at this young age," said his father N. Nageswara Rao who is managing director of NCS Group of Companies.
Nischal's mother N. Padmavathy, a housewife with a doctorate in Sanskrit, found in her son some extraordinary memory power and mathematical skills and arranged for teachers like Jayasimha to hone these skills.
"One needs scientific methods and three qualities of concentration, seriousness and determination to achieve this feat," said Nischal, who solves mathematical problems with the help of the Universal Concept of Mental Arithmetic System, a method that works faster than a computer.
He can also perform rare feats on the abacus and blindfold chess. "Master Nischal made everyone of us proud not only us but the entire country by getting into the Guinness Book. He can act as a role model, icon and guide for everyone," said Sqdr Ldr Jayasimha.
8-year-old Boy Remembers Past Life as Fighter Pilot
By Patti Dobranski
Source: Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
James Leininger's parents want their 8-year-old son to have a great life -- his own life.
But for the past 5 1/2 years, the Louisiana boy has been reliving pieces of the life of another James -- Lt. James McCready Huston, a World War II fighter pilot from Uniontown who was killed near Iwo Jima more than 50 years before James was born.
At 2 1/2 years old, James began expressing aviation knowledge that surpassed not just a typical toddler's ability, but that of his parents.
The child began reciting a collection of information and had recurring nightmares about being shot down by a Japanese plane with a red sun on it.
James' parents, Bruce and Andrea, eventually realized their son's assertions were accurate and that something beyond the tangible was occurring. Their lives have not been the same.
Beginning in 2004, James made a couple of TV appearances for ABC News and on the Montel Williams Show.
Tuesday morning, James will tell his story live on ABC's "Good Morning, America," during a segment set to air between 8 and 8:30 a.m.
Bruce Leininger said although there are no new, earth-shattering revelations from James, he is glad to see his son's experiences help keep the memories and sacrifices of soldiers like Huston alive.
"I am writing a book about these men as a tribute to the men of the Natoma Bay -- the ship Lt. Huston was stationed on. That's the way I've eternalized it. We shouldn't forget. We need to remember and realize all of our spirits are on a journey. That's what this is all about," he said in a telephone interview from his Lafayette home.
Huston's sister, Anne Barron, 87, of Los Gatos, Calif., said she believes the boy's accounts.
"It's very hard to describe, but I just can't help but say it has to be true," she said. "He knows too many things. For some reason, he knows these things."
Huston's cousin, Bob Huston, 74, of Franklin Township, Fayette County, agrees.
"To me, it's amazing," he said. "The way the boy explained how (Huston) got shot down, that's what the people told my mother and his father."
Barron said her brother wanted to fly since he was a child, and he enlisted in the U.S. Navy after one year in college.
Huston was shot down March 3, 1945, while on his 50th mission. The mission was to be his last before coming home in April, Barron said.
James' nightmares, which began shortly after his father took him to visit a Dallas flight museum when the boy was 18 months old, center on a plane crash.
"They were terrible, terrible," Andrea Leininger told the Tribune-Review News Service in 2004. "He would scream, 'airplane crash, on fire, little man can't get out!' He'd be kicking, with his hands pointing up at the ceiling."
Andrea Leininger believes her son is the reincarnation of Huston. Neither Bob Huston nor Barron know exactly what to think.
"I don't think when we die we just stop," Barron said. "I don't think I'll know until I go there myself."
Bruce Leininger said James' recollections have been fewer as he's gotten older. And that's a good thing.
"He feels kind of special that he attracts this type of attention, but we don't try to dwell on it," he said. "We want him to be who he is and have his own life. He used to be interested in airplanes, but now he's into Star Wars, so that's a development."
Still, in some ways, James remains an old soul.
"He uses some dated expressions that we have never used. He has interests in seeing historical things, rather than just wanting to go to Disney World," his father said.
In September 2004, when James was 6, his father took him to a reunion of veterans who served on the Natoma. James was able to recognize one of Huston's former shipmates after 60 years.
"His comment was, 'They're all so old,' " he said.
Foods sometimes spark memories.
"I hadn't made meatloaf in 10 years, so James had never had it," Andrea Leininger told the Tribune-Review News Service in 2004. "When he sat down, he said, 'Meatloaf! I haven't had that since I was on the Natoma.' When we were getting ice cream one day, he told me that they could have ice cream every day on the Natoma."
Bruce Leininger said he is considering penning a book about their experiences with their son.
"I know I'm doing what I'm supposed to do," he said.
Bob Huston and Barron plan to be tuned in when James appears on television.
"I just have to see it," Barron said. "I've met the Leiningers, and they're such nice people. And they're honest people. I'm going to watch it."
Source: Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
James Leininger's parents want their 8-year-old son to have a great life -- his own life.
But for the past 5 1/2 years, the Louisiana boy has been reliving pieces of the life of another James -- Lt. James McCready Huston, a World War II fighter pilot from Uniontown who was killed near Iwo Jima more than 50 years before James was born.
At 2 1/2 years old, James began expressing aviation knowledge that surpassed not just a typical toddler's ability, but that of his parents.
The child began reciting a collection of information and had recurring nightmares about being shot down by a Japanese plane with a red sun on it.
James' parents, Bruce and Andrea, eventually realized their son's assertions were accurate and that something beyond the tangible was occurring. Their lives have not been the same.
Beginning in 2004, James made a couple of TV appearances for ABC News and on the Montel Williams Show.
Tuesday morning, James will tell his story live on ABC's "Good Morning, America," during a segment set to air between 8 and 8:30 a.m.
Bruce Leininger said although there are no new, earth-shattering revelations from James, he is glad to see his son's experiences help keep the memories and sacrifices of soldiers like Huston alive.
"I am writing a book about these men as a tribute to the men of the Natoma Bay -- the ship Lt. Huston was stationed on. That's the way I've eternalized it. We shouldn't forget. We need to remember and realize all of our spirits are on a journey. That's what this is all about," he said in a telephone interview from his Lafayette home.
Huston's sister, Anne Barron, 87, of Los Gatos, Calif., said she believes the boy's accounts.
"It's very hard to describe, but I just can't help but say it has to be true," she said. "He knows too many things. For some reason, he knows these things."
Huston's cousin, Bob Huston, 74, of Franklin Township, Fayette County, agrees.
"To me, it's amazing," he said. "The way the boy explained how (Huston) got shot down, that's what the people told my mother and his father."
Barron said her brother wanted to fly since he was a child, and he enlisted in the U.S. Navy after one year in college.
Huston was shot down March 3, 1945, while on his 50th mission. The mission was to be his last before coming home in April, Barron said.
James' nightmares, which began shortly after his father took him to visit a Dallas flight museum when the boy was 18 months old, center on a plane crash.
"They were terrible, terrible," Andrea Leininger told the Tribune-Review News Service in 2004. "He would scream, 'airplane crash, on fire, little man can't get out!' He'd be kicking, with his hands pointing up at the ceiling."
Andrea Leininger believes her son is the reincarnation of Huston. Neither Bob Huston nor Barron know exactly what to think.
"I don't think when we die we just stop," Barron said. "I don't think I'll know until I go there myself."
Bruce Leininger said James' recollections have been fewer as he's gotten older. And that's a good thing.
"He feels kind of special that he attracts this type of attention, but we don't try to dwell on it," he said. "We want him to be who he is and have his own life. He used to be interested in airplanes, but now he's into Star Wars, so that's a development."
Still, in some ways, James remains an old soul.
"He uses some dated expressions that we have never used. He has interests in seeing historical things, rather than just wanting to go to Disney World," his father said.
In September 2004, when James was 6, his father took him to a reunion of veterans who served on the Natoma. James was able to recognize one of Huston's former shipmates after 60 years.
"His comment was, 'They're all so old,' " he said.
Foods sometimes spark memories.
"I hadn't made meatloaf in 10 years, so James had never had it," Andrea Leininger told the Tribune-Review News Service in 2004. "When he sat down, he said, 'Meatloaf! I haven't had that since I was on the Natoma.' When we were getting ice cream one day, he told me that they could have ice cream every day on the Natoma."
Bruce Leininger said he is considering penning a book about their experiences with their son.
"I know I'm doing what I'm supposed to do," he said.
Bob Huston and Barron plan to be tuned in when James appears on television.
"I just have to see it," Barron said. "I've met the Leiningers, and they're such nice people. And they're honest people. I'm going to watch it."
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Indigo Races, Starseeds : It's Human Evolution !

The Celebration has begun ... we now dance in harmony with and as the ever flowing eternal now ... We are One ...
Here's a fascinating article I came across on Facebook thanks to our ONEderful brother Bhima Giri !
Ascension Wave Now !
At this time the Starseed Family is in an accelerated cycle of soul plan evolution (The Ascension Wave). Much of this “plan” is to have a mutually supportive connection to the new planetary Frequency Hubs. This “Ascension Wave”, as mentioned in previous articles, is that we are experiencing very concentrated frequency activations in order to create the expansion of light in our bio-energy field. This is needed to activate the DNA to complete our Planetary Ascension. As we go through this level of Planetary Ascension, we are initiated into our “Plan B” Ascended Soul contract for being in greater service to the Earth. This “Plan B” is a whole new story book for our lives and experience. It is an entirely new level of multidimensional experience, frequency connection and world service.
Ascension to higher and higher vibrating light fields is a particular process that involves three main levels for the human body. The “Initiation”, “Accretion” and “Activation” processes. As you are “initiated” to the higher dimensional light fields, your Auric field is accessing the connection to that quality of frequency on that dimensional plane. As the Auric Field merges with that dimensional field, it begins to “accrete” or absorb that particular frequency into its personal Auric field. As the being’s personal Auric Field becomes filled to capacity, the new light frequency is stored and then anchors into the bodies permanently. Upon this anchoring of frequency certain chakra seals are dissolved and then an ”activation” occurs.
The activation serves to stimulate DNA thereby creating new neurological structures to perceive these higher vibrating light fields. These higher vibrating light fields are also dimensions of which a higher aspect of our self is simultaneously experiencing. We are then merged with that aspect of our Higher Self and become the Higher Self merged with the physical personality. This cycle goes on and on for many future cycles of the soul’s evolution, here on Earth and beyond. However, the Ascension marks an important distinction from other evolutionary cycles. Planetary Ascension means that you are liberated from the cycles of rebirth into the 3rd dimension if you so choose.

In the March article we began to understand more about Root Races when we read about the Lemurian seed fears. To further understand our human lineage and the divine plan for the Earth experiment, we need to know about the Root Races and their purpose. For in knowing this purpose, we can more closely identify our own soul purpose for incarnating during this Ascension cycle.
Earthseeds and Starseeds
In the Earth human lineage there were seven (7) Root Races and five (5) additional races seeded within the Earth gene pool. The 7 Root races are called the “Earthseeds”. Each Earthseed root race evolution cycle was to develop one of the first five (1-5) strands of DNA within the 12 strand DNA original divine human blueprint. The latter additional five races are referred to as the “Cloister” races. Their function was to keep the 12 strand DNA potential alive for the entire human race and represent the advancement of human evolution. The Cloister races are also called the “Starseeds”. So the Earthseeds were a part of the planetary evolutionary cycle to activate each DNA strand 1-5 and then to anchor in each new respective level of dimensional experience for the human species on Earth. And the Starseeds were a part of the planetary evolutionary cycle to hold the dormant DNA strands 7-12 in order to have the template of the divine human in tact through the cycles of evolution. Even though these DNA strands are dormant, it keeps the potential of the divine human’s True Spiritual Inheritance as a 12 Strand DNA Avatar possible. Each strand of DNA when activated correlates to the dimensional field of awareness available to the soul when incarnated in the human physical body.
Throughout the course of human history there has been additional genetic material contributed from various Star Families creating large varieties of Starseeds on Earth. Further hybridization and genetic enhancements resulted in a perfect prototype intended as the seed race for humanity. The perfected genetic code created through this hybridization is referred to as the Indigo Grail Lineage. This Indigo Grail Lineage holds the DNA design to transmute entirely out of biological form and/or hold simultaneously a 12 dimensional awareness within a biological form. These Indigo Grail Lines are the primary grail lines or the “Christ” grail lines among the human races. Absolutely all human biology’s have the potential to receive genetic acceleration, evolutionary advancement that will allow the 12 Strand DNA template to regenerate. This is one of the major purposes of the Indigo Grail Lines to regenerate and activate dormant or damaged DNA templates in the Human races.
All Indigos are born with the 6th DNA strand activated. Also, there are additional encodings operational within the 6th DNA Sub-strands, which allow for the memory of other soul “identity” aspects to be made available when the Indigo is embodied in 3D. However, as Indigo’s incarnate with the 6th-strand activation, it only becomes functional IF they can assemble the lower sub-strand fragments to "plug” fully into the 6th strand. This "IF" depends on what they inherit from their parent's gene code and what kind of environment they are raised in. As we move forward into this Ascension Cycle, the planetary frequency activations will steadily increase in vibrational scale and octave. These higher frequencies when exposed to the Indigo bio-energy field will increase the probability of these genetic enhancements fully activating and thus it becomes available to all of humanity.

Indigo Types in the first category (Indigo 1) are generally experts in working with the larger matrices of the planetary energy fields called “Ley Lines”. These Ley Lines are also known as having “Axiatonal” line points and are comprised of a global energy matrix field for the planetary life force. This is a web-work of energy by which the scalar-wave frequencies of the core Planetary Grid is directed into use for the planet. These energies are also translated into the various planetary chakras, and other vortices of which hold various levels of the planetary life force. They are also the transmission points to receive and store stellar activations of frequency and to anchor those transmissions into the planetary body. Since we are in an aggressive frequency activation cycle, this affects the balance of the planetary grid and its many energy tributaries in the Ley Lines. These Indigos can transmit energy, frequency or light codes to further rebalance certain planet vortices or key points on the planetary grid. They will be lead to hold groups and create large amounts of available light codes and frequency to heal or rebalance these Ley Lines. Many of these Indigos will be lead to travel extensively and will find themselves in many countries or spaces in short periods of time. This will occur naturally, if it is a part of the soul’s contract.
This will emerge and become clear as you align to your highest soul purpose. Many Indigo 1’s have contracts with certain land demographics and are holding specific codes for the planet precisely for this time of Ascension for its frequency activation. These codes are transmitted from the Indigo’s personal energy field and anchored into the appropriate areas when they are called upon to be of service. Sometimes these Indigos will be fully conscious when in this process, or not. The bottom line is, if you find yourself traveling to many different places on the planet this year and forward, you have this contract. Your Higher Self will be working on these particular projects even as you are asleep. If you resonate with this for you personally, ask to be directed by your evolution teams and that you wish to be interactive in working with the planetary energies consciously.
I also feel this group will be largely responsible for working with the new Frequency Hubs in a variety of ways. Particularly in coming together to build and create conscious or intentional communities of Indigos (And all Multidimensional Beings) stationed in various areas on the planet. These new communities will be a well spring of new education and awareness of creating integrative, sustainable living in harmony with nature. Other communities will be the cosmic stations for our Interstellar connections and will begin a new portal of communication with our extended Star Families. They will be communities created with high level of available frequency that will render them as safe zones. These safe zones will repel levels of density or the actions of cause and effect from the 3D world. You will be internally guided to be in these areas during any possible planet climate shifts or cataclysm. Listen and cultivate your Higher Sensory Perception as this will emerge from your feeling/ intuitive body. Do not worry as this will happen effortlessly and easily as you merge with your soul plan.

The Indigo 2’s are specifically working to regenerate and activate the Human DNA template’s to its highest potential. This will be the group of healers, the energy transmitters, working directly in the healing arts in some way. Each one has a specific gift of healing tools, light codes to assist humans in healing distortions embedded in the physical and energetic bodies. These distortions have been created and inherited from the karmic patterning resulting from all the incarnating evolutionary cycles.
Also at this time of acceleration, it is required for some humans undergoing the Ascension process to be assisted with Etheric Surgery. Etheric Surgery is a new term for a new group of facilitators emerging to work on the multidimensional anatomy by supporting the Nadis system or other layers of the Auric Field. The Nadis System is the Electrical Nerval Plexus that receives and transmits the new frequencies being absorbed into the entire individual energy matrix and the cellular body. It acts as an energetic “switchboard” for the entire bio-energy field. The Nadis system is located at the etheric template layer of the energy bodies and may need to be upgraded in order to be calibrated easily to the new energies introduced to the personal field. This rewiring occurs to hold the new resonant frequencies in the individual’s body with minimum discomfort. This will be a new career, as one of the many new healing modalities surfacing at this time.
Many of these Indigos are the teachers of the New Energy and will emerge to discuss openly about the Ascension Process and it’s meaning for the evolution of the human species. Some will be recruited to create Wellness Centers with various holistic healing technologies based on spiritual-energetic principles. These groups are the bridge between the Old Energy world and the New Energy world. They are the way showers for embodying the principle of “Unification” and “Integration” and serving as the example of how to live in harmony with all things. They will teach by being this example.

Indigo 3
These are the Polarity Integrators. These groups of Indigos have a very challenging task indeed. We need to honor these beloved ones with the gift they bring humanity. Indigo 3’s are soul essences that are assisting in the evolution of the less evolved, often aggressive, soul with whom they may share within the same body. They are incarnating in this way to heal the vast levels of distortion between a genetically enhanced soul and a less evolved soul. This way as they integrate these two extreme soul aspects within the same bio-energy field, they are creating the unification of these two poles that allow a template for polarity integration. This template, when created in this realm, can then more easily heal and unify the love and fear polarities. This is a way to fully integrate the levels of mental-emotional polarity humans have experienced for many time cycles. Over time, these levels of imbalance created huge amounts of karmic patterning held within the bodies of all humans, including the planetary body.
Also, these Indigo level soul contracts were needed as the human lineage has experienced great levels of pain and fear resulting from the original “separation” imprint from source. This pain and fear over many evolutionary cycles created distortion in the cellular memory of the planet and within all of the collective consciousness. Additionally there has been genetic manipulation or hybridization that has created damage to the Divine Human’s 12 Strand DNA blueprint within certain soul groups. As we journey back into the light in this Ascension Cycle, this soul purpose helps assist the planet in dissolving the fear and its related distortions into the higher vibrations of love.
In some Indigo 3’s, the huge chasm between the two soul essences sharing the same body sometimes disrupts the natural balance of the bio-energy field. These two or more soul essences may create a conflict within the DNA instruction template that disrupts or limits certain physical functioning. This then can manifest in the physical body as imbalances in the neurotransmitters of the brain and the endocrine system. The endocrine system is our glandular system which is responsible for secreting hormones into our blood stream to normalize certain bodily functions. Everything within the body’s system of metabolic regulation is due to hormonal production from our glandular system.
These hormonal or chemical disruptions in the body can create intermittent or chronic extremes of mental and/or emotional detachment from the 3D reality. In the more severe cases of this chemical disruption, impairments of the brain and other physical neurological functions become evident. In recent years, we have seen a huge acceleration of cases of childhood Autism, ADD and other learning or behavioral disorders. These soul groups are largely Indigo 3’s.

Planetary Leadership
Some of us may identify with all of these aspects of Indigo Typing. These are usually the spiritually developed souls that have ambitious contracts of Planetary Leadership. Many times a soul will have come in to experience this level of mastery on the physical plane in order to have greater impact on human development during this time. Many of us can evolve and grow into these new contracts in this lifetime, as the Spiritual Masters are always cultivating new representatives of themselves for the physical plane. We are stepping up in the evolutionary scale to be the Ascended Masters embodied in the physical. As it has been referred to previously, WE are the externalization of the Spiritual Hierarchy here on Earth! That time is here for All of us now!
For this month do continue to work on techniques exercising your intuitive perception. Learn to listen to your body and "feeling" senses and to more finely hone your skill. Working with your Higher Self journaling and automatic writing will be most helpful for increased clarity on your internal questions. Start asking more about your journey this year. What do you need to work on now? Surprisingly, many of the most challenging circumstances you are facing are exactly aligned with your perfect soul path. You are clearing some of the deepest layers ever! When this becomes clear to you, that the divine is supporting you fully, it really can shift your attitude to gratitude. This developing your relationship to your Higher Self will greatly activate your inherent abilities of Higher Sensory Perception. Pay attention around the full moon in Mid May to give yourself extra loving care during some of the intense Ascension energies we will experience. Use that Full moon to enhance your communication with the Spiritual Hierarchy.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
The Blue Ray Children
The Blue-Ray children were the forerunners of the new root race, who were from the ‘mental’ plane of existence, whose colour vibration was ‘blue’. They were the souls from the ancient land of Lemuria, whereas the Indigo’s are predominantly Atlantean. (A future subject later this year).The Indigo’s layed the groundwork for the Blue-rays, which enabled them step into their roles as teachers. The Indigo and Blue colours are very close in the colour spectrum and this can be seen as a natural process of movement through subtle vibrations.Blue is the colour of the throat chakra, there fore these children act as a voice, or use some kind of creative media in helping and teaching the world. These Children ‘evolve’ very quickly: “They are teaching others by the age of four or five. By the time they reach their twelfth year, the Blue Ones would be equivalent to an average adult who has spent perhaps twenty-five years as a teacher”. They also have telekinetic powers, a ‘knowing’ of their mission on Earth and many traits associated with all the other categories of Children.
The following are characteristics of the blue children¨:
1. Blue Ray Children have dreams that are highly evolved, and they begin dreaming and remembering dreams at a very early age.
2. They have an affinity for languages of all types. Many speak more than one language, if exposed, by age three.
3. They are determined, and at time can be quite stubborn (much like the Indigo’s).
4. They invent pretending games in which they take on the role of healer,
using laying on of hands.
5. They are drawn to water, more than any other setting. They often stare into space at length, especially when near rivers, oceans or even the blue
6. They have an understanding of how animals feel and think. They explain this to others in a matter-of-fact – “Don’t you know?”- manner.
7. By the time they reach their teens, many have a desire to go to other countries – often attempting to urge their parents to take them, or going so far as to plan their own trips.
8. Their personalities seem to fluctuate between two extremes – from being serious, single-minded and focused (like the Indigo Children), to being dreamy-eyed and distant (like the Crystal Children).
These children are voices for the new age of enlightenment.
The Rainbow Children
The Rainbow children have slightly different characteristics. Each of these will help you as parents give you further in depth understanding of your child.
A so called problem child is often a sensitive child that is aware of other vibrations and unable to fit it to mainstream society. They or the parent is not at fault, but with greater depth and understanding of the different vibrational shifts each child enters earth with then a greater understanding we will all be able to incorporate into our world.
Rainbow Children tend to have:
*have very strong wills and personalities
*be very high energy
*be very attuned to colour and colour vibrations around them
*have passionate creativity
*love bright clothing and colourful environments
*bubble over with enthusiasm for everything in life
*expect instant manifestation of whatever they think/need
*have healing abilities
*have telepathy

The Rainbow Children seem to be here to implement the Divine Will, they will use their strong will and energy to build the new world on the foundation of peace and harmony the crystal children are laying down. And the crystal children are only able to lay down that foundation because the indigo children have already forged the path and broken down all of the old barriers! There is a pattern that is emerging within the soul groups of children that are coming into this world, and as we watch them, we can get a very good idea of where our world is headed.
The following are characteristics of the blue children¨:
1. Blue Ray Children have dreams that are highly evolved, and they begin dreaming and remembering dreams at a very early age.
2. They have an affinity for languages of all types. Many speak more than one language, if exposed, by age three.
3. They are determined, and at time can be quite stubborn (much like the Indigo’s).
4. They invent pretending games in which they take on the role of healer,
using laying on of hands.
5. They are drawn to water, more than any other setting. They often stare into space at length, especially when near rivers, oceans or even the blue
6. They have an understanding of how animals feel and think. They explain this to others in a matter-of-fact – “Don’t you know?”- manner.
7. By the time they reach their teens, many have a desire to go to other countries – often attempting to urge their parents to take them, or going so far as to plan their own trips.
8. Their personalities seem to fluctuate between two extremes – from being serious, single-minded and focused (like the Indigo Children), to being dreamy-eyed and distant (like the Crystal Children).
These children are voices for the new age of enlightenment.
The Rainbow Children
The Rainbow children have slightly different characteristics. Each of these will help you as parents give you further in depth understanding of your child.
A so called problem child is often a sensitive child that is aware of other vibrations and unable to fit it to mainstream society. They or the parent is not at fault, but with greater depth and understanding of the different vibrational shifts each child enters earth with then a greater understanding we will all be able to incorporate into our world.
Rainbow Children tend to have:
*have very strong wills and personalities
*be very high energy
*be very attuned to colour and colour vibrations around them
*have passionate creativity
*love bright clothing and colourful environments
*bubble over with enthusiasm for everything in life
*expect instant manifestation of whatever they think/need
*have healing abilities
*have telepathy

The Rainbow Children seem to be here to implement the Divine Will, they will use their strong will and energy to build the new world on the foundation of peace and harmony the crystal children are laying down. And the crystal children are only able to lay down that foundation because the indigo children have already forged the path and broken down all of the old barriers! There is a pattern that is emerging within the soul groups of children that are coming into this world, and as we watch them, we can get a very good idea of where our world is headed.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Psychic Birthmarks
The Past is Still Present
When most people look for evidence of their past lives, they usually overlook evidence that is "hiding in plain sight".
Seeing the World With New Eyes
Looking at the present day world through past life eyeglasses can give one a whole new perspective on and an explanation for certain phenomena that has been and is present in "real life". Here is some evidence of past life carryovers that explain several observable present day situations and phenomena.
The "deja vu" experience is the feeling that we have been somewhere or done something before when we could not possibly "have been there or done that".
Many believe that children's past life memories are among the most compelling because, given the level and complexity of detail "remembered".
Extreme forms of past life manifestations in children are the phenomena of "child prodigies" (children who are born with extremely advanced expertize) and "idiot savants" (children who can perform complex mathematical or scientific calculations but are lacking in very basic social skills).
Child prodigies have developed certain skill sets in such a high degree in past lives that they become deeply ingrained in their persona. So when that Soul reincarnates, the skills come along in the new body fully intact and a child prodigy is born. For example, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart believed that he had been a musician in many past lives where he had developed his amazing technical skills.
Similarly, idiot savants reincarnate with fully developed skill sets but there is usually such a serious imbalance between their mental and emotional bodies as to put the mental body completely in control of the individual. The mind "out of control" drives the emotions and the physical body of the savant to act in ways that are considered to be socially unacceptable. The karmic goal of this existence is to "knock" the emotions back into shape and restore balance.
Xenoglossy is someone's "ability to speak or write in a language that has not been learned". Cases of xenoglossy are the hardest to explain - other than in the context of past lives - where the individual involved "spontaneously" can write in languages long extinct and known only to a handful of research scholars.
Multiple or severe birth defects are usually the result of an individual being on the spiritual "debt consolidation karmic payment plan". Since birth conditions can never be ignored and usually last for the entire lifetime, they become the perfect vehicles for the working off of serious and complex karmic conditions arising from past lives. It is as if all the individual's problems have been rolled into one big, gigantic ball that the individual will be dragging around for "the rest of their life".
"Birthmarks or other physiological manifestations have been found to relate to experiences of past lives, particularly violent death.
Many people dream about looking across a crowded room and seeing the love of their life. "Love at First Sight" is a well documented historical phenomenon. Caesar and Cleopatra acted as man and wife from almost the first moment they met one another. Once Czar Nicholas met Lady Alexandra, he - in an uncharacteristic act of stubbornness - refused to consider marrying anyone else. After Queen Victoria met Albert, she became determined to marry him. The same with King Henry II and Eleanor of Aquitaine, King Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn, and the list goes on.
Every attitude and belief you have comes from somewhere. Obsessions and compulsions in this lifetime are usually directly traceable back to a past life where they originated. If the traits or the behaviors are disempowering enough in one's life today, then it becomes a Obssesive Compulsive Disorder (OCD).
Multiple personality disorders (MPD) and/or Schizophrenia (SCH) can be caused by the emergence of past life personalities that arise to help the present day person solve problem(s). The trouble comes when these past life personalities are not properly reintegrated back into the present day person's memory.
Ever met someone whose life was a "bad news buffet"? Ever met someone whose life - if put on a television soap opera - would be just too tragic to be believed? Ever met someone who never seems to get ahead and is the classic case of "when bad things happen to good people"? Most people have.
It raises the classic problem of "evil": for how does a truly loving God let "bad things" happen to some of His children and not others? The answer is: "as one has sown, so also shall one reap" and those who "sow the wind" will "harvest the whirlwind". In the context of present lives being the working out of past life causes, there is no hard luck... there are only experiences one has chosen. Often those experiences are to suffer for ourselves what we have caused others to suffer.
The encounter with the "problem of evil" is greater nowhere than in cases of infants born addicted to drugs or severely compromised mentally and physically as in Down's Syndrome cases. If a person only "got only one shot at life" and it was with extreme birth defects like these, then how could belief in a loving, just, and merciful God be possible? I think it could not be.
When it becomes clear that these situations were chosen by returning suicides, Nazi medical experimenters, serial killers, and the like to understand the effects of their brutality, then the role of cosmic justice becomes clear.
When most people look for evidence of their past lives, they usually overlook evidence that is "hiding in plain sight".
Seeing the World With New Eyes
Looking at the present day world through past life eyeglasses can give one a whole new perspective on and an explanation for certain phenomena that has been and is present in "real life". Here is some evidence of past life carryovers that explain several observable present day situations and phenomena.
The "deja vu" experience is the feeling that we have been somewhere or done something before when we could not possibly "have been there or done that".
Many believe that children's past life memories are among the most compelling because, given the level and complexity of detail "remembered".
Extreme forms of past life manifestations in children are the phenomena of "child prodigies" (children who are born with extremely advanced expertize) and "idiot savants" (children who can perform complex mathematical or scientific calculations but are lacking in very basic social skills).
Child prodigies have developed certain skill sets in such a high degree in past lives that they become deeply ingrained in their persona. So when that Soul reincarnates, the skills come along in the new body fully intact and a child prodigy is born. For example, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart believed that he had been a musician in many past lives where he had developed his amazing technical skills.
Similarly, idiot savants reincarnate with fully developed skill sets but there is usually such a serious imbalance between their mental and emotional bodies as to put the mental body completely in control of the individual. The mind "out of control" drives the emotions and the physical body of the savant to act in ways that are considered to be socially unacceptable. The karmic goal of this existence is to "knock" the emotions back into shape and restore balance.
Xenoglossy is someone's "ability to speak or write in a language that has not been learned". Cases of xenoglossy are the hardest to explain - other than in the context of past lives - where the individual involved "spontaneously" can write in languages long extinct and known only to a handful of research scholars.
Multiple or severe birth defects are usually the result of an individual being on the spiritual "debt consolidation karmic payment plan". Since birth conditions can never be ignored and usually last for the entire lifetime, they become the perfect vehicles for the working off of serious and complex karmic conditions arising from past lives. It is as if all the individual's problems have been rolled into one big, gigantic ball that the individual will be dragging around for "the rest of their life".
"Birthmarks or other physiological manifestations have been found to relate to experiences of past lives, particularly violent death.
Every attitude and belief you have comes from somewhere. Obsessions and compulsions in this lifetime are usually directly traceable back to a past life where they originated. If the traits or the behaviors are disempowering enough in one's life today, then it becomes a Obssesive Compulsive Disorder (OCD).
Multiple personality disorders (MPD) and/or Schizophrenia (SCH) can be caused by the emergence of past life personalities that arise to help the present day person solve problem(s). The trouble comes when these past life personalities are not properly reintegrated back into the present day person's memory.
Ever met someone whose life was a "bad news buffet"? Ever met someone whose life - if put on a television soap opera - would be just too tragic to be believed? Ever met someone who never seems to get ahead and is the classic case of "when bad things happen to good people"? Most people have.
It raises the classic problem of "evil": for how does a truly loving God let "bad things" happen to some of His children and not others? The answer is: "as one has sown, so also shall one reap" and those who "sow the wind" will "harvest the whirlwind". In the context of present lives being the working out of past life causes, there is no hard luck... there are only experiences one has chosen. Often those experiences are to suffer for ourselves what we have caused others to suffer.
The encounter with the "problem of evil" is greater nowhere than in cases of infants born addicted to drugs or severely compromised mentally and physically as in Down's Syndrome cases. If a person only "got only one shot at life" and it was with extreme birth defects like these, then how could belief in a loving, just, and merciful God be possible? I think it could not be.
When it becomes clear that these situations were chosen by returning suicides, Nazi medical experimenters, serial killers, and the like to understand the effects of their brutality, then the role of cosmic justice becomes clear.
A tangible form of the "deja vu"
Learn all about Blue Star
Their coming has been as part of the increased Radiance and Light that has surrounded the Earth since the 11:11:11 stargate. Their presence has assisted also in the increased acceleration of the Earth's Merkaba field. Individuals have also felt the increased velocity in their own Merkaba fields as they experienced the process of vibrational "entrainment" with these incoming starseeds and their higher levels of conscicousness.
The Blue Star Children have waited until this moment to incarnate on the Planet. They have waited until the Paradise grid was in place and a large group of Lightworkers have moved through to the 9th Dimension to hold the Christ Consciousness grid. Once these two factors were in place, the Blue Star Children were able to incarnate to do their special work.
They will be born at the 9th Dimensional level of Consciousness, and they will anchor their material incarnation into the Paradise Grid.
What makes these New Children unique and wonderful as well, is that their soul templates derive from the Sirius Star System, and they bring a new template to Earth that will carry the seeds of further human spiritual evolution and growth in the New Earth. Yes, dearest souls, even now as the New Earth is birthing, the Higher Dimensions are mindful of ensuring that humanity continues to evolve and grow through the Octaves of Light.
The Blue Star Children carry within themselves the seeds of life on an Octave of Experience that begins with the Ninth Dimension, the place where most of you will have completed your Ascension journey. The Blue Star children stand poised to continue the journey towards the Light. But this will not be for many generations as yet, for these children will be seeds and what they bring will be shared with all of Earth's Crystal of Christed population.
As these children incarnate into these communities, their presence will be like Blue Lightening. There will be such a current of vitality in their presence that will transform and energize the traditions and wisdom's of the indigenous peoples. They themselves will honor these traditions and accord them great respect. This is necessary, so that the New Earth population will learn to accept and honor the Earth Wisdom of the Indigenous Communities once again. And that these communities shake off any feelings of exploitation and inadequacy, and once again honor the source wisdom in their traditions and rituals.
Initially, also, these children will be anchor points for the energy of Peace. Their very presence will radiate peace and calm. Those of you who have felt their vibration recently have also noticed how sensitive you feel, and how connected to the Flow of your Heart's feelings. This is the energy of the Blue Star children. They will be immensely powerful, but it will be the power of absolute integrity and alignment with Higher Principles. They will be completely aligned with the Energy of the Heart, and with the Light of Source from their Birth, and they will never lose that Higher Connection. They will be powerful, but they will also be very gentle. Their very gentleness will create that space of peace with which you will come to recognize them.
So, dearest Lightworkers, in the midst of all the turmoil and change and challenges of this special time, you are indeed privileged to welcome the Children of the Lightening Blue Ray to your Planet!
The Blue Star Children by Elizabeth Ballico (Raihn)
Before I commence:
The information I have written below is based on messages I have received from Archangel Michael over the last year. He seeks to enlighten by making us aware of the changes happening in our world at this moment in time. He seeks to create a greater understanding of the Children being born into our world at this time. I have been told that children born in the years 2011 and 2012 are different again- they will be similar to the Crystal Children in many ways and will resonate to the rainbow spectrum as contained in the colour white. In addition to Michael's wisdom, I have been and am currently conducting my own research into the 'blue stars' and as a part of this would dearly love constructive feedback - particularly if this resonates to you and your child or grandchild.
PLEASE let me know of other aspects I may have missed! I am open to questions and will answer where I can. As with ALL spiritual guidance - keep an open mind, take what you need and leave what you don't. I only wish to share. In love & blue light, Elizabeth Ballico ( Raihn) 6th August 2006
The crystal children are still finding their way- many diagnosed as autistic- they are in reality, super dooper sensitive to our world, energies, senses, foods, toxins etc..... they are incredibly psychic & aware of , what to us, is the unseen world.
OK.....with me so far......... ......?
In a nutshell ( as opposed to a NUTHOUSE, where Marc thinks I should be)- what we have coming through now are an extremely psychic and advanced line of children. This applies to all children born in the period of 2000-10 regardless of new soul or returning soul- if you have a child born within this period, they will definitely be one of the blue star children.
When I questioned the 'blue star' aspect, I was told that all souls entering the earth realm between 2000-10 were ' marked' while still on high ( in the soul state) with a blue 5 pointed star( pentacle) in the place of their brow/ 3rd eye chakra. This is symbolic of their connection with the Divine and also their connection with the earth and her elements. The blue is in fact, the colour of Lord Michael and his healing rays and because at this time in the earths evolution, Lord Michael is seen as the leader of the archangel hierarchy- these children are working for Him, with Him and through Him and his place on the 1st ray.
Not surprisingly, the 'blue star' children resonate to blue. Ideally, they would love to be surrounded by shades of blue and will be pulled towards the colour at all times, it calms them, heals them and connects them. Blue crystals - angelite, blue lace agate etc are ideal placed in the sleeping areas of these children. They will be articulate children in words and precise in deeds. Being as they are,children of Lord Michael's realm, his association with the throat chakra and communication - (again , blue) will be very obvious. Illnesses relating to chest and throat will be seen in blue star children when they are feeling 'overwhelmed' with life.
These kids are able to pick up a rock and hear its soul- touch a tree and feel its pain- stand at the ocean and understand the message of the tides. Their closeness with animals and plants comes from the knowledge they carry within them, the truth, that there is NO difference between human/animal/ plant/mineral realms and that in truth, all are one. These are highly enlightened kids and with their special gifts and personality traits comes special needs and responsibilities for their parents and caregivers.
It is by no chance or co incidence ( is anything ?) that these children have been born at this time to these parents. In truth, the parents of the 'blue star' children were especially selected to be born when they were so as to be the parents of these special kids. I would imagine this has also been the case for the indigo's and crystals before them. Again, it is also by no chance that wonderful early learning schools such as Motasorri and Steiner have become so very popular in the last 5-10 year periods- these schools and the environment they provide for children are based in the foundations of allowing children to 'evolve' rather than to be 'educated.' The work of these establishments and of the people who founded and guide them is overseen by guidance from on high. Basically, if you are the parent of a blue star, you will know what I am talking about here. You have been selected as being a parent who can guide and love but who can also allow true growth and _expression. It is expected that you are more open to things of a spiritual nature than say, your own parents were.
You can expect your children to be bright, sensitive, articulate, precise yet very, very deep and profound. They are open to things at different levels to what we are, so don't be surprised at the amount of imaginary friends and deceased relatives that will show up for dinner.
Your children, like all kids will challenge you and your ideas, thoughts and beliefs. Believe in them- open your mind to them and their words. They possess 'wisdom' that is obvious from the first moment of life and by the time they reach puberty, in many cases will be equal to you in intelligence and understanding of the world. Most probably, they will surpass you on spiritual and psychic levels. They are natural earth healers, being able to lay hands on anything at all and impart healing energies. They are drawn to people or animals in pain and will 'touch' to take away pain. Basically, they are born to heal on all levels.
The other side of all this I guess is the fact that these kids are sensitive to harshness on all levels - bright lights, preservatives, loud noise, cruelty, anger, extremes of climate and temperature amongst other things. Food/feeding can cause headaches for all concerned. Allow them to eat when hungry where possible. Their reaction to harshness is to withdraw- to pull their powers inwards to the centre. Illness is also a reaction to unease in their environment. Throat and chest illness seems to dominate.
One main thing I have noticed is that the 'new souls' of the 'blue stars' are ACTIVE little creatures !! It is very obvious that the earth environment and physical incarnation is new to them and this makes it a very exciting place to be. Expect a child who wants to touch, climb, sample, hear, feel, taste everything he/she can get their hands on- a real little dare devil seeking to experience all life has to offer. Get the band aids ready! Remember your first time in a new exciting situation? This is life for the new souls in the blue star kids.
The reincarnated 'blue stars' are more reserved and having experienced physical reality before, will be less likely to be found swinging from the light fittings in the lounge room. ( been there, done that!) I am of course, open to questions on this subject- PLEASE keep in mind that I am only a Messenger relaying to you what information I am given from my Divine Guides. Take what resonates with you and leave the rest.
The Blue Star Children have waited until this moment to incarnate on the Planet. They have waited until the Paradise grid was in place and a large group of Lightworkers have moved through to the 9th Dimension to hold the Christ Consciousness grid. Once these two factors were in place, the Blue Star Children were able to incarnate to do their special work.
They will be born at the 9th Dimensional level of Consciousness, and they will anchor their material incarnation into the Paradise Grid.
Children of the Blue Star
The Energy and Color Harmonic on which these children incarnate is a Ray of intense Sapphire Blue. But within this Sapphire Ray are also flashes of White Diamond Light. It is like Blue Lightening, a fiery cosmic energy of a very high vibration. Those of you who have been able to feel their energy have felt dizziness and spaciness, and experienced a detoxification as your bodies have "entrained" to the vibration of these incoming souls as they help to "lift" the Planet further on her Ascension journey.What makes these New Children unique and wonderful as well, is that their soul templates derive from the Sirius Star System, and they bring a new template to Earth that will carry the seeds of further human spiritual evolution and growth in the New Earth. Yes, dearest souls, even now as the New Earth is birthing, the Higher Dimensions are mindful of ensuring that humanity continues to evolve and grow through the Octaves of Light.
The Blue Star Children carry within themselves the seeds of life on an Octave of Experience that begins with the Ninth Dimension, the place where most of you will have completed your Ascension journey. The Blue Star children stand poised to continue the journey towards the Light. But this will not be for many generations as yet, for these children will be seeds and what they bring will be shared with all of Earth's Crystal of Christed population.
Holding Peace and Bringing Vitality
Initially, the Blue Star children will incarnate across all communities, but they will seek specially to incarnate into Indigenous communities, or to parents who have close ties to Indigenous communities. The reason for this is that the first part of their work is to revitalize and re-energize the Indigenous traditions of the Earth.As these children incarnate into these communities, their presence will be like Blue Lightening. There will be such a current of vitality in their presence that will transform and energize the traditions and wisdom's of the indigenous peoples. They themselves will honor these traditions and accord them great respect. This is necessary, so that the New Earth population will learn to accept and honor the Earth Wisdom of the Indigenous Communities once again. And that these communities shake off any feelings of exploitation and inadequacy, and once again honor the source wisdom in their traditions and rituals.
Initially, also, these children will be anchor points for the energy of Peace. Their very presence will radiate peace and calm. Those of you who have felt their vibration recently have also noticed how sensitive you feel, and how connected to the Flow of your Heart's feelings. This is the energy of the Blue Star children. They will be immensely powerful, but it will be the power of absolute integrity and alignment with Higher Principles. They will be completely aligned with the Energy of the Heart, and with the Light of Source from their Birth, and they will never lose that Higher Connection. They will be powerful, but they will also be very gentle. Their very gentleness will create that space of peace with which you will come to recognize them.
So, dearest Lightworkers, in the midst of all the turmoil and change and challenges of this special time, you are indeed privileged to welcome the Children of the Lightening Blue Ray to your Planet!
The Blue Star Children by Elizabeth Ballico (Raihn)
Before I commence:
The information I have written below is based on messages I have received from Archangel Michael over the last year. He seeks to enlighten by making us aware of the changes happening in our world at this moment in time. He seeks to create a greater understanding of the Children being born into our world at this time. I have been told that children born in the years 2011 and 2012 are different again- they will be similar to the Crystal Children in many ways and will resonate to the rainbow spectrum as contained in the colour white. In addition to Michael's wisdom, I have been and am currently conducting my own research into the 'blue stars' and as a part of this would dearly love constructive feedback - particularly if this resonates to you and your child or grandchild.
PLEASE let me know of other aspects I may have missed! I am open to questions and will answer where I can. As with ALL spiritual guidance - keep an open mind, take what you need and leave what you don't. I only wish to share. In love & blue light, Elizabeth Ballico ( Raihn) 6th August 2006
The crystal children are still finding their way- many diagnosed as autistic- they are in reality, super dooper sensitive to our world, energies, senses, foods, toxins etc..... they are incredibly psychic & aware of , what to us, is the unseen world.
The Blue Star Children
OK.....with me so far......... ......?
In a nutshell ( as opposed to a NUTHOUSE, where Marc thinks I should be)- what we have coming through now are an extremely psychic and advanced line of children. This applies to all children born in the period of 2000-10 regardless of new soul or returning soul- if you have a child born within this period, they will definitely be one of the blue star children.
When I questioned the 'blue star' aspect, I was told that all souls entering the earth realm between 2000-10 were ' marked' while still on high ( in the soul state) with a blue 5 pointed star( pentacle) in the place of their brow/ 3rd eye chakra. This is symbolic of their connection with the Divine and also their connection with the earth and her elements. The blue is in fact, the colour of Lord Michael and his healing rays and because at this time in the earths evolution, Lord Michael is seen as the leader of the archangel hierarchy- these children are working for Him, with Him and through Him and his place on the 1st ray.
Not surprisingly, the 'blue star' children resonate to blue. Ideally, they would love to be surrounded by shades of blue and will be pulled towards the colour at all times, it calms them, heals them and connects them. Blue crystals - angelite, blue lace agate etc are ideal placed in the sleeping areas of these children. They will be articulate children in words and precise in deeds. Being as they are,children of Lord Michael's realm, his association with the throat chakra and communication - (again , blue) will be very obvious. Illnesses relating to chest and throat will be seen in blue star children when they are feeling 'overwhelmed' with life.
These kids are able to pick up a rock and hear its soul- touch a tree and feel its pain- stand at the ocean and understand the message of the tides. Their closeness with animals and plants comes from the knowledge they carry within them, the truth, that there is NO difference between human/animal/ plant/mineral realms and that in truth, all are one. These are highly enlightened kids and with their special gifts and personality traits comes special needs and responsibilities for their parents and caregivers.
It is by no chance or co incidence ( is anything ?) that these children have been born at this time to these parents. In truth, the parents of the 'blue star' children were especially selected to be born when they were so as to be the parents of these special kids. I would imagine this has also been the case for the indigo's and crystals before them. Again, it is also by no chance that wonderful early learning schools such as Motasorri and Steiner have become so very popular in the last 5-10 year periods- these schools and the environment they provide for children are based in the foundations of allowing children to 'evolve' rather than to be 'educated.' The work of these establishments and of the people who founded and guide them is overseen by guidance from on high. Basically, if you are the parent of a blue star, you will know what I am talking about here. You have been selected as being a parent who can guide and love but who can also allow true growth and _expression. It is expected that you are more open to things of a spiritual nature than say, your own parents were.
You can expect your children to be bright, sensitive, articulate, precise yet very, very deep and profound. They are open to things at different levels to what we are, so don't be surprised at the amount of imaginary friends and deceased relatives that will show up for dinner.
Your children, like all kids will challenge you and your ideas, thoughts and beliefs. Believe in them- open your mind to them and their words. They possess 'wisdom' that is obvious from the first moment of life and by the time they reach puberty, in many cases will be equal to you in intelligence and understanding of the world. Most probably, they will surpass you on spiritual and psychic levels. They are natural earth healers, being able to lay hands on anything at all and impart healing energies. They are drawn to people or animals in pain and will 'touch' to take away pain. Basically, they are born to heal on all levels.
The other side of all this I guess is the fact that these kids are sensitive to harshness on all levels - bright lights, preservatives, loud noise, cruelty, anger, extremes of climate and temperature amongst other things. Food/feeding can cause headaches for all concerned. Allow them to eat when hungry where possible. Their reaction to harshness is to withdraw- to pull their powers inwards to the centre. Illness is also a reaction to unease in their environment. Throat and chest illness seems to dominate.
One main thing I have noticed is that the 'new souls' of the 'blue stars' are ACTIVE little creatures !! It is very obvious that the earth environment and physical incarnation is new to them and this makes it a very exciting place to be. Expect a child who wants to touch, climb, sample, hear, feel, taste everything he/she can get their hands on- a real little dare devil seeking to experience all life has to offer. Get the band aids ready! Remember your first time in a new exciting situation? This is life for the new souls in the blue star kids.
The reincarnated 'blue stars' are more reserved and having experienced physical reality before, will be less likely to be found swinging from the light fittings in the lounge room. ( been there, done that!) I am of course, open to questions on this subject- PLEASE keep in mind that I am only a Messenger relaying to you what information I am given from my Divine Guides. Take what resonates with you and leave the rest.
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